Chapter 3

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The guard was stopped from holding me at gunpoint. "No wait, it's okay. She only sat up and broke the cuffs. We just underestimated her strength. There is no danger yet." The first man said.

"Sir, what do we make of this... thing? What is it?" One of the labcoats asked.

"We won't know unless we find a way to talk to her. Let's take a break for now. Jarvis, please keep an eye on our subject." The man talked to a random person.

"Yes dr Banner." Another man walked in with dark hair brown eyes and a goatee of sorts.

"So, big green, anything yet?" He asked the first man, whom I assume to be Dr Banner.

"No Tony. All we know is that it seems female, it has a form of super strength, and it shouldn't be alive. I don't know if she can understand us at all, or if she just doesn't understand English, but we haven't had a word coming from her." Three names already. Well four if the name Barton is one of theirs.

"What makes you say that?" This Tony asked. Seizing him up, I could tell he was definitely human but I couldn't quite make out what was going on with him.

"The not alive thing is because we can't find any vitalities. She has no heartrate, no blood-pressure. She looks so human, but she obviously isn't. Her temperature is too low for a living person. I doubt she is a threat though. Just now she broke the cuffs but instead of attacking or escaping, she merely sat up, observing her surroundings, as she is now." Dr Banner explained.

"Jarvis, have you tried facial recognition?" Tony asked a random person.

"All I got, sir, was footage from the battle. No older records anywhere." I wonder where this Jarvis person is.

"A mystery. I need a drink for this. You coming? Jarvis keep an eye on our subject." The two left. So far, I know four names and only two go with faces. The one named Tony mentioned a drink and that reminded me of my thirst. I felt a burn in my throat telling me I had to feed.

Seeing a table full of portable medical stuff, I saw a blood-bag. Perfect. I got off the bed and once I was steady on my feet, I went to the blood-bag. Looking around for a glass or a mug, I found a coffee mug laying around. Ripping the bag open, I poured its contents in the mug and took both back to the bed. There I sipped the blood from the mug while waiting until someone would come again or for my energy to restore at least.

The guard from earlier left the room in a rush. I forgot about him honestly.

"Miss, are you able to understand human speech? Please nod if you understand." The voice from this Jarvis person asked. Looking around, I tried to find out if a human was hidden.

"You won't find me. I am an AI made to serve Sir Tony Stark, I have control over this whole building. Please answer my question." I nodded once. An AI? That's pretty cool.

"Can you speak?" another nod.

"Do you speak English?" a third nod before I poured the rest of the blood in my mug and the two men named Tony and Dr. Banner returned. Followed by the labcoats. Worried I would need to give up the blood, I growled warning them to stay where they were now.

"Sir, subject knows how to speak and can understand English. She is drinking blood, sir."

"Thank you Jarvis." Tony said. The lab-coats surrounded my bed again despite my warning. I tensed up.

"Subject...growls..." One mumbled while writing it down. The others did the same.

"Guys step back a little. Give her some space. Growling is often a warning." When they did take a few steps back, I relaxed a little and continued feeding. Well drinking.

Once finished, I looked for a sink so I could wash the mug and to throw the bloodbag away. Finding one in a corner next to the door, I got off the bed again and was steady much faster now. I felt no pain except for a dull ache in my heart. After washing the mug and throwing the bag in a bin, I put the mug back on the table.

"Miss, here. You spilled a little around your lips." The one named Banner said offering me a handkerchief. Taking it, I wiped my mouth. Showing my face to the man in a silent question, he nodded and took the handkerchief back.

"Can you tell us who you are?" the one named Tony asked. "Your name? What you are?"

"She's a freak who believes she's a vampire." One labcoat muttered.

"I think she has proven that she actually is one with the whole blood-drinking, super-strength and growling." Tony's tone was sassy. I had to hide a smile.

"Captain Rogers has super-strength too, I don't see him being a freak." Captain? Is this some military facility?

"Miss, at least tell us your name? Calling you subject feels wrong." Dr Banner asked.

"Leona." That was all I wanted to give them. I had no idea which surname I should go with. Swan was a possibility but what if I was merely sent into the future or past? Volturi could be used but that would only remind me of Felix and that would hurt me more than the ache in my heart already did.

"That's a nice name. Leona. I am-." I interrupted the doctor.

"Dr. Banner. That is mr Tony Stark." I pointed.

"Yes. Do you know where you are right now?" He asked.

"No, sir." I shook my head.

"You are in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. After the big battle in New York, we found you unconscious after you released some energy or something that repaired most of the damages the battle caused. You aren't a prisoner as of yet, but we need you to help us understand you, or you will become imprisoned." So I was in America.

"What year?" I wondered.

"It's 2012." So I am on a different version of earth a couple of years into the future. That is odd. I doubt my kind exists on this one though.

"What year are you from?" Tony asked.

"2006, sir." Politeness would probably get me out of here the fastest and without problems.

"Do you have a surname?" They had noticed I left that out when I gave them my name.
Slowly Leona is learning where and when she is. and slowly she meets more members of the avengers. Who will she bond with and how? Will she pick sides on certain matters?

That's all for you lovely readers to find out in the upcoming chapters.

Please let me know what you think of this story so far and/or what you think the answers to the questions are going to be. I do read all comments and answer those I think require an answer.

Have a nice week!!

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