The Fall Pt. 2(5)

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I was ten when my grandmother made me a quilt. She was a lover of blues and greens, any kind. Seaweed green, neon blue, or forest green... any and all of it was on my blanket. In certain positions it looked as if it shimmered. No idea why, but it did. At times I even forgot it was mine. It was some magical and glorious thing.

It was simply one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

"I wonder where it went," I muttered to myself, folding my pants and shoving it into my drawer. It was the weekend, I'm not sure if it's Saturday or Sunday... I've lost the sense of time. Mom and dad weren't home like usual, busy saving their companies and making money, so the house was quiet... almost chilling. Cassie had left for a Cheer field trip today and she wouldn't come back until Friday this upcoming week. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Maybe a terrible nightmare. Who knows.

After my clothes, I sat down at the window sill, staring out at the rain. It was pouring heavier today, the sky a dark gray. Whenever it gets like this, the rain piles up and floods downtown. I remember that one year it was really bad. Papers, leaves, bottles and much more was floating through the streets, clogging up the drain units. School was shut down since the water had flooded into classrooms. The city was almost evacuated. I was so scared. Clinging onto my mom's body I sobbed. My eyes were puffy, my throat raw. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get me to stop. I screamed for my dad, my grandma and friends. Tears staining my cheeks and snot running down my chin, I just yelled and yelled. It was the first time I was afraid to die. The first time I felt that terrible sensation. To think you are going to die at such a young age ruins a person, but luckily for me... I soon forgot about it once I saw my friends again.

I don't remember who my friends were back then. One was blonde, the other brunette, but that's the most I remember. Their faces are blurry now, lost in my memories. I guess I never really cared about them since I forgot about them so quickly.

The doorbell rang, pulling me from my thoughts. Soulessly, I move downstairs and open the door. Soaked to the bone, hair a mess and makeup running... she stood there, face twisted with anger and hands clenched by her sides. My hands became stuck, as if they had been frozen over. She knocked on the door again, not caring that it was wide open, "May I come in, Antonia?"

Speechless, I take a couple steps back... struggling to find the words. She waited, not entering without permission... cautious like usual. Cassie wasn't that cautious... she wasn't that patient. No... she pushes the door open, forces me to do whatever she pleases...

She hurts me.

"May I come in?" She asked again, this time becoming impatient. I was shaking... Do I let her? What else is there to talk about? Why is she here? What will happen to me if Cassie finds out? I panicked, unsure what to do. I wanted someone else to choose... someone to either push her away or welcome her in. "Fine," she huffed, pushing her drenched bangs to the side, "I'll say it here then. I don't care what you said Antonia... I know you were lying that day and even if you want to persuade me into thinking something else, I won't. Why? Because honestly... I don't want to think that's true... and even if it is... I don't care. I just don't care! I don't get why you're so... so stubborn. Why you're staying with someone who cheats on you. Is it out of fear? Are you just comfortable with being an object? I don't get it, but that's not my job to get. I like you Antonia... I really really like you and I don't know how else to convey that. I have no idea how to make you understand. All I know is when I see you walking around you seem so dead and I don't know why, but I can't ask you because of Cassidy. You do whatever she wants and I just don't know why. I don't get it Antonia! I don't get it... so please... please explain to me why you can't bring yourself to like me and why you love Cassidy so much?"

* A Week And Six Days Earlier*

"'Since Columbus never truly found the land of which The United States is located, I do believe that we should not celebrate a man who stands for slavery, racism and inequality...'" I mumble out as I finish off my argumentative essay. I'm not a fan of political arguments nor debates as it is, I have found this project to be the most exhausting. Reading over my work, I fix a few mistakes and submit it to my teacher's classroom. Stretching out my arms, I notice how I have two extra hours of fun time... so I jumped onto my bed and grabbed my Fruits Basket manga! It's rare for me to have freetime, so when I do I definitely use it correctly! Flipping the pages and getting sucked into it, my phone goes off. A little annoyed, I ignore it but when the call comes again I know instantly who it is. Feeling a bit... awkward, I reach over and see her name on my screen. If I don't answer... what will she do? Storm over here? Yell at me is for sure but will she... will she do that again? Afraid of the unknown, I answer her call, "Hello?"

"Hi my love!" She cried out, excited and... happy. Thank god she's happy. "What are you doing?"

"Uh," I sat up on my bed, playing with my shirt's hem, "I'm just writing my debate essay. How about you?"

"Waiting for one of the girls to do the routine right," she complains, sounding very animated, "it's freezing out here! Ugh! I hate this so much!" Her whining was... reassuring. Made me think I was safe. I would rather her whine about life than be angry. "Are you going to be busy in about an hour though?"

"Uh I have a lot of ASB work to do," I said, staring at the stack I finished earlier, "so I guess."

"Awwww I wanted to come visit you! You and I don't hangout that much since we're both really busy!" She said.

It's so weird... I felt uneasy and nervous. Pacing around my room, I dig my nails into my wrist unconsciously, "Yeah... I wish we could spend more time together, but we really need to focus on our club activities for college."

"True... oh I've never asked but what college are you going to?" She asked, making me even more nervous. Stopping in my tracks, I feel this chill run over my spine... I can't tell her. I can't. No... I have to change the conversation.

"Uh," I mumbled... what do I say? Do I lie? What happens if she finds out? She'll definitely react poorly. She'll question me and when she questions me what if she.... No, no, no.... So she wouldn't, right? She said she would never hurt me again. No she wouldn't....

But what if she does?

"I'm not sure yet," I say, my voice quivering, "I have a few scholarships I have to negotiate with the colleges and stuff. When I have a clear discussion, I'll tell you."

"Of course you have scholarships! Uh, sorry I have to go baby! Love you!" She abruptly said.

"Love you," I muttered back and the call ended. Sitting on my bed again, I felt... jittery. Whether it was about getting to read my book or something else, I didn't want to know.

Hi everyone!

I have published a new novel I had been planning publishing for a while! It's called The Four-Way Tie! Please check it out! Love you all and please stay safe!

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