Chapter 9

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"Neat." I replied. "Then I won't need to take it off either to sense which components I can actually use." That would be useful.

"Ah that's something I am still working on. Want to help me with some stuff?"

"Can I? it's been a while since I did any form of tinkering with anything." I was excited at the idea.

"Sure. I didn't want you to help before because I wanted the suit to be a surprise gift." He seemed amused at my excitement.

"That's very kind of you. Thank you." He showed me a space in the lab where I could work myself. At first he gave me some simple stuff but soon enough I was helping him with making things for the team. That's how I began earning my place. Natasha, Clint and I were often sent out on missions together. After or in between those missions, I would work on arrows or suits or stuff with Tony in which I learned a great deal. I kept training with Steve and Thor, and Dr Banner did his own thing, until one day Tony annoyed him one time too often.

That's when I met the Hulk. Oh dear.

Tony was being himself and bothering the kind scientist, while I just worked on some arrows for Clint. That's when I heard some sort of roar, loud noises of destruction and a yelp before Tony came running my way.

"Tony what's going on?" I questioned the odd behaviour.

"No time to talk. Hulk. Run!" He yelled as he passed me.

"What? why would-." I turned to where he came from and saw a big green thing, storming our way.

"Oh." I mumbled. The thing didn't seem to care I hadn't done anything wrong, because it attacked me with a punch. And what a power did it pack. I smiled excited that there was possibly someone, or thing, I didn't need to hold my strength back for. I shook off the punch. Then I met the second one it was aiming at me, with one of my own, and a hiss, as I allowed my vampire side to take over.

Choosing to lead the creature away, I kept taunting it, so it would remain focused on me until we were well away from the city. There I used my gift to create a huge dome of sorts and we battled it out. It was a true fighter. Only focused on fighting whoever it deemed a threat to itself. That is, until it seemed to tire itself out. Which I was glad it did because I was exhausted. 

The dome was about as big, as where I was creating the academy, and I never was able to create the buildings for that in one go. Now I did and I would need to feed soon as I was tired from the dome creating and the fight.

The creature shrunk, and I thought I saw a familiar face before I blacked out.


Once Banner had turned back, he startled to see he was in some sort of dome with one other person. "Leona?" Her eyes closed and for a bit, he feared the worst. "No. No no no. Leona wake up please." He tried to check for vitals only remembering that she didn't have any once he tried it.

"Bruce?" Tony and Natasha had come.

"It's Leona. I think I..." A gasp of air hadn't been so relieving to hear. Turning to the blonde, Bruce was about to ask her how she felt, only to startle at the black eyes.

"Quick, she needs to feed." Leona didn't wait long enough and sniffed Dr Banner's neck before trying to bite him, only for Tony to shoot her. That distracted her and she went after Tony. He caught her in an empty suit which was sent back to the tower where Jarvis would've told the medical department to prepare a bloodbag. Or two.

"What happened?" Banner asked the two others.

"I went one too far again and she led you away from the city, before she created this dome.  Apparently you two fought, until you both were too tired and you turned back while she passed out."

"She used her gift to create this dome, to prevent you from doing any form of damage to the city, or from people getting in between. I think she finally met her match in strength." Natasha explained.

"That's...unexpected. Wow. Should we go check on her?" Agreeing, the three went back to the tower, where Leona had been sent to the same cell, they usually used for Hulk to rage out in. As that was about the only one that could possibly keep her in. When they found her, she hadn't been fed yet.

"Why didn't someone feed her?" Natasha asked.

"Out of fear that she'll attack. Leona probably prefers her...nourishment to come from a more living source." Steve answered.

"She needs to feed though. We don't know what happens if she doesn't." Tony said..

"She'll go mad with hunger but eventually grows weaker." Both Bruce and Natasha explained.

"Just toss a couple of bags in there." So they did. At first Leona's thirst had her unable to be more in control of her strength and she spilled the blood. Once she had been drinking some, she regained her control enough to not spill, and eventually her vampiric side calmed down completely. 

"Leona?" Steve asked.

"W-what... oh no. I did it again, didn't I?" The blond girl looked down at her bloody clothes

"What do you mean?" The humans were confused.

"I killed someone, didn't I? That's where the blood... oh." They noticed that Leona did seem to remember what her darker side did. Her eyes told them she was re-calling the earlier events.

"You didn't really hurt anyone. You pushed yourself too hard and couldn't feed in your usual way. So, you tried to feed from Bruce, but Tony prevented that from happening and that's how you ended up in here." Natasha began explaining what happened.

"The blood is because we waited too long with giving you blood, as we were worried you would've tried feeding from one of us instead of the bags. You used too much strength on the bags and spilled the blood." Steve finished.

"I-I'm sorry for losing control as I did and for trying to hurt you." Leona turned to the doctor.

"Apology accepted. You didn't really hurt me, and you kept the other guy from causing mass destruction so we're even." Bruce said.
And so Leona finally knows the full team. Next week she will have a little bonding time and soon a certain metal-armed individual will make an appearance. 

Let me know what you think in the comments and have a nice week!!

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