Having A Hard Time(3)

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"Prez! Prez! Prez! Prez! Prez! Prez! Prez! Prez!" Olivia screams from the eight hundreds, running straight at me. A part of me thought of running away, but the likelihood she was coming to attack me is less than .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009%. When she finally gets to me, slamming on her brakes. She's breathing heavy, fixing her golden locks and trying to tell me something, "Don't... don't go by... five hundreds... don't go... no... stop.... let... Winters.... no!"

Looking over at Alex, I ask, "Please translate."

"I think she's telling you not to go near the five hundreds because Cassidy Winters is looing for you. I could be wrong though," she said. We both look at Olivia and she holds a thumbs up at us.

"Bingo," I said. We continue walking over to the office to deliver the files regarding to budget. Lucky for us we finished it just in time.

Out of nowhere Zachary comes over, holding some bright blue folder, "Ani! I need you to look over this before you deliver everything. It's another budget report by the culinary club."

"I thought we had all the reports," I set the files down, Alex taking a break by taking a seat. I flip through the folder, seeing how they messed up some data and corrected it. Signing it off and giving it to Alex to look over and sign, I turn back to him, "Thank you. It would have been trouble if we didn't catch this."

"I'm happy I got stopped by their club leader! When she told me I came running," he laughed.

Glancing at my phone for the time, I twist my lip, "Zachary, can you do me another favor?" He nods, happy that I am using him. "Can you and Olivia go to the back of the school and meet with the movers. They are dropping off some tents we need for the senior camp night. There is a lot so it would be great if you could assist Olivia." Turning to Olivia, I say, "I'm not saying you aren't strong enough. There's just too much for one person to do alone."

She glared at me, but got over it. Grabbing Zachary behind the neck, she pushes him forward, "Let's go dorky. Let's get this moving shit done with!" Alex and I watch the poor boy get dragged away, unaware she's going to work him to the bone.

"You know she has a crush on him?" Alex said as we continued to the office.


She nodded, "She told me last week that she found him kinda cute. I think he digs her too. Did you see how happy he was!"

"I wasn't paying attention to that," I said, "I'm not much of a gossiper."

"I can tell," she teased, having me turn a little red. She twirls around a bit, smiling like a little fool. I could tell she wanted to tell me something, something important to her.

Sighing, I ask, "What is it Alex?"

"My boyfriend gave me a promise ring!" She shows off her ring, almost having everything topple over. Lucky for her, I caught the side of it with one of my hands. "I'm so sorry! I was just so happy you finally asked! I was so happy when he gave it to me. He said I was the greatest thing that ever walked into his life. Isn't that sweet?" She blabbed, but I couldn't pay attention to her words anymore. The necklace around my neck felt heavy... very heavy.

The locket that thumped against my chest whenever I walked.... the locket Cassie gave me on our one year anniversary. Nibbling on my lip I just go along with her, not wanting to kill her joy.

For awhile now I have been ignoring Cassie. I couldn't tell whether or not it was because I was angry with her or disappointed with myself. I was the stupid one for thinking she would just 'be with her friends'. That's not Cassidy Winters. Cassidy Winters never said no to a boy. She dated whoever, kissed whoever, partied with whoever. That who Cassidy Winters was.

For some reason, I thought that it wouldn't be Cassidy Winters that night but... Cassie. The girl who clung to me, kissed me and told me she loved me. The girl who stole my heart, mind and soul. The girl who's eyes I stared into with so much love and compassion. The girl that I knew was the true one... the girl I loved.

But Cassie never gets shown at school... no. Cassidy Winters is shown. The hot, popular, and rude cheerleader that is enemies with Ani.

Whenever I got her messages, my heart hurt. It hurt when I saw it, hurt when I wanted to answer, but it hurt the most when I ignored it. I was tired of ignoring her, but at the same time I couldn't bring myself to face her. To see her... to forgive her. I know this is all my fault. It's my fault for believing that she would be dressed up so cute for me. For being so intelligent, I was an idiot.

When we delivered everything and were heading back, I asked Alex, "Hey... can I ask you about something?"

"Of course! What is it?" She bounced around, happy.

Pinching my arm, I mutter, "Recently... I got really upset with my boyfriend. He didn't do anything he doesn't usually does, but I just... I... well the thing is... he didn't do anything but I got so... upset and hurt."

"Well if you got hurt he had to do something," she said, "you don't get for no reason."

"No really... he didn't do anything," I said, feeling embarrassed... humiliated, "but I blew up. I ran away and have been ignoring him for a long time now. I've been taking my hurt feelings out on everyone and honestly.... I want to just get over this. I want to apologize to him for... for overreacting. I was just wondering... how should I apologize?"

"Hmm," she mumbled, "well that's kinda hard. You say he didn't do anything yet he hurt your feelings. I feel like... you shouldn't be the one apologizing."

"But he didn't do anything," I said, feeling irritated, "nevermind...I can figure it out." I sped away. Why did I even ask? This is something between Cassie and I. I shouldn't have asked an outsider. They won't even understand our... our kind of relationship.

"Wait Ani!" Alex ran in front of me, frowning, "I'm sorry... I didn't understand what you were saying. I get it now. Honestly, I think you should just reach out and tell them how you feel. Then when you two talk everything over, apologizing for ignoring them."

Feeling... ashamed, I nod. Hiding my face. I felt my legs tremble a little. Quietly I say, "Thanks... I'm sorry. I've just been... having a hard time."

"You don't have to apologize!" She hugged me, rubbing my head like I was a puppy. Tears brimmed in my eyes. The only person I really let hug me like this has been Cassie. My arms wide, I slowly... very slowly wrap them around Alex. When they rested on her waist, I felt my tears fall. Silently, I sobbed into her shoulder. Not letting her see my face.


Tossing rocks into the little pond, I watch it skip. Unable to go home yet and being too tired to work on ASB work, I decided to walk around and stopped when I came here. Clutching my phone in my other hand, I think of everything I should say to Cassie. Preparing myself for her anger. She will probably yell at me... call me stupid, which I was being stupid. She'll probably tell me to make it up to her... so I guess I'll just spoil her for about a month. I just hope she doesn't... that she doesn't want to...

"What do I do if she wants to do that?" A tear slips down. Before it could get to my chin, I wipe it away. Resting my head in my arms, I finally let my voice out as I cry. Everything has been so complicated... so tiring. I just want to go back to how Cassie and I were before all of this. Before high school and her cheer club... can't we?

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