Winter Rally(1)

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"Okay everyone! Let's start the Warrior cheer!" Olivia shouts over the microphone. The Students on the bleachers all began to chant the lyrics to our school song, sounding like a deaf choir. Remaining near the sound system, I just watch as some idiots swing their arms around or kids throw opened water bottles over the crowd. Though I am president, there is nothing I hate more than rallies. The idea of pretending to be some happy-go-lucky person is just... bothers me. I'm all good with being behind the scenes.

And honestly... it works having Olivia be my Vice. She has long pretty blonde hair she curls everyday. Has nice green eyes and is lean. She wears trendy clothes and is bright and happy. She's the face, I'm the work. Some people even forget that she is the Vice.

In the back of the corridor the Cheer team comes filing in, their routine about to start. It's Friday and I haven't spoken to Cassie since Monday... after our disagreement over the club members. She's been stubborn about it this whole time. Even when I tried talking to her about it alone that day, she still told me that she refused to speak to me unless I figured it out.

When did I become the Cheer team's advisor?

The chant comes to a close and Olivia is shouting again, "Alright! Let's welcome our sassy and feisty Cheer Team!" She runs over to me, her face turning from a smile to a scowl. Making sure to keep the mic from her mouth, she mumbles to me, "I hope she trips and falls on her face."

She means Cassie.

They begin by rolling out the mats, the guys in the crowd cheering and whistling. Some even shout out Cassie's name. Containing my eyeroll, I watch as they get into formation, Cassie right in the middle. The music booms and the girls begin to move. A lot of hip swaying, tumbles, shouting and tricks. Soon Cassie is held in the air, one foot keeping her steady while the other is above her head. When they throw her up, I hold my breath and she falls into her teammates arms. Only when I see her jumping to the front do I let the air out.

After they finish, they roll the mat up again, guys screaming and cheering for Cassie and the other girls. Olivia hands me the mic, patting my shoulder, "Have fun Prez."

Huffing I walk out to the middle of the floor. Like usual, the annoying and immature guys boo me, but I just keep going. What took me by surprise was when I tripped.

Laughter erupted everywhere and when I noticed what I tripped on, I saw Cassie pointing and laughing. The stupid tape looking thing for the mats caught my foot, resulting to me tripping. Getting up, I brush it off and speak into the mic, "Please welcome your Senior Prince and Princess for the winter festival! Andrew Jiminez and Katherine Jock." Clapping and the shouting of Andrew's name was heard. No longer needing to stand in the middle of the room, I head over to Olivia and give her the mic.

"They're just dicks," she patted me on the shoulder, "and don't mind the biggest bitch of them all."

As she walks out, acting all cheerful and naive, I mutter under my breath, "It's not like I'm not used to this." Done with the lights, crowd and noise, I head out of the building and go to the farthest bathroom on campus. Inside it's empty so I just wash my hands, splash some water on my face and stare into the mirror.

I had little bags, inherited from my father, and a flushed face. My dull brown eyes seemed tired and my hair was all messy now. Pulling out the hair tie, I redo my usual hairstyle and fix my shirt. Since rallies mean I'm running around, I have black ripped jeans on, my bunny hoodie that has little carrots on the ends of the strings and a cute bunny face on the corner of the front. My glasses were slipping off my nose once again, annoying me.

I hate our school colors.

Black and yellow.

Though I'm very stern and don't care about my hair too much, I love pastel colors. They make me happy and honestly... I think that's the only girly feature I have. Taking one more deep breath, I leave the bathroom and walk around campus for a bit. The colorful leaves littered the ground, even having a few fall into my hair. There was a gentle breeze today that offset the warm sun. The birds were lively and if you looked carefully, you could find bunnies out on the field. Fall was probably the best time here.

Well... fall anywhere is the best time.

I checked the time, seeing that the rally would be over in ten minutes. Instead of playing around for a bit, I hurry over to the corridor to see the Cheer team gossiping like usual. Hoping I wouldn't have to speak to any of them, one of the girls pointed at me, "Prez, aren't you skipping out on your duties?"

"I had to use the restroom," I sighed, "and it's not like you can say much, you're more likely to be sucking some guy off instead of practicing. Or maybe that's just how you practice."

"At least she can say she gets some," another girl comments, "I bet your pussy is filled with cobwebs."

"Poor thing! I bet no guy even looks at her," another jumps in.

Each one takes their shot to tease me, but I just stare at them like they're all idiots. When they all shut up, I finally speak, "Well, I'd rather be known as cobwebs than be labelled the 'easy girl'."

"Are you trying to pick a fight?" The girl who started this whole conversation steps up, "You're just some kiss-ass girl who thinks she's the fucking best thing in the world. When in truth, you're just a sad skank who can't even get a homeless dude to fuck her."

"Say what you please, but when I'm working for a multi-billion dollar company and you're some pregnant chick who's on her fifth baby at twenty one, I wonder who will be the one talking?" I turn to leave them. When I throw open the door, I run into Cassie and some guy from the swim team making out on the wall.

When I first caught her doing this, I flipped out. I ignored her for a week, pretended she didn't exist. We were freshmen in high school, just in the beginning of our new relationship and I was already done. It wasn't until she came to my house, refusing to leave and we talked that I got over it.

This is all part of her 'skit'.

The cheer team's captain. That's her role and she's required to act it. The type of girl who constantly looks her best, flirts and makeouts with all sorts of guys.

No one in this school knows she's truly a lesbian and has been dating the one person she's supposed to hate for three years now.

But even though I understand the conditions of her role, I still hate it.

I walk past her, not wasting a second for people to read into it. As I walk by, we lock eyes but that's all. She doesn't come running after me. She doesn't push the guy away and tells him no. No... she just keeps going and I just pretend like it's nothing.

Olivia is finishing up the rally as I already start cleaning up. Trying to calm myself down, I just continue to rip down the paper decor, pushing out the image I saw. Alex comes to help me when everyone is pushed out, leaving ASB a mess to clean up,

She holds out her hands to me, "Hand me the trash, I'll toss it."

"Thanks," I drop it into them, watching her bounce off. When she comes back, she hovers over me, making me sigh, "What is it?"

"Leave this to the clean up duty," she says, "you need to go take care of the budget reports."

"I should help."

"Ani," she grabs my hands, forcing me to face her. She holds this massive smile, making me feel uncomfortable, "I know some stuff happened today. Go."

She's right but not about the right 'stuff'. Taking my hands back, I march off to the club room, catching a glimpse of Cassie being carried by a different guy. Instead of getting emotional, I just head back to do work.

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