Chapter 24

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“This champion, is it a big green creature?” Korg nodded. I smirked. Oh, this could be very interesting. I went to the entrance where I was to wait while I was announced.

"Ladies, gentleman and everyone else. Welcome to the grandest Contest of Champions yet. In one corner, known for her ability to create and break, Leona the Wanderer!” I walked out to take note of the arena. I was glad there was sand and stone.

Grandmaster was sitting with several scantily dressed female beings. Ugh. I hope he hasn’t touched my stuff with his dirty and unworthy hands.

“In the other corner, you know him, you love him, the champion of Sakaar, HULK!” A familiar big and green being burst out. He was cheering, playing the crowd. Hulk changed.

“Let the battle begin!” Hulk looked at me and seemed surprised. I clapped my hands together and my cloak was wrapped around me as it had done before. I took the belt off and combined it with the dagger, making a plan, while Hulk was charging me. I dodged his hits easily through my senses telling me how to move, then I used the newly acquired cuffs to bind the Hulk’s legs at just the spots so he couldn’t move.

Then I used the sand and stone and wrapped the big guy so just his head was left. I needed layer it so many times, I used up all the sand.  “I am sorry big guy, but I am not really into it today.” I snapped his neck just enough to knock him out but not enough to kill him.

“Is that enough proof for you?” I yelled at the grandmaster. He nodded and I let go of Hulk’s bindings. Only for him to wake up and smack me away. I just keep fainting lately.

Somewhere far different…
He just finished reporting the latest news when he winced. “Are you okay?” Caius asked. Felix nodded.

“May I?” Aro asked permission to read the man’s thoughts. He reached out and Aro took his hand.

“You really think it is Leona?” He asked the tall man.

“I do, after Gaia separated us, I could barely sense her if at all but lately I felt like she was still there, just very far away.” Felix explained.

“Was that after your heartache?” Marcus was intrigued. The kings had witnessed the warrior slip back in his serious and cold personality after his mate was taken. While he knew Leona was still alive, their separation as a couple felt like someone cut their bond in half, like she had died. He would often be found at their spot in town, looking like a man who lost the love of his life.

At some point he felt his heart ache as if it was on fire and he fainted. It took a while for him to re-awaken. When he did, Felix felt like his bond with Leona was stronger.

“Let me see… yes, your bond seems to have grown again. If I had to make a guess, I would say she got turned at least a little more into one of us.” Marcus spoke, having taken a look at one of the most fascinating bonds he had seen during his existence.

“I want to find a way to bring her back or to go to her. The past couple of days, I kept getting headaches for no reason. Full vampires don’t get those. I am worried something is happening.” Felix told his masters.

“We will help. We have done research on this whole Wanderer myth and things don’t look as glorious and good for Leona as one would think.” Marcus said.

“What do you mean, Master?” Demetei asked.

“If she is growing more into one of us, her power might be growing as well. The two of you are already a force to be reckoned with individually. You two together are unstoppable. That is really why you two got separated. That is why that part of her legend exists.” Caius explained. The wives had helped with figuring it all out, as they were still tasked with keeping track of the legend that was the Wanderer.

“Then from now on your only mission is to find a way to reach your mate. And Felix, failure is not an option.” Aro ordered. Felix nodded.

“Begin in Greece, the myth originates from there. Good luck.” Marcus gave one last bit of advice before the large vampire left the room to pack.

Back on Sakaar…
Re-awakening, I sat up. I was still wearing my cloak but now in a bedroom. No, an apartment of sorts. “Anyone here?” I called out.

“Oh you’re awake, how are you feeling mistress?” A young girl came walking in.

“Mistress? What is going on?” what happened when I was out?

“Grandmaster gifted you this suite in his home as his honored guest. I am your handmaid for the duration of your stay, ready to serve as you wish.” She explained.

“What’s your name?” I asked the girl. Calling her girl would become annoying.

“Dina.” Not hard to remember or call. Good.

“Dina, where is Loki?” I could need his help. Though his act of practically leading Hela where she wanted to go, wasn't a positive impression of his usefulness.

“Loki is with Grandmaster. Want me to fetch him for you?” Did her cheeks just redden?

“Y-no. I want you to help me find a way to leave Sakaar. I have unfinished business elsewhere which can’t be left as is. Oh and can you fetch me a few blood bags?” I would go after Hela myself. I have no idea where Thor is, and I am not certain about how much of a help Loki could be.

“Yes mistress.” She left immediately with a curtsy. I explored the suite and found out there was a bathroom and a walk-in-closet. The view was grand but a typical city view. Hulk’s image was on billboards.

He could be of help. If I can convince him somehow to come with me. Perhaps if I could talk to Banner. For now, I would just freshen up and prepare for travel.

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