Setting Up The Festival(1)

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"Prezzzzzzzzzzzzz!" Olivia's shouting echoes through the halls, irking me. Alex could sense my edginess lately, knowing well that shouting will set me off. Today Olivia's hair was pulled back into two braids, letting her perfect skin glisten, "The principle has a request for you!"

"A request?" Alex takes it, looking over the letter, "Zachary Hashima... he's from Blackwell, Texas and has a pretty good attendance rate."

"He's also hot," Olivia held up his picture. The boy was obviously Asian, but was a mixture. He seemed like a good kid. Dressed nicely... but his appearance isn't everything, "The principle also said that the kid is in sports... swim I think."

"His grades are better than mine!" Alex frowned, probably feeling a bit threatened, "Why is this a request though?"

Olivia handed Alex the photo, taking the paper from her hands and give it to me, "He moved here yesterday and apparently the guy was in ASB, so the principle is 'recommending' him. Though it seems more like demanding."

"Squeaky clean record," I flipped through the pages, surprised, "over four hundred hours of community service, took part in multiple school events, takes rigorous courses and has had straights since he was in Elementary school."

"His mama is probably proud," Olivia muttered, "or maybe isn't... never know with Asians." I shot her a look, having her hands go up in surrender, "What? Asians are all about those A's."

Alex hits her arm, shaking her head, "That's a stereotype. I bet you don't like it when people call you a 'dumb blonde'."

"Ya, ya, ya, whatever," she said, "so we adding him?"

"Not sure," I cross my arms, calculating if our budget can even handle another student, "it's not like we can just go off of the principle's word."

"But his record is pretty... amazing," Alex whined, sad about it for sure.

"Doesn't matter," I say, "anyone can trick a teacher or even a school that they're a good person. They can be kind one moment and be ruthless the next. I'm not going off of other's opinions nor stereotypes. I will meet the kid and see if he's worth anything."

The girls huff, hanging their heads in defeat. Olivia spoke, "So serious."

Then Alex, "You amazing me Ani."

Tossing the perfect record to the side and handing out budget requests and club transfer papers, I grab my lucky pen and say, "Let's get some work done."


"I really like the decorations for the festival!" Alex was marveling at the glittery snowflakes made by our art department, "Isn't the dance team going to put a little thing together as well?"

"They're trying," Olivia hopped off the ladder, smiling at her tidy display of blue and white balloons, "I heard the girls can't decide on a song."

"Hopefully they hurry it up. I really wanna see them do something," Alex tugs a crate of fake snow over, smiling from ear to ear, "Ani, we're allowed to bring people from different schools right?"

"As long as they are approved from the committee," I finish up the work schedule, "come look at you shifts. I made sure to give everyone a little bit of time to have fun."

They scrambled to look at it, Excited over how they shared a shift together. It took me eight days to figure out that damned shift schedule. Everyone had wants and certain jobs. I just hope there won't be any complaints. "Ani... you're working the whole time?" Alex asked.

"Well the spots that were left open, I decided to take on," I cracked my knuckles. Standing up to stretch out my leg, I yawn a bit, "Can't help it I guess."

"That's stupid," Olivia took the pen, crossing my name out of the ending shift for food distribution, "I'll cover this. You can't work the whole time Prez! Have some fun too!"

"Yeah! Maybe you can bring your boyfriend!" Alex gushed.

"Wait... Prez has a boyfriend?" Olivia asked.

"Oh she does! She gets all girly talking about him! You should have seen her Olivia!" Alex and her gossiped as I grabbed my things and left. They didn't even notice I was gone, which didn't shock me. When those two start babbling about rumors and stuff, they ramble on and on.

I check my phone to see two text messages from Cassie;

Which dress is better for the festival? One or Two??????

The first dress was a nice white one that had a low V-cut. Rhinestones outlined the cut, having it seem as if it was ice. The bottom was slim, but the layer of lace on top gave it a fluffy illusion. Cassie's long legs would do wonders in it and I bet her summer tan would also do justice.

The second dress was shorter than the first one. It reached her knees, a bit fluffier on the bottom. It had layers of fabric and multiple shades of blue. The top half of the dress was a nice deep navy blue that had embroidered swirls that would cover her dress.

The first one definitely had sex appeal. Made your eyes wonder.

The second one was elegant and classy. Made you find her sexy even though she was covered.

"Which one?" I mumbled, walking along the sidewalk to my house.

There's only one way to decided;

Who is taking you to the dance?

If it's a guy from the football team, definitely the blue one. Actually... any guy, it's the blue one. If the guy saw her wear the white one... I'm afraid I might kill him.

Instantly a message came back;

I'm going with my Cheer friends. I'm not in the mood to go with anyone this year tbh... but maybe we can escape and hangout for a bit after?

My cheeks flushed with red, my heart thumping so fast. I became flustered... even a bit embarrassed. The thought of seeing her in that dress and hanging out under the stars got me hot and excited.

Tapping against the screen as fast and heavy as I could, I set the message;

White One

Shoving my phone into my loose pants, I skip to my house. Fantasizing Cassie in that gorgeous dress, her beautiful curls bouncing around as the moon lights up her skin.

I've never been more excited for a dance until now.

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