Wedding Piece (E)

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"Absolutely not," I said, writing up my report for work.  Cassie sat in front of me, pouting at my response.  It's not that I hate the idea of doing it, but I'm just not exactly comfortable in huge crowds.  I'd prefer the reception be small; approximately twenty to twenty-five people.

I mean... I don't even know ten people!

"Is it because of the expenses or...?" She trailed off letting me answer.

"I see no point in throwing a huge wedding," I said, flipping my report closed and grabbing something else to work on, "twenty to twenty-five is appropriate."

"And why is that?"

Growing older with her, I've come to realize her new vocabulary... which she stole from me.  Using my therapy methods back at me.... I almost wanted to hit myself, "I'm just not comfortable with crowds."

"Alright, then how many people are you planning to invite?" I glanced up at her.  She didn't seem to be sneaking into my head.

"Probably three people from work."

"How about Miss Dams?" She asked.

"Why her?"

"She helped me with my manic episodes last year remember," she had a point, "plus, wasn't she a coworker who helped guide you?  If I'm correct, you also introduce her to me as your 'role model'."

Rubbing my temples, I could only blame myself. "Alright... I guess her as well," I sighed.

"Isn't she married?"

This time I just stopped working in general, "I believe so."

"So it's only appropriate to give her a plus one," she was jotting stuff down, acting all sweet and innocent.

"Of course."

"And your coworkers?  Which ones would you invite?" 

"Ryan Grim, Ashley Diaz, and Jeremiah Kendrick," I said.

"Ryan is married, Ashley is seeing someone, and isn't Jeremiah married with three kids?"

Putting my face into the palm of my hand, I huffed, "You win."  As I wallowed in misery, she cheered in delight.


For a moment, I didn't even recognize myself.  My hair was twirled up into a bun, with white tiny flowers hanging from it.  I had contacts in and my makeup was light, a natural tone.  Wearing a silky white robe, I was amazed at my looks.... was this even possible?

One of the girls we hired to get us dressed came in, carrying a black bag that seemed to be holding my dress.  For months I tried to convenience Cassie to allow me to just wear a white suit.  It's been years since I've worn a dress... I think the last time was back in high school.  She hung it up on the wall, showing off her white pearly teeth, "So Ms. Meryl, are you ready to get into your dress?  Your fiancee told me to not let you see it until you've got it on." 

Staring at the inevitable, I nodded.  She turned me around, having my eyes closed.  Since Cassie chose the dress, it could literally be anything.  Something big?  No, the bag was incredibly thin.  Flashy?  I doubt it... she told me she never liked really sparkly things.  Provocative?  Impossible... she's more possessive than a ghost.

"Open your eyes!"


"Ms. Meryl?  Is there an issue?"

"No," I mumbled, quickly wiping my tears away, "no... it's... it's perfect."

"Oh wonderful!  Now it's time for us to get you ready at the alter.  Ms. Winters said you wanted to be stationed there," she hurried around the room, but I just stared at myself.   It was hugging... outlined my feature wonderfully.  It had a little V-neck, which showed just enough.  It was plain, with no ruffles or beads.  Everything was just... perfect.

Walking down the cobblestone steps, seeing the beautiful arch we would be married under... all of my prior complaints vanished.  My guests all waved to me, some even blowing a kiss or two.  The world had just gone in slow motion. 

The music began to play, everyone stood and turned to see where she would walk.  I have yet to look down the path when her bridesmaid caught my eye.  She mouthed to me, 'Do not look', making my heart beat a bit faster.  I counted in my mind, watching Cassie's best woman mouth to me, 'Not yet.' Making me want to glance over and see her, the anticipation building in me. Again and again, she mouthed, my hands fidgeting.

Then she smiled and mouthed, 'Now.'

And the moment I glanced over, it felt as if my entire world, the life I had known and lived in every day, had changed when I saw her walk down that aisle. 


She wore the dress I had chosen for her all those years ago.  The dress I unconsciously said would be gorgeous on her.  Tears brimmed in my eyes as she smiled at me. Dropping my bouquet, I felt my breath halt.  As she neared me, I saw her begin to cry... the both of us sobbing like babies.  Unable to contain it, I reached out to her, pulling her up the steps.  Everyone chuckled and laughed and so did she.  My hands clasped tightly around hers.

I can't say I remember a single thing that priest said... but once I heard, "Now you may kiss."  I grabbed her by the waist and gave her the smack down.  Everyone cheered, some cried... but right after I finished that kiss and stared into her eyes, I whispered.

"You are forever mine, Cassidy Meryl."

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