The Day Before The Festival(2)

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The kid zoomed around; fixing lighting issues, music disruptions, decorations that were a bit messy. Before my eyes could spot an issue, he had already fixed it. Olivia tugged on my sleeve, whispering in my ear, "Is he a robot creation you made in your basement?"

"What?" I asked.

She points that the insanity before us. I'd never seen one human move that fast... heck, I've never seen a human work with as much motivation as myself! "He's not human! He must be part you!" She insisted.

"I agree Ani," Alex brought over a box filled with streams, "he even moved all the heavy wooden structures this afternoon... by himself." Olivia clapped in amazement as I just stared at the kid. He's oddly motivated... and I want to know why.

I head over to the boy, him unaware of my presence. It was only when I stood above him and the boy he was helping pointed me out. "Oh Ani, can I help with anything?" He stood up, dusting off his jeans which didn't have a splatter of paint.... even though he had painted all the outside walls today.

"Why are you so motivated?"

"Huh?" He asked. Everyone around us watched in awe. I know... I'm tyrant who hopes and dreams to have more and more boys like him in our club... but something is off. He fumbles with his pants belt loops, giving off a false grin, "Nothing at all! I just want to help."

"Hmm," I nod, gesturing for him to follow, "come help me with moving the speaker over here then. They're in the storage area." He followed obediently, his tail waging and everything. Once outside and away from everyone, I turned around and asked again, "Why are you so motivated?"

He huffed, "You sure are observant president Ani."

"I am," I picked up one side, him holding the other, "so tell me why you're running around like a chicken with it's head cut off?" Walking back together, I struggled with both hands on the handle while he walked perfectly fine. Cursing at myself for wearing a skirt and oversized sweater, I kept tugging on, "Are you nervous or something?"

"Not exactly," he sighed, "you see... I'm the new kid, so I don't want people thinking me as 'Ugh a kid we have to train'. I remember how in my old club everyone hated training the Freshmen and new kids. To them they were brats and idiots. I just don't want people to think that."

"People will think what they want to think," I blew a hair out of my face. Trying my hardest to keep up with him, I take bigger strides, "Even if you work as hard as you can, put in more effort than the rest, they might look at you badly. Think you are spoiled or look down on others. They may even believe you have cheated your way to the top or call you nasty names." Getting to the stairs, I set my side down, taking a breather. He too sets it down, guiding me to take a seat on the speaker. "The point is, let them say what they want. To me and the other officers, we see you as smart and a hard-worker, something this club desperately needed. So stop being a people pleaser and just do your job," I say. After a couple minutes of me breathing heavy and him thinking silently, I stand up and roll up my sleeves, "Talking about hard work, let's get these massive things in. I'm already so tired."

"I'll carry it," he laughed, picking up the big speaker like it weighed nothing, "thanks for the nag Ani... it helps."

Strolling in like the hulk, I mutter a few jealous words. I hate people who are naturally strong... can't I have some? I'm so puny and weak! Pulling my hair into a high bun there came a bunch of loud shouting, "The festivals are always so cheesy... so fucking stupid."

One of the Cheer girls kick down a prop, urging me to speak up, "Hey! Knock it off! You're supposed to be in class right now. If you aren't in ASB you have to leave!"

"Shut up," a boy shouted back, throwing a rock at me. Luckily I moved out of way, but still. They all laughed, as if they were drunk... wouldn't surprise me.

Again I shout, "Get out of here or I'll report you to the principal!"

"Go ahead!" The girl yelled this time, flipping me off, "It's not like you didn't rat Case to him already! You're fucking amazing you know. Everyone knows you're just jealous that Case got popular and left you in the dust when we all got to high school. That she gets hundreds of boys a day, while you, ice bitch, can't get shit even if you lifted your skirt!" They just laughed... it echoing off the walls. ASB students piled up, watching the scene.

No longer allowing this stupid game to continue, I walk over to them, "As a student of ASB and it's president, I must ask you to leave. Now you've had your fun, so please leave this area-" one of the boys shoves me to the ground, the girl making sure to kick my left leg. Wincing a bit from the pain, I push myself up but the girl kicks me down.

She crouches down to my level, laughing at me like I'm some idiot, "I still can't believe you did that though... it's hard to believe when this is what we see all the time."

"What?" I ask.

"Awh come on Ani," she teased, flicking my forehead, "Case told us everything."

"Well whatever she said is a lie," Olivia pulls me up from the ground, getting into the girls face, "Cassidy is only known for two things of course; lying and sucking dick. So if I was you, I would go running to the bitch and tell her I'll stick my fucking foot up her ass-" "Olivia!" I shout, ending her little speech. She doesn't say anything, doesn't even look at me. Mustering up the courage, I say, "I don't know what she has said so I will not deny nor confirm it. All I am asking is to please leave so we can continue the preparations for tomorrow night."

The girl chuckles, snickering like a fool, "Interesting... well guess there's no point to stay." She and the boys go away, but she can't leave without one more comment, "Oh and you ASB fucks... I wouldn't deem that president of yours to be so... innocent!" Her laugh reminded me of a witch. One you would hear on Halloween Night, with a cheese color moon.

Dusting myself, I felt my legs were shaking a bit... unsure whether from falling down or from anger. Clapping my hands together a couple times, I shout, "Get back to work, unless you want to be doing this at six A.M. tomorrow!" They scrambled back, knowing damn well I wasn't lying.

Olivia stopped me, "What did that chick mean?"

Could have meant so many things;

She knows that Cassie and I are dating

That I fell in love with Cassie when I was fourteen... having her realize she was into girls

That Cassie and I aren't enemies

And worst of all.... please no....

My legs shaking a bit more, almost having me waver a bit, I say, "I don't know."

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