Why Did You Change?(6)

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"I literally don't give a fuck, you fucking ass cunt!" Shouting came from the room across from the printing area. Olivia, Alex and I looked at each other. Sadly Olivia won rock, paper, scissors, so Alex and I went to go see the issue. Peeking in, we remained close to the wall so no one could see us. There was a girl there, a tall one. Her hair was blonde and French braided back. The color of her eyes were green and she had a ton a freckles. Immediately I knew she was from the track team because of the hoodie she was wearing, but since I could see her face, I wasn't able to catch her name. "That's your fucking excuse? That you were bored and done? What the actual fuck does that mean? You and I were together! A relationship isn't something you play around with Jean!"

"Can you see who she's talking to?" I whispered to Alex.

She nodded, "It's Vicky and Alissa Vargas." Alissa Vargas... that's right.

"The girl Victoria was rumored to have dated?"

"Yeah," she pointed at Alissa and said, "she's not exactly known for being.... kind. From what I've heard she's had a violent pass. We should go get a campus supervisor before anything happens."

Agreeing, I nudged her along, "Go get one. I'll stay here and make sure nothing happens. Hurry." She quickly scurried out to the main hall, her footsteps barely audible.

Again I peeked back into the room. This time Victoria was in clear sight. She seemed annoyed... and tired. She was seated on the cabinets that had the words 'supplies' running under it. Today she wasn't dressed in her usual outfits. She had on a normal white shirt that had buttons, blue jeans that had a few holes, and her black combat boots. However her hair was curled and parted nicely, and it seemed that she didn't have makeup on. "I've explained it to you already Alli... I was a dick back then. I didn't get what relationships were and yeah... I dated you out of boredom. I'm sorry for being such an asshole and that I hurt you, but that's in the past. We need to move on.... you need to move on," she said, her head in her hands.

"No... I can't accept that," Alissa paced around the room, chewing her nails, "I truly loved you Jean... I really really loved you. Even when you ended it, I was fine as long as you stayed in the club. Then when I came back from training, I came to find out you left the team and nominated me as captain.... I can't accept this!"

"Well you have to," Victoria sighed, resting her head on the wall, "I'm done with track Alli. That's it."

"But why?" She shouted, finally stopping in place, "You were fucking amazing out there Jean! You ate that shit up. I know you loved it. I remember seeing that big ass smile on your face as you won! Why the fuck are you giving up? After all that training and work you put in!"

Victoria hopped down from the cabinets; grabbing Alissa Vargas' jacket and throwing her into the wall. I stepped back, trembling a bit. Victoria held her there, her tone changed into this vicious and threatening sound.... a sound I have only heard twice in my life. "Shut the fuck up Alissa. I'd apologized and admitted I was a bitch for doing that shit to you, but if you keep coming up to me, stirring up trouble... I won't have one fucking issue beating the shit out of you. Stop bringing up past shit and stay the fuck away from me." She held her for a couple of seconds, but soon let her go.

Afraid of being caught and I had I just saw, I turned and ran down the hallway. Colliding into Alex, who finally brought a teacher, "Ani? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Uh," I was still shaking, memories flashing in my eyes, "uh... no... everything was handled. No need to worry anymore Mr. Cruz.. thank you but it's handled." Passing them, my legs wobbled as I got outside. Pushing myself forward and to keep going, soon my legs gave out and I fell down the small set of stairs near the senior parking lot.

My head-throbbing and legs stinging from getting scratched, I just wrapped my arms around my body. "Calm down.... calm down.... please.... please calm down," snot and tears mixed together as I sobbed. Memories whirled around in my head, my body heating up in certain spots. I curled myself into a ball, praying for me to stop.

"Ani?" I looked up to see her. Her cheer uniform that I loved to stare at, her bouncy brown hair and beautiful eyes. I didn't even realize her squad was behind her until she motioned for them to leave. Once everyone was gone, she came to me... slowly. She knelt down, making sure we didn't touch. "Ani... what's wrong?"

"I.... I... I don't know," I muttered.

She nodded, looking over at my legs, "Does this hurt?" I nodded. "Okay, wait a couple minutes okay? I'll be right back," she stood up and rushed off towards the cheer building. My heartbeat had finally settled a bit... my arms and legs are still shivering. She came back just as she promised, holding a little bag. "This will sting a little, but it helps with cuts. Also use this cream. It'll help it scab up quickly and when the scab falls off there's no scar. Don't play with it and after twenty-four hours take the bandaid off so your cuts can breathe," she hovered over my wounds with the bandaid, looking up at me, "can I put this on you?"

"Yeah," I whispered. She gently placed it on, bits and pieces of her hair falling onto her face. She was cleaning up the stuff as I stared at her. The soft completion, her rosy cheeks and kind eyes. Unconsciously I pushed back her rebel hairs, hooking them behind her right ear. Our eyes connected; shock in hers and tears in mine. "W-Why.... Why did you ever change Cassie? What did I do to make you so... to cause this Cassie... this loving and beautiful Cassie to become Cassidy Winters.... why did you become so... why.... Why did you hurt me? Why do you still hurt me?" My body became weak, so weak that my sight blurred. Falling into Cassie, I heard her sniffle before it went black.

I heard her whisper, "I changed for her...."

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