The Festival(2)

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After two hours of my hair being pulled, my face beaten by sponges and brushes, stuffing my body into dresses and heels, I officially ready for the festival. Cowering down the stairs, I hope to God my parents won't see me because then... it's an hour of pictures and tears. Grabbing the closest jacket, I run to the door and shout a goodbye. Lucky for me, my parents are way too busy at work to even notice my school events and they've gotten accustomed to my busy schedule.

Olivia waves at me from her car, "Oh my freaking goodness Prez! Look at youuuuuu!" I scurry to her car, throwing myself into the back. "You need to come to school like this more often! You are gorgeous," she continues to celebrate me.

"Please.... no more comments... just drive," I hide behind her seat, trying to disappear.

"Fine! But we taken photos later! So prepare that bigass brain of yours," she didn't hold back from teasing me. I think she relished in it. On the drive there I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Cassie's dress. That white dress will look so good on her... I'm excited. Unable to wait anymore, I send her a text.

On my way to the dance

Seconds later she replies

Me too❤️❤️❤️❤️ Can't wait to see you!!!!!

My heart was leaping out of my chest at the thought of seeing her. It's been rough between us, but that's normal. She's just been missing me, so everything should be fine now. Tapping my foot like an insane person, my heart just jumps around like a maniac. My girlfriend is going to be the most beautiful girl there.

When we pull in Alex runs up to us, her boyfriend trailing behind her, "Ani! You look so cute! I love it!"

Red, I wave the compliments away. Holding my hand out to her boyfriend, I introduce myself, "My name is Ani, Alex has talked a lot about you."

"Hi," he hides behind her, shy.

"Awww you got a cute shy boy Alex! Lucky bitch!" Olivia shouts, making all of us giggle. My eyes are flying over the crowd, searching for a blonde beauty. "Who you looking for Prez?"

"Uh... no one. Just making sure everything is going fine," I lied.

"Still Prez," Olivia rolled her eyes.

Alex hit her, "I like Ani like this! If she wasn't panicking over work it wouldn't be her!" We all laughed. I just enjoyed watching them fight with one another. The gates were open and everyone rushed in. Dancing, food and lights were everywhere. Immediately I went to work, a little disappointed I didn't get to see Cassie before the dance started.

But I would get to be with her afterwards... that's all that matters.

The night passed by quickly and soon I was off my shift. Walking over to the courtyard, I searched for Cassie. Coming across her friend group, I was amazed to not see her. A piece of me wanted to ask where she had gone but they would either flip out or question me.... probably both. So I walked around aimlessly. I was becoming frustrated. The campus isn't that big so where is she?

Annoyed, I just go back inside and escape behind the stage, where I ran into her. Derek has her pressed up against some speaker, hand slipped under the split of her dress. Shocked, I knocked over a mic stand and they spotted me.

For some reason today was different.

I couldn't hold back my feelings. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to fall. I made eye contact with Cassie and when we locked... she knew. She pushed Derek from her, reaching out to me, "Ani-" but I ran.

Running down the steps, straight out the back door. Forgetting about the clean up, the festival and every responsibility I had, I just ran. Cassie did t follow me because then it would be suspicious. So alone, I ran home... crying. Hair a mess, makeup running and loud sobs escaping my lips.

The lights were out at my house, so I just got to my room and locked myself away. Ripping off my dress and scrubbing my face in my bathroom, I couldn't stop crying. I felt humiliated, disappointed and... and like an idiot. I thought she would just be with friends! Be normal and enjoy it like a normal person! No... that's not Cassie. She's not that good. She's not... she's not like me.

Shutting off my phone and changing, I laid in bed and just cried.

Because I was so excited to see her.

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