Chapter 30

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Once left on my own, I broke the sealing circles and walked to the front door. The door wasn't sealed and it looked really old. Just touching it, made the door fall of its hinges. when it fell a lot of dust rose. Just how long ago did the man live here? Using my speed I cleaned up the house and just because I was already busy with it, I did the other one too. 

After the cleaning, I looked around the small house. It had the barest basic necessities to make it livable. It was more of a hut than a house. Only the bathroom was in a separate room. The bed was in one corner with a floor to ceiling bookcase. then a small table and a chair and next to that was the bathroom, on the other end was an old stove and a kitchen counter. the flooring was simple stone aside from the wood in the middle  of the hut underneath the rug that rather looked like it would fall apart if I touched it. Pulling the rug away, it turned out that the wood was a hatch.

Trying to pull the hatch open, I found I couldn't. Not even with my enhanced strength. Deciding to leave it for now, I checked out the bookcase. it had lots of old papers. They seemed to be journals and scriptures. research papers. All about the legend I'm supposedly part of and alchemy.

For the next few weeks I spend my time reading every single paper. the man was named Salamon. Born in medieval times, he had been having visionary dreams telling him to study alchemy. His family had shunned him for his 'evil' and 'mad' activities. So he came to live here in the hut. apparently the man had managed to become sort of immortal once he learned to use and control actual magic. He wasn't an alchemist, but more of a wizard. 

Salamon studied alchemy all his life and learned every bit of theory on the subject from many places in the world. During his travels in Greece he learned of the Wanderer's legend. There was an interesting poem added in the journals.

Loved by all
Meant for none
The Wanderer walks
Forever alone

To mend the broken
and save the lost
they travel worlds
but at what cost

Seven souls become
bound to the chosen
but her heart must
remain forever frozen

Thus are the curses Gaia
put on the stolen soul
for her to fulfill
her never-ending role

Friend, Guide, Lover,
are just three of the roles
Healer, Protector, Child and Mother
the Wanderer must meet these souls

The Wanderer will meet them all
each time in a different dimension
Once to become, once to grow
and once to reach ascension

Stolen from fire and steel
made to serve the lazy snake
the wanderer will never heel
but she must create and break

Her chains of servitude
are to be ripped apart
once she learns the truth
and returns to the start

I wonder what this all means. "Miss Leona? are you in here?" I put the journal away real quick and went to the door. This woman was standing there. Once she saw me appear she smiled kindly. "There you are, Princess Shuri has asked if you could help her, with testing the new arm she made for mr Barnes." She explained.

"Yes of course. Lead the way." She led me straight to this lab while we talked about how I thought of being in this country. Shuri's labs are just as if not more advanced than Tony's. Once in the correct room, I found the young princess and Bucky along with assistants. He sat in a chair with his upper-body bare to make working on his shoulder and arm easier. Not gonna lie, he didn't look half-bad.

"Ah there you are, thank you for coming. I actually wanted to do simple tests to see how durable the arm is under hard circumstances like a fight and you with your enhanced strength and sturdy body are a perfect sparring partner." Shuri explained. 

"Become an alchemy-gifted vampire they said. You'll be legendary they said." I replied in sarcasm, but agreed to spar. "Wait, who is stronger you or Steve?" I asked the brunette male as we followed Shuri and her assistants to a sparring room.

We are equal in strength but I have my arm and more experience. He fights in a smarter way. Why?" he answered.

"Then I know how much of my strength I need to hold back to not straight up kill you." I answered with a shrug. If he was correct, he was more comparable to Emmett and Felix. Steve was more comparable to Jasper.

"You are stronger than Steve?" He looked as if he didn't believe me.

"Always was, now even more so, considering I am a full vampire now instead of a hybrid." I answered like it was no big deal. 

"A vampire like Dracula? Do you burn in the sun?" He wondered.

"No we don't. My type of vampires usually sparkles like disco-balls." We began sparring and used this spar to get to know one another. He really wasn't such a bad person. while he fought like Emmett tends to do, his background is like Jasper's. A young officer in the army met misfortune and was used by those with evil intentions to gain power.

After the spar, we both freshened up and I walked him to his new accommodations per Shuri's orders. "That house is yours. I kept it clean for you as I was already busy cleaning anyways and I don't sleep at all. So if you need anything, just come on over. Oh don't be startled when you see a giant wolf around here. That's my familiar Fenris. He is a bit rough around the edges but kind in his own way." 

"Thanks for the cleaning. Goodnight." We separated as he went to his house. I went to my own and continued reading Salamon's  journals. The good man had apparently known the Wanderer, me, was going to be here for something big and kept the house protected and all his practical knowledge concerning alchemical circles, hidden in the house. reading that part, had me glancing at the hatch in the middle. What could it be hiding?
what do you think the poem means? what are the key-points in it? What is hidden under the house?

Let me know your thoughts on these questions, theories on what happens next or what you think of the story.

my updating schedule is a bit out of it's regularity because I am working pretty hard on my final exam and an important presentation. once I pass those two things I am finally done with school and hopefully can get a proper fulltime job. 

I hope you can understand and have a nice week!!

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