ASB's New Member(2)

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Olivia slaps two folders in front of Alex and myself. Her smile is nowhere to be found and her happy aura is missing. "I have good news and bad news," she sighed, standing straight up, "you choose which one you want first."

Alex chose, "Bad."

Olivia pushed a folder to us, looking very... scared. I was the one to pick it up and when I read the lines inside, I almost killed everyone in the room, "What?"

"You see Ani," Olivia tugs Alex beside, taking a few steps back, "I tried to reason with them... even talk them out of it, but.... those girls just don't listen.... I'm sorry." In the folder was a bill... a bill that had over six hundred dollars on it.

Taking a deep breath through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, I calmly asked, "And when was this payment made?"

"Three days ago," Olivia muttered.

"Three days ago," I repeated, unsure who to kill; Olivia for being so unobservant that she didn't realize they made the payment so many days ago or Cassie... for spend over six hundred dollar on Cheer outfits! Placing my hands on the table, I desperately try to think of something. The Cheer club is in debt... at this point it's either the ASB council to give them the money or have the Cheer group return all the things they bought.... But it's not like you can return Cheer Uniforms since they are purposely designed to have school names on it!

That leaves one more option.

"Alex," I straighten my back, turning towards her, "tell the Cheer club they must fundraise or find a way to earn two hundred dollars. If they won't... I will inform the principal and have the club be disbanded for the remainder of the year."

"Are you sure?" Alex took the folder, shaking, "Cassidy Winters won't take too kindly to that."

"Inform her that it's her fault," I answered, "and if she complains, I will report this immediately. They have two weeks to earn the money."

"Two weeks?" Olivia added, "Prez... that's literally impossible for high school students."

"If I could earn four hundred dollars in two days for their club, they can get two hundred," I yelled but immediately covered my mouth once the words left.

Olivia and Alex were quiet, probably shocked to find out that I, the girl who supposedly despises Cassie the most in the school, helped out her club. A couple minutes passed when Olivia took the folder from Alex and broke the silence, "I will go with Alex. Those girls will eat her up otherwise." They headed for the door, but stopped only for a moment, "You can't keep covering for people Prez... you've been doing it for way too long." With that they left the club room to take care of everything.

Anxious, I ripped open work and busied myself. How could I just let that slip out so easily? I'm not some five year old who can't keep secrets. The worst part is I said with some much anger... they'll probably get suspicious. I would. I definitely would.

"Excuse me?" I glanced over my shoulder to see a boy... a boy who looked oddly familiar, "Is.. Antonia... eh... I don't know how to say her last name."

"Ani," I said, "and you?"

He nodded, coming into the room with his hand extended for a handshake, "Hi, my name is Zachary Hashima. I moved here a couple days ago and I really wanted to be part of the ASB here. The principal said he sent my folder over to you?"

"He did," I sighed, "but that doesn't mean you're in."

"Then what do I have to do to be in?" I looked over at him, seeing a smiling kid.

Facing him, I ask, "Your a Junior, right?"


"You were part of the electrical section of ASB, correct?"


We do need more people on the electrical committee. "Do you have anything important after school?"

"Swim practice."

"Sorry kid," I went back to help, "we work hard here so we tend to stay here for a long time after school ends. Better luck next-" "My swim practice starts at eight and ends around ten at night," he interrupted, capturing my attention, "I also take a foreign language course but that is at four in the morning and ends by six, so I can also come to school early need be. All my sports competitions are set for Sunday. I already spoke to my coach."

"How did you know to do all that?" I asked.

"My first day here I asked the principal to inform me about your club. How long you work, when you schedule things and what it takes to be part of it all. You know how religious students are so that's why you refuse to have anything occur on Sundays," he handed me an application for the club, "please consider me."

Glancing at the sheet and at him, I hold out my hand and say, "Welcome to ASB Zachary."

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