Confronting The Truth(8)

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"Antonia!" Drew came running down the hall.  The boy wasn't the smartest, since running in a hospital is a big no no.  "Mr. Winters would like to have a copy of your report!"

"Well he can't have one," I passed him.


Heading through the doors of an elevator, I waved at one of the women.  "My sessions are private.  I only report information if my client is in danger or is going to cause harm to others.  Since neither of those situations are occurring, I have no need to tell him anything," I said, the doors opened up and I waved him a goodbye.  The poor boy looked miserable and I can't blame him.  Heading down the halls, I came to her room.  It was very quiet which wasn't odd but wasn't settling.  Peeking my head in first, I found her gawking at something, as if she was paralyzed.  "Good afternoon Cassidy.  How has your day been?" I moved over to the table to set down my things but she never responded.   Turning towards her, I ask, "Is everything alright Cassidy?"

She whispered something.

"What did you say?"  I went a little closer.

She said it again, but I still couldn't hear.

"Cassidy I need you to speak louder and look up.  I have no idea what you are saying," I finally went beside her and saw the locket in her hands.

My blood ran cold.

She gripped it tighter, hugging it to her chest.  I took a step back, taking a deep breath, "Cassidy... where did you get that?"

"'Cassie'," she muttered, finally lifting her eyes to mine and in that moment I saw it.

I saw Cassie.

Taking a step back again, she placed her locket on the sheets, peering down at it.  My heart was beating so fast... as if I was going to faint.  I could hear my blood stopping and a chill coursing through my spine.  "Antonia... Ani... I remember," she said, her voice cracking a little, "I remember everything."  Everything in me was conflicted.  I was happy... happy she was back and she remembered me.... but I was terrified... scared of who she may return to.  I'm scared of loosing her again.  "No need to stand so far away, I'm not strong enough to hurt you.... again," she whispered the last part.  Building the courage, I took one step closer.  "Don't," she said, looking out the window, "you... you should go Ani... this... go... you shouldn't be here."

"What?" I mumbled.

"You need to leave," she looked back at me, tears brimming in her eyes.  My heart drop as I saw her try to hold it in.  "I'm... I'm sick Ani.  I-I can't control myself.  Sometimes... sometimes I can see clearly.  I can control my hands, my breathing, and words, but the next I can't.  I blank out, see red and just act.  I'm sick... I'm dangerous.  You have to stay far away Ani... you can't be near me.  I'll hurt you again... hurt you like I did.  I'll.... I.... go Ani... GO!"

"NO!" I shouted back.  We were both shocked by my anger. 

"Why?  Are you stupid?  Why are you caring so damn much about a girl who did nothing but made you cry?  Made you bleed?  Who marked you and tore up your mental health!  Why the fuck are you still trying to help me when you should be the one telling me to go die-" "Because I love you!" I screamed, "I love you despite our past.  I love you despite your selfishness and how stupid you were!  I love you despite your mental issues!  I love you Cassidy Winters.  I've loved you for over thirteen years Cassie!  No matter how fucking hard I tried to forget, I fucking can't.  I'm connected to you... we are connected somehow and I don't fucking get it but I won't ignore it!  I'm tired of being a fucking child and ignoring your bullshit!  I won't fucking let you fuck me over, hurt me, abuse me... no!  I grew the fuck up.  I got educated!  I learned what the fuck was wrong with you and I'm fucking ready to help you!  I entered our relationship not to give up Cassie!  I'm here and I'm here to stay!  I'm here to guide you out of the fucking hole your mother buried you in and father left you to suffer with!  I am here to tell you that your mother fucking broke you!  She is the cause of your Borderline Personality Disorder, for your anxiety, Bipolar Disorder and depression!  She hurt you Cassie and that isn't your fucking fault.  It wasn't your fault."   She was sobbing, but no sound came out.  Taking her into my arms, I held her so close to me.  I wanted her to get it, I wanted her to see.  "Cassidy... it wasn't your fault.... you didn't know how to behave.  You didn't have someone to show you what was truly right or wrong.  You were misguided, beaten, and manipulated.  You were feed disorder after disorder.  You are not a horrible person Cassie... you were a child that was screaming their head off silently... crying for help.  You hurting me... you hitting me, biting me, and so much more was not because deep down you're some evil person Cassie... it's because you were lost... lost in both life and mind," I held her chin and forced her to see my eyes.  She still seemed scared... scared that she may hurt me again.  "Cassie... I'm scared too.  I'm scared that I'll lose you again... I'm afraid you will fall back into what you were... but I won't let you... I am here to help you Cassidy... I'm here and I love you.... I love you Cassidy Winters... I always have and I felt as if a piece of me died that day eight years ago."

"I'm so sorry," she cried, her voice cracking, "I-I'm so sorry Ani... I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." She clung onto me... sobbing her eyes out.  I held her, feeling her tremble against my arms. 

Tremble, scream, and cry....

But do not break. 


This book will only have ten more updates and that is it!!!!


I am thinking of doing something fun😉

I have realized that one thing I love most in the world is creating novels AND talking to you guys!  So I will be doing a lovely challenge!  So for all my writer lovelies go below!

I will be making a book with one of you!

I think since quarantine has a lot of us disconnected and unable to do things we love, I want to change that up!  SO here is how to enter:

1. You must follow (But I get it if you don't)
2. Comment a on one of my books!
3. Send me a DM with your name (User is fine or nickname), your country, and your idea of a book!

This will be open until December 1st, 2020!

Got questions please comment them! 

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the book so far and leave a comment!  I READ ALL OF THEM.... I have no life :)

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