Opening Up That Door(6)

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"You sure you're okay Prez?" Olivia has asked me once again... maybe the billionth time.

Stapling the packers together, I toss it over to the pile, "Yes Olivia. I'm fine."

"You don't seem like it Ani," Alex said, mumbling since she was afraid of pissing me off. Olivia nudged her shoulder, making Alex quiet up and continue stapling.

"Well since your Gucci," she hopped off the desk and brought me this report, "I need you to sign off the meeting you missed. All the notes are in there. If you want I can explain a few things."

"It's fine," I place it on my desk, "I'll look over it later." Dismissing her, I went back to work but Olivia took the stapler from me.

Holding it above her head, I frowned since I couldn't reach it. "Enough Prez... what is wrong? You've been acting all weird and strict... even more strict than usual."

"Ollie!" Alex lecturer.

But Olivia didn't care, "No! Tell us what is up. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit! You've been missing meetings, acting odd, distancing yourself more than ever! It's like you can't trust us or something-" "I'm lesbian," I cut her off. Her face dropped and so did Alex. Taking the stapler from her, I go back to work, but she questions me.

"But... but didn't you just have a boyfriend?"

"I lied," I said, becoming aggressive with the stacks, "I was dating a girl, to be more exact Cassidy Winters. I'm pissed off about our relationship and that's all you need to know and what I want to share." Shoving the stack towards her, I stare blankly at her. "Hate me all you want but don't let it affect your work. I understand my life choice... I understand the burden it carries, but that doesn't matter to me. I am who I am and who I am is lesbian. Now, go take this to room 432 and make sure the teacher signs off on it."

I turn to do the next stack when Alex twirls me around and hugs me. Standing shocked, Olivia moves away a bit. "Why would we hate you Ani! I love you so much! I'm so sorry for never noticing!" She was hugging me extremely tight, but the look in Olivia's eyes told me she felt the opposite.

Hugging Alex back slightly, I mutter, "I never wanted you two to know so how could you notice? Plus... however you two feel is your choice and I acknowledge it. I respect your opinions and you both matter to me." Catching Olivia's eyes, I finish, "Even if you find me disgusting.

Alex turns to look at Olivia, asking, "Do you have a problem with it?"

Panic flashes across her face but she quickly sets the stack down and says, "It's... it's not that I have a problem... it's just... it's new. It's new information and I'm just trying to process it." She was hugging herself, chewing her lip, "I just gotta get used to it... I will! I promise but I just need... I need time."

Before Alex could say anything else, I cut in, "That's fine. I respect any choice you make." Walking past her I take the stack and go to the door, "I'll deliver this... you guys continue the work."


Rubbing my eyes I lock up the ASB shed, wiggling the handle to make sure it's closed. When I heard her voice, "Late night?" Turning around slowly, I see her dyed hair and rocker shirt. She was seated on the railings, smirking at me. I tried avoiding her for a while, but now... there's no reason. She hopped down the railing, coming up to me, "Wanna grab some pizza? Oddly Jm off work today and I wanna enjoy it with someone great-" "I saw you and Alissa that day," I interrupted, a habit of mine today. Her smirk dropped and so did her arms. Gripping the strap to my bag, I brush my hair to the side, "You've got some issues with your ex and I don't have any right to say this but... I think we need space. Victoria... I am in love with Cassie... I always will be. You like me right now but that can change in the matter of minutes... just like your ex."

We both gawked at each other, Victoria tugging on her lip and I death gripping my strap. She soon nodded, sighing, "Well the cat is out of the bag then... you made a good choice Antonia... you did." She came close to me, pecking my forehead and turning around to leave but stopped. "Why do you call Winters by a nickname? You hate them don't you?"

Taken back, my tiny hand reaches for the locket around my neck... smiling I said, "Because... she's different." I didn't have to explain for Victoria to understand, no... she just got it.

Waving to me, she shouts, "Well let's still be friends! See ya Antonia!" And I waved back. The summer breeze was humid, sticky and wet. Sweat was pouring down my back and slathered over my forehead.

But inside I was filled with a fall breeze and spring warmth, because finally... I was opening up that door.

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