Chapter 10

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"Let's get you in some other clothes." Natasha took the blonde to her room while both Tony and Bruce turned to one another. Steve left to do his own thing.

"She might proof to be more dangerous than Hulk after all. We need to find a way for her to be able to feed at all times without harming innocent people." Bruce spoke. They both knew he was right as Leona was faster than Hulk and smaller thus she could not be pinned down and knocked out as easily.

"What about pills like those food-supplements astronauts use?" Tony suggested.

"Not a bad place to start." The two got in their scientific world and began plans to avoid an incident like this from happening ever again.


Following miss Natasha, I wasn't fully present as I still felt horrible for trying to harm dr Banner. He had been nothing but nice to me and I repaid that with wanting to drain him dry. I wish I could talk to Felix or at least Jasper. They would be able to understand.

"You still feel bad, don't you?" Natasha suddenly spoke up.

"I do. Due to my nature, I learned I am able to control myself when feeding from humans, as in I can actually stop myself from completely draining them dry and I was proud of that because very little if any at all of my kind can do that, but those rare moments where I lose control those are the worst." I answered.

"My gift is defense-based never to be used for the offense. I taught myself to repair and make things in order to help keep my family safe, whether it was from the house crashing down, or from being unable to make ends meet. During my time in the army too, I repaired homes and vehicles to help people survive. Their side or our side didn't matter to me. So for me trying to kill Dr Banner, and I definitely would've killed him if it weren't for Tony, is like a slap in the face that I am not as good as I thought I was." I offered as further explanation.

Fond memories of when I was out there repairing simple but meaningful possessions of civilians while my squad kept an eye out or from when I was exploring Volterra with the high guard, repairing all kinds of things, made me smile a little before I realized my reality again.

"You seem a good person, Leona. You are capable of realizing that you still have your flaws, human or not. Believe me there are a ton of people who could become better with that kind of self-recognition." She tried to offer as comfort.

"True." In my room she sat and we chatted while I got changed and washed my face real quick.

"Can I see your drawings?" She suddenly asked.

"Sure. Just be careful with them." I towel dried my hair real quick.

"There are a few of you done in here as well. Though all in different styles. like they are done by different people.

"What?" I had never known others had made drawings too.

"Yeah in the back. Look." She showed me drawings of me playing chess with Carlisle or just chatting with Esme in the kitchen, she showed me playing games with Emmett and checking Edward's car with Rose. She showed me with little Ren in my arms when she was still a baby. She showed me with the wolves sunbathing on the cliffs after a diving session. 

Alice, Bella and I were in one as we prepared for the wedding.

There was one of me talking to Edward the day I had decided to forgive him for leaving me in Volterra. She showed me a drawing of me helping the younger wolves with homework. There was one of me riding on Paul's back and trying to cook with Emily.

"These have little notes too." She said. One of me with Marcus studying alchemy.

"My niece and my brother studying ancient material. Such excited minds." That was Aro obviously. Next was one of me and Aro discussing war over a game of risk. That was fascinating to do.

"Didyme would've been proud to see you cause such change within her brother and her mate too." Caius.

Caius and I were drawing one another. "Never saw him so frustrated over getting one of his art pieces right. He claimed he couldn't quite capture the way your eyes shone in concentration." That had to be Marcus. None of the guard would write this so freely.

Then one of the twins and I in a hug. "The first time they both let someone else touch them this way willingly. I fear for those who wronged you." Demetri. Definitely. He had to run when Jane caught him watching. Next was one of me with both Heidi and Jane.

"Three beautiful girls and all equally fierce if needed. I am glad my sister finally made friends." Alec.

There was one of me being held back by Demetri from going after someone off-page. "Someone is going to get stabbed soon. Demetri should hope it won't be him." Jane I think.

I was concentrated on repairing a stall on the next page. "Mia Stella, always beautiful and kind." I didn't expect this one. He always claimed he couldn't draw more than stick figures.

There was one of Felix and I at our square just enjoying our time together and several more of moments between Felix and I in Volterra. "The warrior has found the light he needed, to show him his way." Heidi wrote that, if the handwriting was anything to go by. For a moment I forgot everything else and just kept remembering the moments Heidi drew.

"Who are all these people?" Natasha's voice brought me back to reality.

"My loved ones. Remember what I told you and Clint on the plane? The family I mentioned were those people and the place where I was turned was with those people to help me learn to control my new abilities." I told her pointing certain people out.

"This one seems special. he is in here several times." She said turning the pages to the ones I had been staring at.

"Oh yes, he definitely is special. Felix i-was my mate." or was he still? I didn't doubt our bond but Gaia ripped it apart, didn't she?

"Mate?" She seemed confused about the term. To humans it may sound weird I guess.

"Vampires mate like swans do. There is one person truly meant for them as life-partner. Called a soulmate or mate for short. That person can make us feel like our dead selves are alive even if it's just a feeling. As if our still hearts started beating again. Of course, we can bond like humans do, settling down, but our one true mate is the only one truly letting us experience true happiness." I tried my best to explain it.

"And this Felix is yours?" I just nodded feeling a little upset and I felt this longing feeling to see him in real life again.
Will Leona ever see Felix again? I wonder...

Next week we will be starting a certain mission that will make Leona run into a certain metal-armed man and she learns not everyone is as trustworthy as she first thinks.

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