Finally There(9)

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"Thank you," I said the cashier and went out to the front where there was seats.  Cassie was staring at the rain pouring down, gawking at it like a little kid.  For a couple of minutes I stood a bit back to watch.  I loved seeing her smile... her little giggle when the thunder roared.  Her happiness brought bliss. 

"Excuse me?" I glance to the side to see a man, around late thirties I think, "Hi, my name is Edward."  He held out his hand, but I didn't take it.  He awkwardly placed it back into his pocket and cleared his throat, "I was wondering... if you weren't busy this afternoon.... would you like to catch a coffee or two?"  From his suit, he had a good career.  He was extremely shy however.  Very quiet and not good with words.  Definitely not a salesman. 

Before I could turn him down, Cassie interrupted, "I'm sorry but I'll be the one taking up her evening."  I was startled by her sudden presence, but what intrigued me was her reaction.  Taking my left hand, she held up both our hands and smiled mischievously at the poor man, "I do hope your evening is well sir."  And with that she tugged me to our seats.  Placing the bag of goodies onto the table, she still held my hand.  I used my open hand to take the pastries out, letting her calm down. 

"You did a good job," I said, placing the cupcake she wanted in front of her.  Her eyes lifted to mine.  I could tell she was really working on her behavior... and it was nice to see it in action.  "I'm proud of you," I smiled brightly. 

It took a moment for her to register that I was truly impressed, but once she did, she was bubbling with happiness.  Taking the cupcake into her hands as she bounced around in her seat, "I really want to go see the neighborhood Christmas lights this year... if you aren't busy of course."

"In a few weeks I have a week off," I munched down on my blueberry muffin and sipping my green tea, "so we can go look around then... if you want?"

"Ooooh yes!  I wanna go to the rich neighborhoods for sure!  They always have the best lights," she nodded, leaning back a bit in her chair, "and sometimes.... they hand out hot chocolate."  I chuckled at the last remark, since I knew she just wanted to go for that. 


Washing the dishes from this morning, I hummed a song I couldn't remember the lyrics of or the name of.  Just the beat was imprinted in my head.  As I cleaned out the last pink cup, a pair of arms wrapped around my torso and a chin landed on my right shoulder.  "Why hello there," I teased, hearing her snort a little, "did you enjoy your shower."

"Yep," she squeezed me tighter, "you're so tall now."  I glanced at her tiny ace, seeing her nibble on her lip, "I don't remember you towering over me."

"Well my father was 6'2... don't be completely shocked," I said, breaking from the hug to close the dishwasher.  Twirling around, I hold out my arms so she could hug me again, which she of course did.  Messaging her neck, I lean back onto the counter and hum in her ear. 

We just stay like that for a good twenty minutes, her tightening her embrace and I humming the same beat over and over.  Closing my eyes, I lean my chin onto her head, breathing in her strawberry shampoo we recently bought.  I wasn't very good with affection back then... Cassie always had to start it.  During those strenuous eight years, I read up on how to become affection... how to express myself properly and show love physically.  It took a lot of self-reflection and dedication... but now I can just hold her without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.

"Ani?" She called.

"Yes?" I replied, feeling her look up at me with her beautiful eyes.  I always admired her... but now I was obsessed with those eyes... since they were taken from me for eight years. 

Getting onto her tippy toes, her face lifting up to mine.  She stayed an inch from mine, our eyes still interlocked and our breathes crashing onto each other's faces.  I couldn't help but swallow as I stared into her eyes... knowing if I moved slightly my lips would be on hers.  Years... so many years have passed since the last time we kissed.... The last time we were this happy.   A part of me was curious; did her lips become softer?  Did they change in any way?  Will this kiss be exactly like the past ones or will this be different?  Will there be more love, less? 

Will I crave more?

Sliding my hand under her chin, feeling myself become heavy.... I could feel my soul and hers trying to pull each other together... to break the inch distance we shared.... for some reason this little inch felt larger than when I was in Princeton and she was here in California. 

The inch felt unbearable.

"Ani?" Her voice was weaker than a whisper... laced with lust and heavy with seduction.

And I was becoming more and more intoxicated.

"Yes?" I was barely able to say.

"Can I?" She whispered again, but this time I didn't have the patience to respond.  I pulled her into me, feeling her soft smooth lips onto mine.  I expected them to be cold from the shower, but no... it was burning... sizzling.  My whole face burned when our lips touched.  I felt my blood run faster, my heart skip a thousand times, and my want overcame me. 

The kiss wasn't soft nor slow.... it was still.  Neither of us moved... not until I couldn't hold it anymore.  Switching positions, I pushed her up against the counter, lifting her up so she could sit on top.  Our lips moved now, pushing hard against one another. Our tongues didn't sit around, they moved and slithered.  We were so focused on our mouths that are hands stayed stuck in their spots.  I wasn't breathing, truth is I couldn't.  I didn't care if I died right there.  I've never felt so alive.

The kiss couldn't have last more than five minutes, but it felt like it lasted for eternity.  When I pulled back, our foreheads resting on each other, I couldn't say a word.  It was heavy breathing and thoughts.  Then I felt Cassie's hands rest on my cheeks, "Ani?"


"I love you."

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