A Future To Dream About(10)

19K 911 309

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... One, two, three...," Cassie was pacing around that two-twenty-one in the morning, counting to ten with her eyes closed. She was on the verge of a manic attack so she was taking the time to calm herself.  Since she seemed to be in control, I decided to stand back and observe.  She's definitely gotten better at handling her emotions and she only comes to me when it's extremely dangerous.  We haven't even experienced a physical altercation for a while now.  No breaking items or rampaging.  It's been actually very peaceful.  I was deep in thought when she spoke up, "Antonia?"

Glancing up, "Yes?"

"Can I call you that from now on?" She asked, coming a tad closer.

"Is there a particular reason?" I asked.  She played with her fingers, hitting the inside of her cheek.  I said, "Does this deal with Victoria?"  Sudden stop of movements told me everything.  Sighing, I moved over to the couch and took a seat on the arm rest.  I could tell she still thought of Victoria... I don't blame her.  It's one of her most recently memories.  "Cassie, I have seen nor heard from Victoria in years.  After you were emitted into the hospital, I asked for space."

"I-I know... I just... please.  Can I please call you Antonia?" Her voice held desperation, sadness and grief.  I silently observed her, knowing deep down she was really holding in her feelings. 

Reaching my hand out, the moon's light making my ring shimmer, I took her hand and smiled, "Call me whatever you like... I'll always answer."




"I'm sorry!  Here you are!" I handed the biscuit to the woman, smiling at her little puppy, "He was such a good boy.  I wish I had a dog as good as him."

"Oh he's only like this with you," the older woman giggled and waved to me.  Working at Paul's Dog Mart has really changed my life.  I've only been here for about seven and half months but it's really nice.  It was hard to convince Antonia to allow me to work, since she was worried I may have an episode.

It's been over a year since my last episode.  We moved to Montana to get a clean slate.  Antonia received a promotion basically and now works in Law.  She is an evaluator for victims in crimes and accused individuals.  Most of the time she ends up helping children move away from their abusive households.  She's very passionate about it, which seems just like her.  Antonia stands about 5'8 now, her brown hair was cut to her shoulders, she wears suits now but at home it's the usual skirts and sweaters.  She started to wear glasses which look very nice on her.  Makes her seem professional!  I love watching her speak to kids, she very good at it.

Me?  I allowed my hair to grow out.  It rests at mid-thigh and I have dyed it to be black.  Blonde wasn't setting well with me anymore.  Antonia said I should start wearing more causal and appropriate outfits, so I wear the usual shirt-sleeved t-shirts, dark jeans, and some boots.  I wear less makeup but just enough so I don't look dead.  The only jewelry I wear now is my locket and ring.

Grabbing the bird seeds, the owner Paul came into the back, calling for me.  He's a big man who is bald, but he is extremely kind and very considerate.  "Cassidy?  Ah there you are!  Your name wife is at the front!"

Glancing at the clock, I realized I should have checked out about thirty minutes ago.  Rushing to put my things away and grab my purse, I go to the counter to see Antonia reading some files.  Everyday she makes sure to pick me up.  I told her she didn't have to because her work demands a lot of hours, but her reply was, 'I'm Antonia Louisa Meryl.... I get my shit done, so don't worry over it."  And she's kept her word.

Running over to her, I give her a big smile as she puts her files away and gives me a peck, "Work good?"

"I got to play with puppies, kitties, and hamsters... what's not to like?" I said.  She took my hand and we walked to the car.  As she drove, her phone rang.  I answered of course, "Hello?"

"Is this Antonia Meryl?" The woman asked.

"No, it's her wife," I said, putting the phone on speaker.

"Oh that's fine as well!  We just got notice today that your request for adoption has been reviewed and approved.  If you have time, can you come tomorrow?" She said.

"Why tomorrow?" Antonia asked.

"Oh well we have a child that matched with you and your wife.  We'd like for you to come down and talk about it," Antonia pulled over to the side, parking the car.

"Yes we will be there," she immediately pulled out her work phone, "Cassie tell her the info."

I nod as she goes to cancel her work plans tomorrow.  The lady soon asks, "So who will be attending the appointment?"

"Um Antonia and I," I said, feeling my nervous energy rise.  We matched!!!  We matched!

"And can you tell me your date of birth to confirm it is you?" She asked.

"Oh of course!" I told her my birthday, my biological parents, social security.... all the fun adult stuff.  Soon she asked a question that made me smile like crazy.

"Please state your full name."

"Cassidy Meryl... C-A-S-S-I-D-Y, M-E-R-Y-L."

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