A Gift(9)

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"I'll see you next week," I held my hand up to the little girl, watching her jump up and high five me.  Her foster mom came up, smiling at me with hope in her eyes.  The little girl rushes towards the toys in corner by the entrance, bubbling with happiness.  I step closer to the woman, holding out my hand, "The name is Antonia, it seems Violet is doing good right now.  I do recommend continuing the exercises I have spoken with you and your husband about and to keep her homeschooled.  She isn't exactly ready to go back to public school because of what happened.  The incident is still imprinted on her." 

The woman nods, "And her speech?"

Glancing over at her, I watch her run around with the toys.  Her curled browned hair bouncing around with that big red bow in her head flopping too.  "It will return with time.  After what those boys did to her, she is afraid of speaking.  She needs time.  It will return when she feels safe enough to speak again," I said, handing her a pamphlet about trauma and PTSD, "I think we should have weekly visits, but I also understand insurance doesn't cover mental health very well."

"Thank you Dr. Antonia," she said, waving me a goodbye and going to Violet.  When they leave, I roll up my sleeves and check my wrist watch.  It's already nine twenty... I was supposed to get home and make dinner for Cassie and I.  Huffing, I grab my things and lock up the building.  As I head to my car, I see a figure standing beside the passenger door. 

Stopping about a foot from the drivers door, I look up at James, "And what do you want... Mr. Winters?"

"Where is Cassidy Dr. Meryl?" He came around my car, standing before me.  He looked the same... clean cut, fancy suit, and pissed off expression.  Everything about him was the same as it was all those years back... and I still wanted to kick him in the balls.  "I was informed that she refused to come back to my home," he said.

"From what I am aware of, she isn't comfortable with you... or your wife," I twirled my keys on my index, cocking an eyebrow at him, "and she isn't legally bound to you Mr. Winters.  She is a full grown adult who can make her own choices."

"But she isn't capable of making rational decisions!"

"Incorrect," I said, my anger rising, "yes, she does have a mental issues that does make parts of her judgement clouded, but, through the therapy she has been taking with Dr. Moor, she has gotten a grip on it.  So she is capable of making rational decisions and her OWN decisions.  If you are so upset with her decisions...."  I opened my door and got in, but before closing it I said, "Then I recommend you get the fuck over it."  I slammed my door shut and as he hit my vehicle, I pulled out of my spot and drove off.  I wasn't shocked by his outburst or his sudden appearance.  He has been emailing me, calling, and even sending actual hand written letter to my house.  I ignore each and every one of them, since they do nothing but cause stress on Cassie.  Picking up some dinner for us, I got home to a lit house.  A little surprised as I went in, I placed the bags of food on the counter and searched for her, "Cassie?"  All of a sudden a loud bang came from her room and I rushed in, "Cassie!  Cassie are you alright?  What the hell was-" I stopped talking when I saw her standing up straight with her hands behind her back.  Squinting my eyes, I went closer, "Cassidy Winters... what are you doing?"

"Nothing!" She smiled innocently, "I was... I was just trying to do some stuff you know!  Nothing to worry over!"  I stepped closer but she stepped back.  Lately, Cassie has become lively.  She's been talking more with me, positive and even smiling more often.  It truly came out of nowhere.  One day she was staring out windows spending six to seven hours a day thinking and the next.... she wakes up smiling and talking to me.  Honestly, its wonderful to hear from her... but I'm concerned over the reason why. 

"What is behind your back?" I asked.

"Uhhh," she made a stressed face and when she finally realized she couldn't run away, she sighed and brought the box in front of her, "you really suck Ani!  I wanted to surprise you on Sunday!"

"Sunday?" I took the box from her.  The wrapping was terrible but I could tell she was really trying, "Why Sunday?"

"You have been busy," she chuckled, bringing me the calendar, "on Sunday is the day you were baptized!" 

"My baptism?" I muttered and remembered how Cassie always saw that as something important.  She thought it meant everything so she loved celebrating it.  A smile tugging onto my face, I said, "Thank you Cassie."  She nodded, taking a seat on her bed, I opened the box to find a little box that had velvet in it.  I glanced up at her, but opened it to see two identical rings. 

The look on my face probably said a lot because she spoke up, "Don't worry!  I'm not proposing!   I got them because... I don't know... when I saw them I thought of you."  I noticed how she was shifting around, obviously she was nervous before and now with my reaction... she's probably embarrassed.  "You don't have to wear it or accept it... I get it... I.. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!  Ugh!  I'm so sorry-" I pulled the rings out of the box and placed one of them onto my ring finger.  Then I took her hand and placed it onto her ring finger.  She stared at me with a pale face, making me chuckle a little.

"No need to apologize to me," I smiled at her.  Staring down at my hand, I flicked her forehead as I walked out to the kitchen, "I have food waiting for us... oh." I stopped and watched her come out of the room.  She was walking faster now, barely using the cane she has.  The smile on her face made me smile as well.  Staring at her with the truest smile I have, I said, "I love you Cassie.... and even if this isn't a proposal, I say yes."

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