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"You work even through lunch?" Victoria asked, huffing when she saw me carrying a stack of papers. Taking them from my hands, she tugs on my turtle neck, "It's going to be too hot for this. I don't want you to end up passing out."

"I'm fine," I lied. Earlier I went to the bathroom and took off my shirt in one of the stalls. It's so hot here right now, which makes no sense since it was in the sixties the other day! "And I like to get my work done so I don't have loads and loads to do," I open the door for her, running into a spectacular sight.

Pressed up against the wall is Olivia and the person pushing her against it is Zachary. They shot their heads over and instantly Zachary pulled away, both of them red and embarrassed. I was still processing the image when Victoria said, "Wow... didn't know the ASB room was a secret make out area. Nice to know now."

"Sorry Prez!" She clapped her hands in front of her face, bowing a little, "We just... got caught up in a moment and... I'm so sorry!"

"Don't blame her Ani!" Zachary spike up, "I was the one to initiate it!" He stepped up, trying to cover for his.... for Olivia.

Clearing my throat, I close the door and point to where Victoria should go. After a couple more minutes of thinking, I turn to the two, "So you two are dating?" They glance at each other and then both nod, "Alright well... as punishment for using the room inappropriately and risked getting caught by office staff, Olivia in charge of hosting this years Freshmen Orientation and Zachary, you will clean the ASB shed. Must be spotless."

"The Freshmen Orientation!" Olivia sank to the floor, melting away.

Zachary helped her up, "I will make it perfect! Thank you Ani!" With that, he gave her a little peck and rushed out of the room.

Giving her a grin and sly look, she blushed and turned her face away, "Stop it Prez! Don't tel Alex! She'll question me to death."

"Oooh sounds like a perfect punishment," I teased, having her latch onto me and beg for forgiveness.

Wallowing in embarrassment, she noticed Victoria, "Who's the delinquent?"

"Olivia!" I lectured.

She went over to her, looking up at her. I never really thought Victoria was that tall but she towered over Olivia... and Olivia towered over me. Looking down at my little legs, I frown... well everyone towers over me. "That's right!" Olivia snaps her fingers, "You're the delinquent that stood up to that bitch Winters in front of the gates this morning! Everyone talked about how Prez and some weird scary looking chick stood up to the witch, but I totally thought it was bogus since Prez would never befriend a troublemaker.... guess I was wrong."

Throwing a paper ball at the back of her head, I sigh, "She's not a troublemaker or delinquent. Don't go judging people off of their appearances."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she waved me off, "so what's your name Bigfoot?"

Victoria was absolutely amused, though I found it to be very annoying. "Bigfoot... that's a new one," she patted Olivia'a head, making her scowl and me chuckle, "Antonia, is this a good friend of yours?"

"Antonia?" Olivia pondered, "You talking about Prez?"

"Ani's full name is Antonia," we all glance over to see Alex hold a few rolls of paper and a folder, which she hands me, "you should know this Olivia... you are her Vice."

"Well I only hear people call her Ani and I call her Prez!" She complained.

"Excuses," Alex teases, but smiles over at Victoria, "and you're Victoria Jean. I heard you stood up to Cassidy Winters this morning."

"You know her name!" Olivia shouted.

"Everyone should," she sighed, but I was interested now, "remember last year, when we were Juniors, how our school was able to get into the international finals for track?" Both of us just stared at her. I'm never interested in sports unless it's about the cheer team and Olivia is just an idiot. Alex sighs, "Well she's the reason. I heard you were second though. That must have been tough."

Victoria shrugged, "The other girl was better." So she was in the track team and one of the best runners. She turned to the shocked Olivia, snickering at her, "Blondie if you keep your mouth wide open like that, you'll catch flies."

Shutting her mouth and glaring at her, Olivia snapped, "That's it! You're my enemy!"

"Fine by me Goldie."

The two of them bickered and argued as Alex and I went over the folder filled with field permission slips for the Art Club. Apparently they wanted to go to the museum near the freeway. As I signed off who turned theirs in, Alex muttered to me, "When did you become friends with her?"

"It kinda just happened," I said, glancing back to see her using one finger to hold back Olivia from charging at her like a bull.

Alex just smiled and pinched my arm, "Well if you like her, then we like her." We both giggled and finished up the work. When we were done, Alex calmed Olivia down by promising to buy her a smoothie after club activities. Victoria came over to me, pushing my hair from my face.

"You sure you're not hot?" She asked.

"I'm fine," I took her hand from me, afraid she may push my hair too much and show a mark, "I actually like this kind of weather, plus this outfit was really cute and I wanted to show it off."

"Show off an outfit? Doesn't sound like our Prez!" Olivia narrowed her eyes, "You're hiding something."

"Am I or are you?" I teased, watching her fall red again.

"Huh? What did I miss?" Alex asked.

"You missed a wonderful sight earlier Alex," I said before Olivia captured me. Threatening to slice my throat and to steal my first born, I just laughed widely. Of course Alex joined in, persistent in knowing, but Olivia kept shaking her off. Victoria just watched, smiling at us.

As we shuffled to class, comments flying around us and at each other, I was enjoying their company. Though I was so scared about coming to school, it's turning out rather nicely. Looking over my shoulder, I see Victoria looking back at me. Both of us smile and I swear I could hear my heartbeat.


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