I'm Sorry Cassie(4)

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"Don't have to walk me home," I muttered, extremely red. After fighting with Victoria over who was paying, she won again.... because of rock, paper, scissors. I curse the stars for always letting her win! "I'm capable of walking home," I said.

"I know you're capable," she said, going a bit forward and twisting to face me, "I just wanted to spend some more time with you." Again I was a flustered mess and she was enjoying it. Her laugh was very different. It was loud and duck like. Almost made me want to laugh.

Going down the sidewalk together, the orange lights from the light posts flared down on us. Fidgeting a bit, I asked, "How did you know... that I... that I liked girls? That Cassie and I... you know."

"How I knew you two were together?" She said, smirking, "I kinda pieced it together. You two are mega enemies, yet the girl was fighting the world to talk to you. Whenever you ran into her, you looked... different."

"Different?" I asked.

She slowed her steps down, pondering, "You were soft to her. I could tell by looking at your eyes. I just knew it." I still don't get it but this is the same girl who told me she could read my mind. I shouldn't be surprised. "So knowing you two were a thing, I figured out you liked girls," she said.

Gripping my phone in my hand, I twisted my lip, "So you're... lesbian?"


"What?" I stopped walking.

"I'm not into someone for their physical appearance," she said, taking off her leather jacket, "it's more like, I'm into their personality and when I find personally appealing, I find them... physically appealing. I love people." Flinging her jacket around my shoulders, she pinched my nose, "And I found your mind, your comebacks and timid behavior to be... adorable." I felt so hot. She was so close to me, closer than I would usually let people be. Holding her jacket still, she leaned down so our noses almost touched, she whispered, "It's foggy out and you're wearing a skirt. You need to really check the weather more often or you'll end up get sick."

"Okay," I mumbled, unable to form full sentences. Going back to walking, she didn't care what the world thought about her. Catching up to her, I ask another question, "So all those shirts you wear... have you actually listened to them?"

"Definitely," she said, stuffing her hands into her pockets, "all day, everyday. I play them on loop." I shake my head. So she's into that kind of music. I've never really been into that stuff so knowing she is... it's kinda nice I guess. We're not the same. "What kind of music do you listen to?"

Sniffing her jacket a little, getting a whiff of vanilla and gas oil. So she's handsy too. "I like country, classic, pop... a lot of genres. Favorite is country though," I admit. Everyone hates country so I always feel weird telling people.

"Country," she muttered, "I've never really listened to it. Maybe I should." She smiled at me, making me blush again. We got to my house, the lights off told me my parents haven't came home yet.

"Thank you for the walk," I said, handing back her jacket but she stops me.

"Keep it," she said, making me all red, "wear to school one day. I'd like to see that." I bite my lip, nodding. She takes my phone from my hand and opens it up. I had to get on my tippy toes to see the screen. She was typing in her number and when she finished, she connected eyes with me. We were so close, so close. I felt the air around us still and the cars passing by faded. The want deep in my stomach rose and my mind almost told me to do so, but Cassie climbed into my heart and I tore my eyes away.

Taking my phone from her, I turn for my house, "See you at school on Monday. Thank you for everything. Next time... I'll pay."

"Maybe," she shot back, "sleep well Antonia."

She stayed until I went inside. Once that door closed I fell back against it, falling to my knees and burying my face into them. A little squeal came from me. Pictures of her this evening flashed into my mind, as if I was having a picture show. Everything was so nice. The dinner, the conversation, the environment. It was all so... nice. I forgot about why I went there to begin with and just enjoyed my time with her. It was so so so wonderful.

The doorbell went off and I immediately flung it open, hoping to see her there telling me one more sarcastic comment, but it wasn't her standing there. It was Cassie. A very very pissed off Cassie. "Cassie? What are you doing here?" I took a step back, her pushing herself in and closing the door behind her.

"I came here to talk to MY girlfriend because I felt so awful for not being able to meet for dinner," she came closer to me, her eyes filled with anger and her demeanor hostile, "but what I came to see is MY girlfriend flirting with some other girl!" Slamming me into the wall next to us, I cough at the impact. Victoria's jacket falls to the floor and when Cassie's land on it, she fires up even more. "Oh when did you get such a thing? It almost makes me think someone gifted it to you," she pushes me further into the wall, having it hard to breathe a little, "wanna tell me who did? Wanna tell me why I fucking found you having a date with someone else when you're mine?"

"I-it wasn't a date!" I muttered out.

"Really? She walked you home, gave you her jacket and waited for you to go inside. Seems like a fucking date to me!" She shouts in my face.

The force on my chest was beginning to hurt, so I begged, "Please Cassie... it hurts."

"Oh it hurts? This hurts!" She pulls me from the wall only to throw me back into it. From all her force, I felt as if I was going to go through the wall. Putting her lips by my ear, she whispers, "If I ever see you with her again, I swear to god Ani... I will do something you don't want to happen. Understand?" I didn't want to agree. I didn't want to say yes. But when I didn't respond, she threw me to the floor. I yelled out in pain since my knee slammed into the ground and my head hit the table leg. Climbing on top of me, she pins my arms and begins biting my neck and shoulder.

"Stop it Cassie! Get off!"

"No!" She bit so hard on my shoulder that I couldn't help but scream. I thought she ripped a piece of flesh out when she sat up, holding onto my shirt. "I don't care how angry you are, you aren't allowed to cheat on me Ani. You are mine. You promised to be mine forever that day. You are mine and mine alone."

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I agreed out a fear, "I-I'm s-sorry Cassie.... I'm sorry."

And again, I let her do whatever she pleased to me. Like she did all those years ago.

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