Chapter 37

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"Hello Leona, it has been a while." Demetri greeted me.

"It has, how are you? How did you get here? Why are you here? Are you alone?" I began firing off questions.

"Calm down, I'll tell you everything." He chuckled. I prepared us both a cup of blood and gave him one.

"Thanks. I got here because that Loki guy was attacked, and I tried to get him out of danger. I guess I got pulled along when he teleported here. When I landed here I went to find shade to re-orientate and try to figure out where I was. Then I sensed your tenor with my gift and I knew I had to get in touch with you. That's when your guard-dogs found me." I heard Fenris growl at the name calling.

"So are you here alone?" I hope he is. Even though I miss some of my family. It can be too dangerous for them to get involved.

"Yes and no, I can sense a certain niece of yours here as well. I promise I didn't bring her with me." Little Ren is here too?

"You're kidding." I groaned. Now I would need to baby-sit her and keep an eye on Demetri as well.

"He's not, aunt Leo. I came  hoping to sneak here with mr Loki." My dear niece replied instead.

"Who else is in this realm?" I asked them.

"Denali, Cullen, Whitlock, the Black-pack. and the Volturi highguard along with Aro and Caius." Demetri summed them up. Quite a lot of people.

"Why did you all come?" I wondered.

"To save you from the wicked witch's influences. Or if you turn out to not be brain-washed, to save you from Thanos. He has you as one of the main targets." He explained. So Thanos knows about me.

"While I am happy to see you both, you shouldn't be here." It's too dangerous.

"Why not? We miss you aunt Leo. We want you home with us. Felix, he-." Demetri glanced at her and she stopped talking.

"He what?" How is my sweet warrior doing?

"I'm not supposed to tell you." She answered.

"Tell me what?" I looked at both of them until my dear niece cracked.

"Let me show you." She touched my cheek and showed me memories from their time with Thanos. The way Felix intimidated everyone into not even daring to mention my name. He made them terrified of his vampiric personality. Even the two kings were nervous around him. Oh, my sweet warrior. How worried you must be, to let yourself lose control like this.

"I'm sorry Aunt Leo I didn't mean to make you cry." The memories stopped showing, and I was back in reality. Venom had pooled in my eyes but tears would no longer shed.

"It's okay. Thank you for showing me. I can assure both of you no one brainwashed me into fighting for the human side. Let me tell you everything." So I did. Demetri and I got a cup of human blood and Ren got some juice while we talked. They ended up staying with me and Demetri's memory of ancient Greek writing proved helpful.

"The circle of sharing seems to mention sharing senses. Perhaps even gifts if both individuals are of the same kind to be able to handle the other's gift. However, you can share your senses with humans so their sight, hearing and other senses get better.

"Perfect. Then we need to draw a gigantic circle to help the humans out. What about the last one?" He read it and he seemed scared. I had never seen Demetri scared of anything.

"Never use that one. No matter what." He was so serious, I never expected he would act this way.

"Why not? What's wrong with it?" I asked not understanding.

"It is a circle used for sacrifices. Its description tells us about sacrificing one's remaining years to keep others from dying. Don't ever use it. Especially during a war for the circle won't recognize friend from foe. Swear you won't use it, swear it on Charlie's life." That serious huh?

"I can't use it anyway. It is forbidden to mess with death." I assured him. "Considering I need to stick within the middle of the sharing circle, I think I need to upgrade my knife to defend myself. I'll be right back." I raced to find T'challa and Shuri to ask if I could use vibranium for my upgrade.

They let me and I created dual swords out of the metal and my knife. For the final month leading up to the battle of all battles, I trained with the humans to get used to fighting with better senses. With Loki's help I figured I was able to mark those I wished to share my senses with, and how to make sure my gift wouldn't be shared. 

The god of mischief was quickly becoming a really good friend of mine. We played the occasional prank, but I always made sure they weren't harmful ones. After the month was over and Dr Strange told us Thanos was getting really close, as in the following day he would be arriving, I had a pre-war bonfire like the one Renesmee and I had with our family before the volturi confrontation. Bucky, Natasha, Steve, Sam, Thor and Loki, Demetri, Renesmee, Clint they all joined. These people were the ones I felt closest to.

"Ah this brings memories, don't they Ren?" I asked my dear niece as we both leaned  back against Fenris' side, whom had chosen to grace us with his presence. His sons were out running a perimeter to scout the area the fight would be taking place.

"Yes, though I hope this time you won't be leaving again." She answered. I agreed.

"Leona, will you tell us your full story now?" Clint asked. "You know ours, but we only know bits of yours."

"All right. it only seems fair." and so I began. "My biological mother, was out one day when she was still a young teen when a man couldn't take no for an answer. He raped her in an alley and when she found out about me, she tried to miscarry unable to live with the idea of my existence. My father in all but blood convinced her to keep me, but when I was born she made my life hell. I was left behind in dangerous places, it would take sometimes days for any open wound or illness to get treated, and sometimes she would make me starve. When she had my half-sister with my father, she went out of her way to show favoritism, until the divorce happened when I was ten years old.

I got to stay with Charlie, my father, but holidays were spent with her. During my youth I found I enjoyed repairing things and that I had a knack for it. I was happy as it made dad happy and worry less about money. So my mother would be happy too right? Perhaps it would make her hate me less. I was wrong. She said I would only be slightly accepted, if I joined the army and came back either high-ranking or dead. Having her acceptance was something I still desired. So I did as told. I joined the army at seventeen." 

"You pulled a Jasper? You two are truly family." Demetri commented. I smiled softly, agreeing. Continuing I told about my job out there and meeting Mark. Then about losing Mark and our unborn child as well as the chance to ever have a child of my own. I told about meeting the Cullens, the wolves, what happened with James and Victoria, about the Volturi, and finding out Felix was my soulmate and savior. 

I spoke about realizing what my gift was and the fights between Bella and I. About finding out about Renesmee and about the academy. And then about the confrontation with the Volturi, about Gaia and how I came to this particular world.

"You have been through a lot. I think I understand why you seem so attached to some of us." Clint reacted first. The others agreed aside from Loki. Who remained quiet. The humans went to bed and Demetri took Renesmee for a hunt. Thor left to see his people and so I was left alone with the younger of the two gods.

I deeply apologize. It has been pretty long since I posted the last update. I am not entirely sure why but getting this chapter done was taking a lot more time than usual. 

Since the story is getting close to the war, I do have a question which will be helpful. I have plans for the war ending in one battle, or in two like in the movies. Which would you prefer?

Let me know what you think in the comments and have a nice week!!

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