Rock, Paper, Scissors(3)

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"Wow Prez," Olivia and Alex shift through the stack of work I had finish. The amazement on their faces told me everything, "That's a lot of work you did."

"It's not too much," I rolled up the sleeves of my puff pink sweater, tying my hair into a high bun. Last night, I couldn't sleep so I stayed up and did all the ASB work that was left over. The newspaper was coming out this week too so I finished my draft and turned it in earlier this morning. Now I'm organizing all the festival decor into their respectable bins.

Alex came over, rolling up her own sleeves to help, "I wanted to ask earlier but you seemed to be upset about something. Where did you go after the festival? We went looking for you."

"Yeah it's unlike you Prez to not be at clean up," Olivia commented, "was everything okay?"

"I had a family emergency that night," I lied, nearly setting the lanterns in the box, "I didn't mean to leave without notice. It won't happen again."

"Oh Prez, we totally understand!"

"Yeah none of us were upset!" Alex claimed, grasping my arm lightly, "We were just worried is all." They both looked concerned, something friends do when they hear a friend of their's is struggling. I felt guilty for lying but it's not like I could simply just tell them the truth. Not like they would understand anyway.

Them being straight and all.

I continued to pack things away, Alex helping. Olivia made sure all the groups checked off their lists for the week. It was back to normal, doing ASB stuff. So far Cassie hasn't come busting in screaming for me. She must have given up by now. She's probably busy doing her hair with her cheer friends or sucking faces with Derek.

My teeth clenched.

It's unlike me to be so upset, to feel angry over her making out with people. We've talked about it hundreds of times and she's explained that it all deals with her image in school. That she didn't like any of them... that she only loved me.... but it never got easier. Seeing it time and time again... it's become so hard to watch. Especially since we've been on bad terms. Sometimes whenever we fight, I just imagine her running to Derek and messing around. Though she promised to never have sex with anyone but me, she's broken millions of promises. To her, promises with me are nothing. They aren't as important as her image.

By the time we finished up organizing everything, it was four. All we had left was a few reports to return to the office so I sent Olivia and Alex home. The campus was quiet since most of the sport practices and teachers were gone. Passing the field with the football team still practicing, I watch the guys toss the ball into the air and another guy chase it. I've never understood football but since my dad is a huge fan for the Dolphins, I have no choice but to pretend I love it.

Passing the six hundred buildings, I spot a girl sitting on a rail. Her feet were swinging as she just swayed back in forth. A part of me thought she was high. Taking a detour, I head over to her, placing the reports on a table close by, "Excuse me? Are you alright?"

The girl twirls her head around and I notice it's Victoria. A grin comes onto her face as she swings her legs over, "Working late Antonia?"

"Not really," I glance over at the reports, "I just have to turn these in and I'm done for the day." She nods, picking up the stack. Feeling awful, I interject, "You don't have to do that. I'm okay with carrying it."

"Hmmm," she bummed, placing them down and holding out a fist, "let's play rock, paper, scissors."


"Who ever wins has to carry," she said, pushing her hair back, "gotta warn you, I'm a legend at this game."

Chuckling, I say, "Rock, paper, scissors is a game of luck. How can you be good at it."

"No, the game is purely psychological," she said.


"Play with me and you'll see," she teased, shaking her fist. Curious as to how it's 'psychological', I take her up on the deal. We start and right from the start she wins. I did scissors as she did rock. "Two out of three?" She asked. Shaking my head, we go again. The next round I win. I threw out paper while she did rock. "One more round," she says and I bite my lip. We go again and just like that, I lose. She did scissors as I did paper.

Huffing, she laughs with victory. Picking up the reports and gesturing for me to guide her, I walk ahead. "How is it psychological?"

"I could tell what you were going to do. It's as if I read your mind."

"That's not true," I scoffed, "you lost the second round, so I was right."

"No," she said, moving next to me, "I lost of purpose so you felt like you would win and go for paper." I couldn't tell whether or not she was lying. She could be telling the truth but the likelihood she could 'read' my mind is impossible.

So I just decided she couldn't, but kinda hoped she did. "I don't think so. It's all luck," I said. She just laughed and followed me to the office. Once there, I took the stack from her and thanked her, "Thank you, though I didn't need the help."

"Eh, I was doing nothing but sitting so I might as well help," she fixed her tiny bag around her shoulders and waved me a goodbye, "see yah later Antonia!"

I watched her go and hop a fence, her ponytail flopping around everywhere. She's an interesting person.... that's for sure.

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