A Straightforward Victoria(3)

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The sound of the house phone stirs me awake. Rubbing my eyes, huffing our an annoyed sigh, I glance over at my window. The yellow curtains I made a year ago were pushed aside so the breeze from last night could coast in. Rolling over onto my side, I just look around my room. Everything was pastel colors, cute little stuffed animals I have given odd names to sat on the windowsill, and everything was neatly placed. It was the room I had always loved. Snuggling into my strawberry comforter, I let my hair go wherever and just embrace the warmth. It's been a long time since I've been able to just relax, sleep in. The first day to the weekend is already looking beautiful.

My phone was blowing up with texts, school notifications and emails, but all that could be answered later. I'm just going to bathe in this comfort. My parents probably left already for their work since they're both workaholics. The kitty clock on my nightstand said it was eight thirty so the farmers market was still going on. Feeling the need to walk around and just be in the morning sun, I get up from my bed.

Taking a steamy shower, brushing out my tangled hair and pulling it into a high bun, I left a few baby hairs from the back out. I slip on a pastel pink peach shirt with an identical pink skirt. Slipping on my white converse, I put in my peach earrings and grab my pastel yellow bag with a panda on it. The walk to the farmers market wasn't that long, probably fifteen minutes. When I got there I was happy I came. A little stand selling delicious coffee was at the front so I ordered a small. The next stall had flowers. My flowers were sunflowers since they seemed to be so happy and gentle. Picking some out, I paid the lady the six dollar and continued going around.

Buying some goat cheese, a basket of fruits and some homemade soap, I felt like I worked up an appetite. Seeing a little muffin stand, I head over to it and peer at the menu. I'm a blueberry fan, always have been, but their strawberry muffin seemed to be calling my name. Letting the price be the deciding factor I went with the strawberry. "Excuse me?" I called out to the girl who was busy fixing something. When she turned around a smile came into my face, "I didn't know you worked at the market?"

"What can I say Antonia, I'm a mysterious girl," she slipped on her gloves, smiling at me. She was wearing a grey Queen shirt that had holes over it, a white shirt underneath that and her jeans light blue. Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, showing off her tattoo. Today she only had on lipstick and light foundation. "So what muffin do you want?" She leaned on her elbow, "Can I guess?"

"Go ahead," I teased.

Pursing her lips, she looked me up and down. I felt... embarrassed. Hiding my face, I swing my bag a bit to distract myself. "Well, you're an extremely cute girl," she said nonchalantly, having me blush even more, "you seem like you like sweet things. Maybe even a bit too sweet." She looked over at the menu, putting her finger on the mango, "This one?"

Not wanting to disappoint, I nod, "Got me."

Smiling as if she won a million dollars, she pushed herself up and said, "Be back in a moment." With that she went to the truck parked behind the tent. Slapping my cheeks, I shake my head like a dog. Why am I acting so weird? Get a grip! She brought the muffin over in a cute baby blue bag, "Here you are, one mango muffin."

"Thank you," I muttered, handing her a ten dollar bill, but she refused.

"Apparently the boss told me it's on the house," she said, "hope you like it."

"Your boss?" I raised an eyebrow, "They didn't even see me."

"They're psychic! What can I say!" She said, shrugging all innocent.

Giggling, I put the muffin into my bag , "Well, tell that boss thank you for me. Maybe I'll even come back next weekend."

"They would like that," she said, "see you around Antonia." I waved her a goodbye, skipping away. My chest felt... light. The smile on my face would fall off even when I made it home.


Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to the restaurant. I told Cassie I wanted to talk and we both agreed to meet at the little pizza joint a block from her house. Asking for a table for two, I follow the waitress to the back of the place. Nervous, I pinch my wrist uncontrollably. Hopefully she isn't too angry.... maybe we can get over this. I order a water and a strawberry lemonade for her, since she's addicted to it.

After twenty minutes of sitting alone and being afraid, I get a text on my phone from her:

Can't make it.... maybe another time?

I reply:

Yeah! Text me when you have time.

Shutting off my phone, I lean back in my seat. A bit of me was relieved. I didn't have to face her, hear her yell at me, but another part of me was... upset. "She could have told me she couldn't make... instead of making me wait around like an idiot for twenty minutes," I sighed. Well since I'm here I might as well order something. A body landed in the seat across me, taking me back. But when I noticed who, I smiled again, "Stalking me?"

"Not at all," she said, giving me a big grin, "I was just leaving my second job when I noticed you in the window. You looked awfully lonely so I thought I might as well surprise you with my presence."

Chuckling, I shake my head, "Well thank you for gracing me with your amazing presences. I am so unworthy."

"I don't think so," she teased, flicking my nose, "I've noticed your company is rather fun." Blushing, I hid my face behind the menu. She laughed at me, pushing the menu down to look at me, "You blush so easily.... I like it."

Frowning like a baby, I push her hand away, "Stop it! It's so... weird." She just laughed and stole the menu from me.

"What do you want?"


"What do you want?" She asked again, giving me a toothy grin, "It's on me." Kinda speechless, I just stare at her. Whenever Cassie and I went out to eat, I always paid. We never split the bill... she never offered. It was just expected that I paid. When I didn't respond, Victoria flicked my forehead, saying, "If you keep staring at me like that, I'll think you want me to kiss you."

"W-what?" I almost fell out of my seat.

She chuckled, leaning in a bit and muttering only for me to hear, "I really don't care if you're dating that Winters girl. You caught my eye Antonia and... I want you." I was beyond shocked... the kind of shocked that made it seem as if I had died. She stares at me, that mischievous grin on her lips. She pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear and whispers again, "So be prepared to see me a lot. I'm not known for giving up easily." I knew I was best red and a mess. As she pulled away from me, she just smiles and asks, "So what do you want Antonia?"

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