Chapter 42

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Master's enemy was a formidable opponent. He kept holding my sons and I from killing him making us only cause shallow wounds. However, our failure in ending his life did serve a purpose. It served to protect our master while she planned a way to succeed where we failed.

Eventually my sons were exhausted from fighting. I too was in need of rest. The giant titan seemed to know. He was about to execute Skoll, when we were summoned to our master's side.

She approached me with a worried look, and ran her fingers along my cheeks. Wanting more of her gentle touch I nudged her hands to where I wanted her to scratch next. With a chuckle she did as I wished. "My friend, you and your sons are too tired to continue. Thank you for all your help. You may rest now." and so we were send to wherever she summons us from.


After dismissing my wolves, I thought the plan over. 

"Bella, remember what we did with James in that balletstudio?"

"Yes why?" She replied after a moment to think back.

"I want to try something similar. Question is who gets to push the button?" 

"Me. he killed my brother and your potential mate." Thor volunteered.

"No, you are part of the plan... Cap!"  


"I believe this whole infinity stone war bullshit sort of started with you, therefore I find it justifiable it ends with you as well what do you say?"

"It would be my honor." Steve replied

"Good. Major, I want you and whoever you choose to serve as a bodyguard for him. I will however need Edward, Bella, Thor and Felix myself.

Major picked the Whitlock coven along with Sam and Bucky. during this fight they had occasionally teamed up and worked well together.

"Okay, Clint, look after Tony and Tasha for me. They aren't doing too well. Edward Bella, Felix come here and give me your hands." I ordered. I quickly marked the three vampires and led them to a circle of sharing explaining what I wanted.

With a nod I believed this to be a good plan

Once everyone was in place, I signaled Thor. He went for Thanos and the two fought. In that distraction I used Edward's speed, which was higher than mine, to place micro-sized sticky bombs on Thanos. Mostly on the arm with the glove that held the other five stones. I did this using Space stone to teleport. With Bella's gift, I protected both of us  from the attacks with the mind stone.

What I didn't know was that the stones would alert Thanos by reacting to the nearby presence of Space stone. Thor had cut into Thanos' shoulder to which the Titan just smirked. "You should've gone for the head." he spoke while taking Thor's Stormbreaker weapon and used it as a bat to throw Thor off his feet. Then he caught me by the  throat and slammed me against some random rock.

"Your army is weak and foolish, Wanderer. I suppose I must thank you for that as it makes my goal. so much easier to reach." I tried to pull his hand away with Felix' strength but it was barely working. I was getting tired myself from keeping all the circles active. To try and preserve some energy, I had to let go of some. Like the one used to help healing.

"Where is the Space stone!" The titan demanded to know.

"It's here." A voice spoke from behind. Thanos turned his head and saw Bella holding the tesseract.

"Oh? sisterly betrayal. how intriguing. Come here little one." Thanos ordered.

"Bella, don't." I yelled. Clawing at the titan, he did let go eventually.

"I will give it, but you will not hurt anyone any longer. You will stop this ridiculous war." Bella demanded.

"Very well." He caught the blue glowing cube and we teleported. To a barren part of the land.

'Edward tell Cap now.' 

"Sibling-bonds are not as sacred as believed, as your sister just proved." Thanos taunted breaking the cube and holding the bluestone in his hand.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that." I replied watching, as he inserted the stone in his glove's final empty slot.

"Whatever you believe. I still won." And he snapped. But nothing happened. He tried a couple more times. still nothing.

"Aw, poor Thanos. Performance issues? That isn't too uncommon for men. I believe, there is medical help for that." I taunted him.

Then all the placed explosives went off bringing the mad titan on his knees. and his arm got blown off. "HOW!" He yelled at me.

"Hm to quote one of my favorite tv-characters, 'that's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot.' Thanks for the glove though. And, to make sure this ends now, I the Wanderer, hereby sentence you, Thanos, to immediate death for threatening the balance of this world." I used Loki's knives, which I had picked up after the mischievous god had died, and stabbed the Titan through his eyes before slitting his throat open. Then, I ripped his head off.

Taking both the glove and his head, I teleported back to the rest. there I saw Bella being scolded by everyone for doing what she did. That she may have caused our side to lose this war. I threw Thanos' head into the middle of that discussion and waited.

It was funny to watch everyone freeze while aiming their weapons at the head before realizing it was just that part of the Titan. Then they turned to me just as I put the glove on. "Leona?"

"No, it's the easter bunny." I answered them sarcastically. My mood was down as I was over-exhausted, and still not done with my job yet. I wanted to sleep but remembered I couldn't.

"What-, how-, Huh?" Clearly they were trying to make sense of what happened.

Checking my nails I decided to help them think of something to say. "I believe the words you're looking for, are 'thank you.'" 

"Thank you." the humans replied.

"You're welcome." and then I snapped. Using the glove and the power of all six was overwhelming. I could barely contain it and felt immense pain, as the stones wanted the price for their use to be paid with a sacrifice so they tried to take my arm and perhaps more.
And so the war comes to an end. but there are still things left unanswered

How will Leona pay for the snap? 

How did she manage to get the snap to work but Thanos didn't? 

What will happen next? 

Let me know what you think in the comments, and have a nice week!!

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