Honeymoon Piece (E)

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"Are you sure we aren't lost?" Cassie has now asked this for the billionth time.  Reminding myself that we just got married and how we have gone through everything together, I just smile and pray to God that I do not kill my beautiful wife. 

We decided to have our honeymoon be in Paris, France.  Why?  Because Cassie is in love with the culture and I am just interested in the language.  I've set up a few things to see, but since we are only vacationing for about a week, we cannot do everything she wants... which means I better not slack off with time. 

"We are almost at the hotel," I took her hand in mine and kissed the top of it.  She stared at me with these, 'Yeah sure' eyes, but that only made me want to prove her even more wrong.  "How about you look up some restaurants you want to try," she likes going on yelp... so let's use that to distract her.

"I already sent you the directions to the place I picked."


Honestly, I'm already exhausted.  Unlike Cassie, I don't have much energy as she does.  Instead of getting excited over everything and jumping around with joy, I tend to want to sleep in and forget about the world.... maybe even get a few sweets.  Glancing over to her, I can see her adorable little smile as her eyes gleam out the window. 

Maybe the sleeping could wait.


Sitting on the edge of our bed, scrolling through emails, I waited for Cassie to finish.  I'm currently wearing a nice long white flowy shirt that had a plunging v-neck and some light blue skinny jeans.  On my feet were some tan sandals and my hair was pulled back into a bun.  Only wearing a little bit of makeup, I've been waiting around for about twenty minutes now.  Instead of reading little tour guide pamphlets, I've busied myself with work emails....

Even though Cassie told me no work.

But as long as she doesn't see me, it's all good.


"Yes?" I placed my phone in my back pocket and walked over to the restroom.  She was wearing a black and white striped dress that was a bit loose.  It had a plunging v-neck like mine, but it had two massive pockets in the front.  Her blonde hair was thrown back into a messy bun and she was wearing the golden earrings I bought her before we were married.  On her feet were brown sandals that had a good length wedge, making her taller than me.  Though she hadn't finished, she was perfect in my eyes.

"Do you think this would be better with a darker eyeshadow?" She turned to me, giving me a little pout.  Walking over to her, I wrapped my hands around her waist and pressed a kiss to her forehead.  Instantly she wrapped herself around me, giving me a little kiss under the chin, "I'm guessing that's a, 'I do not care'."

"You'd be right," I finally kissed her lips, feeling her smirk a little, "I think you are... I think this... fuck... you're gorgeous just like this Cassie."  She smiled at me, but before giving me another kiss, she slipped on a different pair of sandals, "What's wrong?"

"I want to be smaller than you," she came back, pulling me down for a kiss.  Chuckling, I kissed her neck and took her hand to go.

The restaurant was beautiful.  It was mostly made of dark wood and had glistening yellow lights hanging from the pillars.  The tables were high and the waiters all wore white.  I was also impressed by the jazz players.  "I love it," I told her, taking her hand into mine.

She giggled a little, pointing at the wine list, "You want some?"

"I'm good," I pushed it aside, but she gave me a look, "what?"

"I know you love wine... you don't have to say no because of me," she rubbed her thumb over my hand.

Kissing it once more, I mumbled into it, "Cassie, I don't need wine... I just want to admire my beautiful wife under these illuminating lights."  I watched her turn a little red, before stealing a menu. 

The waiter we had was very attentive and gave Cassie a lot of compliments.  He was very lively and I appreciated his jokes.  The food was amazing, I think we both stuffed ourselves stupid.  After paying for dinner, I took Cassie down to the town and we spent the rest of the evening dancing together.

Though I have no rhythm, I enjoyed watching her spin around.  She tried to teach me how to move but we both just end up almost face planting, which caused us to fall into laughter.  We met other new couples and learned a lot about France's history.  Cassie hit it off with this one girl... since they were both lovers for dance.  I enjoyed a good glass of white wine and listened to some elder's stories.  I think it was almost two in the morning by the time we headed back. 

Once we walked into the room, Cassie tossed off her heels and fell onto the bed.  Crawling over her a bit, I left a few kisses on the back of her neck, on her arms, and legs.  She sighed in relief as I pushed myself up to start her a bath. 

"Cassie," I kissed behind her ear, "the bath is ready for you."

She reached out to me, leaving a tiny kiss on my lips.  Through her wispy bangs, I found her eyes and I just marveled at her.  Again that adorable smile crossed her lips as she mumbled, "Come in with me."

So I did.

For the rest of the night, I splashed her with water, washed her hair, and dried her up.  When we both went to lay down, I held her so close to me, I felt as if I was breathing in her.  As our eyes became droopy and I was almost about to pass out, Cassie snuggled in closer and mumbled out to me, "Good night my love."


Sorry for taking a bit to upload!  I got caught up in some stuff since the holidays are coming! 

For those in America, what is your favorite Turkey Day dish?

Those who live elsewhere, where do you live and what is your favorite holiday???


Instagram: Welcomelovelies

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