Chapter 8

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"Do you miss your family?" Clint asked.

"Some of it yes. I have the feeling I won't be seeing them for a long while though. So I choose to do my best not to focus on that too much. So until I can return to my own world, I will continue kicking ass of your so-called super-soldier and Thor." I smiled

"You beat them both?" Is that so surprising?

"Hm, I don't have to hold back as much as when I train with miss Natasha so sparring with them is quite interesting for me, but I have not yet been beaten." I shrugged.

"We better keep Tony in line then." Natasha checked where we were.

"Wait what about Hulk?" Clint asked.

"Who's that?" I didn't remember hearing that name before.

"Doesn't matter we're here." Natasha interrupted. We had to jump from the plane and I chose to do so without a parachute. We all landed and gathered.

"Leona, your job is simply to take down anyone in our way with Clint. I'm on intel duty." Natasha explained. "Just take them down, knocked out is enough unless there is no other way."

"Yes ma'am. May I suggest we get moving? People are coming this way." With a raised eyebrow she nodded and we got a move on. Clint and I worked on keeping people away. While I was knocking out people, I passed a room. In that room was a heartbeat. The heartbeat never changed, even though the commotion right outside should cause any form of reaction.

"Leona come, this way." Clint distracted me from checking out the room. I followed him and eventually we found Natasha again.

"How was it?" She asked Clint.

"She's efficient, useful and quick. I'm glad she's helping us." Clint told her.

"Good. I got the intel we were after. Let's go." We left and on the plane, we freshened up. Or they did.

"So how was it for you? Your first mission?" Natasha

"It was okay. Not bad for a first one." I shrugged feeling a bit weirded out at having to fight humans.

"What's wrong?" She questioned, obviously having noticed the way I looked.

"Nothing. Just a little out of it I guess. I'm not used to having to keep my strength in mind even after the past weeks. With Thor I use 80 maybe 90 percent of my strength, with mr Rogers I use 60-70 percent and everyone else is below fifty. These humans just now were of that last level." I explained.

"Then why didn't you just let go?" Clint asked.

"Those were my orders were they not? Just knocking out. No death unless there is no other way. Otherwise the bloodbath would've been massive." I answered honestly.

"I'm sure with time you won't even need to think about how much strength you need. But I'm glad you did your best. We three work well together." She complimented me.

"Hm." I shrugged.

"Oh your suit got ripped." Natasha suddenly mentioned.

"Where?" I tried to look for the ripped bit.

"Your left thigh." Looking at my thigh I saw indeed a cut.

"There's a little blood too. I thought you didn't bleed." She wondered out loud.

"Probably from someone else." The wound healed before their eyes and then I used my gift to repair the suit and fill an empty bottle with the blood that had gotten on the suit to drink.

"That keeps being fascinating to see." They commented.

"I wonder why I didn't heal sooner. The wound should've closed as soon as the knife was out. Perhaps that's part of my human bit. I don't heal as fast." I muttered not knowing they could hear that.

"You don't know?" was I supposed to know everything about my type of vampire-hybrid when I have no living example?

"No, I am the only one of my particular type of hybrid so I don't have an example to learn from." And Felix tended to make sure I wouldn't get hurt.

"That must suck, being the only one of your kind." They commented

"The others suck. I...don't. Most of the time." Clint laughed while Natasha just smiled

"oh yeah I am liking you more and more." He commented.

"You are getting more comfortable in this world huh? Like you told Fury." She added.

"I guess I am. At least around you both. Still not quite used to mr Tony and Dr Banner. Thor and mr Rogers are somewhere in-between." I answered. "With time that will probably change too."

"Well then here's to a good ending and many more missions to kick ass in." Clint said holding a water bottle up as if he was toasting.

"Cheers." Natasha replied.

"Saluti." I automatically added. When I was training to hold back from killing while I fed, the twins and I tended to toast on our feeding this way.

"Oh she speaks Italian too. The more we learn the more mystery gets added." Natasha commented.

"Her name kind of gives it away though." Clint reacted.

"Oh no that's not why my name is Leona. I think. I don't know why I got my name. Guess my dad just liked it." I never knew where my name came from.

"So no Italian roots?" Natasha asked to check.

"No. as far as I can trace my family back there is some Greek in the mix, but otherwise I don't know." I shrugged. In between both Thylena and Didyme I really didn't know much about my family.

Once back at the tower, we were greeted by Fury who wanted Natasha's report on the mission, Clint would do the paperwork about it and I was sent to Tony.

"Ah Leona. How was the suit?" He asked as soon as I arrived in the lab.

"It was fine. Easy to move in and I was glad it's fireproof, though at some point one guy managed to cut my thigh somehow." His eyes widened a little.

"Need someone to take a look?" He asked checking me for wounds.

"No I'm healed and the suit is fine. I can fix it with my gift." and I used the blood of my victims to feed.

"What about the little tricks I put in it?" He asked me.

"What tricks?" I asked confused.

"You didn't use them? Too bad. Jarvis? Pull up the blueprint for project Fang." A screen appeared with a picture of the suit.

"I made the suit to react to the energy you give off when you use your gift so that you won't need to take off the gloves while touching whatever you wish to change." He explained.
Next week Leona will be meeting a certain green member of the team. Hopefully that meeting will go Smashing.

Have a nice week!! 

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