A Day Out (6)

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"I still can't believe you got into Princeton Prez... like... can I have an ounce of your intelligence? Just a fucking ounce?" Olivia hung herself upside down the monkeybars. Her long blonde hair was all staticy and knotted.

"Babe, you'll get a headache like that," Zachary went over to her, bending a bit to give her a kiss. Of course Olivia blushes like crazy as Alex teased her.

"You two are sooooo cute!" Alex, wearing black jeans with a pink fitted shirt, rushed over to Olivia and squeezed her cheeks. Swiping her hands away... but unsuccessfully, Olivia whines and whines. However in a couple seconds there goes Jeffery, Alex's boyfriend, swiping her up and dragging her back to the tables. "Jeff! Why?"

He laughed at Alex, placing a little kiss on her forehead, "Because you left me all alone... I was lonely." Immediately Alex swarmed him with kisses, Olivia making a face while Zachary hugged her.

I remained under a tree, going between observing them and reading. Most of the time I was chuckling at their arguments: Olivia would do something funny, Alex teased, Olivia whines, Jeffery stepped in, Alex whines, Jeffrey says something loving, Alex is happy, Olivia is sad, Zachary makes her happy. Watching them seemed much more interesting than reading about Raskolnikov's psychological breakdown. Shutting the horrid book and placing it to the side, I pull my legs into my chest and relax my heavy head onto my knees. Again they start a game of tag, the girls screaming and the guys laughing. A little smile crept onto my lips as I watched.

It was nice being out with them. Seeing them giggle and shout somehow relaxed me. That either means I'm going crazy or I am just extremely boring. Probably both.... but for the entire week, I've been spending all my extra time with Alex and Olivia. I've been content; satisfied. It was refreshing, something out of my usual routine. What definitely helped was whenever I became heavy with pain after school... since those were the hours I could spend time with her. They either talked about their boyfriends or chatted about boy bands. Sometimes they even talked for hours about clothes. Most of the time I read or watched, since I'm not really familiar with their topics. Today I had nothing planned, it being a Saturday of course, and I got a message from them asking to come to the park. I was hesitant, since their boyfriends would be present, but I also knew I would either end up doing all of the ASB work... leaving us empty for three months, or I would end up reading my entire book collection all over again.

"Prez!" Olivia rushes over, kicking up some sand as she comes. She was wearing tan shorts with a white shirt that had puffy sleeves. No shoes on her feet since the park was mostly sand. "Wanna go to the ice cream shop with Alex and I? We're ditching the boys for a bit!" She whispered, yet was still loud enough for everyone and China to hear. Shaking in disagreement, I was yanked up to my feet and shoved towards the street. "Be back soon!" She cried out and continued to push me. They giggled and tugged me along, both of them singing The Circle Of Life from Lion King. When we actually got to the ice cream place, Olivia finally started a conversation, "How you doing prez?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"We're happy you're outside today," Alex joined in, "but you've been looking.... paw recently. Something wrong with your health?"

I wanted to fiddle with my fingers, twist something. The talk we had just a while ago still rang in my head at night... I don't want them to know. "No I'm fine. I've been working on some scholarships is all," it was our turn at the counter. They ordered and I just went with whatever Alex got. Before I could pay, Olivia drug me away and Alex took the bill. Alex brought our cups, to each of us taking a seat outside. Scooping mine slowly, I traced the outer edge of the cream... thinking silently.

But silence wasn't awarded with these two.

"How's your boyfriend and you Prez?" Olivia piped up, "Going good?"

"We ended," I said.

"What?" Both of their eyes were wide, tongue hanging out, "Why?"

Shrugging a bit, I said, "Cause we did. There's not much of an explanation when it comes to these things. We ended and that's it."

They swirled their spoons around, frowning. "It still must suck. If I ended with my boyfriend.... I would be devastated," Alex said.

"Same," Olivia said, "I really really like Zac. He's the first guy to treat me good." The chain around my neck weighed heavy. Felt as if the locker was burning a hole into my chest. I never could bring myself to take it off. It was part of me now... it had molded into my being. Olivia and Alex took my hand and smiled, "Well we're here no matter what!"

"Lean on us whenever!" Alex shouted.

I nodded, going back to listening to them ramble and complain. It's nice hearing other's problems... instead of constantly thinking and worrying about your own.

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