Chapter 39

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Once we were done in moments as I shared only the important memories, I saw various emotions. Shock, worry, pride, awe, anger, things like that. "Now you know what really happened while I was here, will you stand with me?" I asked

"Why should we? can't we simply go home? This isn't our fight. Nor is it yours." Rosalie replied first.

"Rose is right, we came to take you home. This is a fight we shouldn't take part in." Emmett agreed.

"Then I'm afraid you came for naught. Considering the fact Thanos already knows my involvement, as he got you here either as leverage or as his solution to my presence, I can't not be part of this war. I thank you for your worry, but perhaps it is best we part ways and I send you home now."

"Isn't that a bit dramatic?" Kate asked.

"If you choose to not join me you will only be in my way, I can't deal with that on top of all this. Besides aside from Demetri and the twins and maybe Kate, none of you are even remotely useful gift wise."

"My shield would be." Bella protested.

"No. If Ebony Maw is as powerful as I suspect, your shield may proof to be useless against him." I told her.

"Why are you so set on finishing a war in a far different world? A battle that isn't yours to fight?" Tanya asked.

"I am a stonekeeper. One of Thanos' main targets. Who is to say if I were to go home, he won't follow? This realm is already more advanced and even here the two sides are equal in power. I can't bring this danger to our world. Too many innocent lives at risk. Charlie, Sue, Billy the imprints and the other humans or even the other vampires and wolves. This fight must end here and now. So either you stand with me, and help my side or you go home yourself."

"My mate. There  you are." That voice. I had missed it so much. Watching Felix approach me I saw he was still the way he had been like from Renesmee's memories. He also called me mate instead of his star. 

"Leona, be careful. Felix is..." Caius tried to warn me.

"I know. I saw Renesmee's memories. I don't fear him." I replied the blond king. Then I turned to Felix. "Hello, my sweet warrior." He wrapped me in his arms and if I hadn't seen glimpses of Edward seeing the way Felix was thinking to get me home, when I let the connections between Renesmee, Edward and Jacob go, I wouldn't have felt the threat of Felix' hand snaking up to my neck and the snapping of my neck would've happened too fast. Fenris' warning came just as I realized what was happening. To defend myself I pushed him away with my gift.

"You would go as far as take me back with violence? how could you." I was hurt my own mate would try and hurt me just to 'protect' me. "Well then if you choose to go against me this way perhaps I should make sure you can't do anything in the  first place." I prepared to bind him if needed but he stepped away.

"Oh and Tanya, to really anwer you, I have always fought other people's battles. from the moment I joined the army until now, every fight I took part in hadn't really been one that had to do with me especially the vampiric ones or don't you remember the one your sister started by refusing to collect full information?"

"And Bella, I remember getting my back ripped open, getting stabbed and turned then nearly ripped apart because of things you did. yet you aren't willing to do, what I've done for you five times, only this one time?" I asked my dear sister.

"I say we vote. Those in favor of fighting alongside Leona even if it is just to protect our world,say yes." Jasper said or rather Major did. Whitlock and Volturi said yes. Denali said no. The wolves were on the fence. 

"I don't enjoy fighting but if it is the only way to protect our world, then I will help anyway I can." Carlisle answered first.

"I will follow  you always." Esme said taking her mate's hand in hers.

"Well it has been a while since i've had a proper fight. I suppose this one time I can help out. What do you say, Rose?" Emmett sighed before turning to Rosalie.

"We do still owe you for what happened when we last saw you. So I'm helping as well. You are paying for any damages to my clothes though." Rose replied.

"That's fine." I agreed.

"I agree with both Carlisle and Rosalie. I know surprising, but we'll stand with you. The wolves do too. As you kept their Alpha's imprint safe and they know how things may have ended if you hadn't helped with Renesmee's birth and her meeting the Volturi." Edward said relaying the wolves' reply as well. 

"Well then, let's begin. Wolves, Follow Fenris and go protect the other two stonekeepers. Bella, Edward, Alice and William, take care of Maw. Rose, Emmett, Caius, Demetri and Heidi, Cul Obsidian is your target, I would send Felix too but I doubt he is willing to leave my side. Carlisle, Esme and Aro, Watch out for Proxima Midnight's spear wielding skills. She is not to be underestimated. Major, Serena Peter and Charlotte, Corvus Glaive. Twins, you two are with me and Felix. We are going after the big guy himself."the groups gathered as I had put them together.

"Whatever happens from here on out, know I am grateful for your help. Thanos must be stopped. If he somehow does manage to gather all stones, he cannot be allowed to snap his fingers."

'My Wanderer, I found out the ones you need to keep safe. The red-head woman and the man of iron. They must live.'  Gaia chose to interrupt.

'Mistress Gaia, your timing is horrible.' I replied back when a bone-chilling howl filled the air which Fenris replied with one of his own.

"Who?" I asked and he just let me see how his son Hati had fought bravely but failed to keep the Time-stone safe. It was taken from Strange. The wizard was alive but wounded.

"Hm. Change of plan just kill every single enemy you can get your hands on. if you meet your intended target, then kill them too. Thanos just got hold of the Time stone. He now has four out of six. Good luck and don't die." I summoned my swords and just began attacking Thanos' army with Felix on one side and Fenris on the other. While the rest followed. Let the battle begin.
And so Leona has joined the battle for the infinity stones. What will the outcome be?

Let me know what you think or any theories of what is to happen and have a nice week!!

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