The Next Morning(4)

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Waking up this morning, I was... ashamed. Quietly getting out of bed so Cassie wouldn't wake up I go immediately to the shower, not daring to look into the mirror. My body hurt and my mind was numb. It was quiet... no thoughts. I was like a robot, scrubbing my body clean and rinsing off. After the shower I crept into my room. When I saw she was still asleep I quickly moved to my closest, shuttling the door and looking it from inside. In there I sat down in my towel, finally remembering last night.

Every inch she touched, I traced. The bite mark on my shoulder still stung, so did the ones on my thighs. I wouldn't be able to wear skirts until next summer since it would take months to heal. I had a few bruises on my neck but a big one was in the middle of my chest. My fingertips are gently hovering the spots as my mind replays everything. I felt disgusted... guilty... deflated. How could I let this happen? Why did I entertain Victoria? Why did I accept her jacket? Why? Why? Why?

Knowing Cassie was going to wake soon, I stopped dwelling in anger and pulled on an outfit. Light blue jeans, a cream sweater with sunflowers on it, and some slippers. Scared about having a my family see my bruises and marks, I left my hair alone to dry. Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and opened to see her getting her clothes back on. "I was wondering where you went. Still embarrassed to change in front of me?" She joked, but I wasn't feeling well enough to laugh with her. After she was dressed, she came over to me. Pushing back my hair and pulling down my sweater a little, she stared at the marks. A little frown came onto her lips as she touched them, "I didn't mean to come here and hurt you Ani. I just wanted to talk but seeing flirting with that girl... I was so scared Ani."

"You were scared?" My voice was low, weak.

"Scared that you were done with me," she seemed as if she was about to cry. Wrapping her arms around my waist, she kissed the side of my face and whispered into my ear, "I just love you so much Ani. I can lose you, I can't. I just lost it, please... please forgive me. I only acted like that because you flirting with her. I'm so sorry."

Hesitating a bit, I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her. This Cassie... it's the Cassie I knew. The soft, loving and kind Cassie. Tearing up, I gripped her shirt and cried into it, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to. I... I could never leave you. I love you Cassie.... I love you." She rubbed my head, shushing me. I missed this Cassie. I missed her so much.

I missed her.


After Cassie went home to get ready for practice, I went back into my room to do my school work. When I changed into my pjs, I noticed the leather jacket I got from last night. Cassie was so angry last night she ripped it. The hole was on the front. It wasn't too big but very noticeable. Knowing I couldn't ever wear it, I pick it up to toss it away but I just hold it over the bin. Remembering Victoria last night. How she made me laugh and was so nice to me. How she confessed... she's so... so good. Unable to toss it away, I put it on my bed and grab the sewing kit in my closest. Every stitch I replayed our good times. When we first met and I saw her as a delinquent, when she helped me carry the files to the office, seeing her at the market and last night... having pizza with her. I didn't even realize when I finished it. Not controlling myself, I hold it against my nose, taking a deep breath. That vanilla and oil smell. Even her scent matched her.

Slipping it on, I lay down in my bed, hugging it closer and closer to me. I felt like crying but I couldn't figure out why. Everything that filled my mind was happy thoughts, happy memories, yet I felt like breaking down.

I missed Victoria.

Grabbing my phone, I scroll through my contacts to see her name. Knowing she was only a text away... so close, I couldn't help it. My stomach felt funny as I started to message her:

Hi, it's Ani.

When I watched it send, I felt immediately scared. Cassie told me to stay away from her. She'll be furious if she finds out I reached out. What was I thinking? If I just block her number and delete the text, it's like I never did it.

Then a reply came:

Good evening my dear Antonia💜 how did you sleep last night?

How I slept? God how long has it been since someone has asked that?

I reply:

I slept okay. How about you?

Not a single wink.

I text again:

Why? Was something bothering you?

Actually yes there was.


She didn't respond as quickly as she usually did. Maybe she fell asleep. About to turn my phone off, I blushed furiously when I saw her message:

Because I was thinking about you.

Unsure what to say, I reply dryly:

Well you should get some sleep then! I recommend either counting sheep or drinking warm milk! Goodnight!

Holding my phone against my chest, I just stare up at the ceiling. She's just so... so blunt! How can she say those things? Is she even human? When my phone buzzed I tried to fight the urge to read it but I lost:

Goodnight Antonia💜 I'll see you tomorrow.

Tomorrow... at school.

The place where I can spend time with Victoria.

And can't run from Cassie.

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