Chapter 44

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After what seemed like forever but was in reality three hours, did the medical team finish Leona's surgery. Carlisle and Strange approached those waiting for news.

"Surgery was a success, due to our quick response and the more advanced technology Leona will live. We only need to wait until she wakes up to find out her mental state. We'll need to be careful with re-introducing everyone. From her reaction on seeing Felix, I am pretty certain she doesn't remember anything from after the attacks she survived just before she came home from the army. Therefore I think it would be wise to first let Bella and Edward visit her and re-introduce our world to her." Carlisle explained relieving everyone.

"Maybe I can help after? I can show her my memories of her and if linked with someone else their memories. She helped me expand my gift to be able to do this." Renesmee suggested.

"That could be helpful if she reacts in a positive manner to our existence. If not it may only cause her to fear us more. Something I wouldn't wish upon anyone in this situation."

"The child chose to sacrifice. I see." Hephaistos had returned.

"What happened with Gaia?"

"She has been stripped of her status as goddess and most of her power has been taken with that. She is to repair her own home by hand."

"Please sir, can't you do anything for Leona?"

"I may be able to do something, however it means her bonds with you must be broken. I believe what may be best for her is to start over. a clean slate so to speak. She has lost and sacrificed a lot for others. She lost her fiancee and unborn child along with every following chance of motherhood, her human life, her humanity, and now her immortality and memories just to help others. Thus being unable to truly grasp why she was chosen to receive her gift. I say allow her to live not for others but for herself. Allow her to heal and learn.

"You will not take her from me again. I will fight you if I have to. But I won't let you take my mate from me after I only just found her."

"Ah yes, her mate. Do not fret, young one, I won't make your bond break like Gaia has tried. however. I cannot return her memories of you. I will send you both to the realm Leona was meant to be in. There she must learn the truth of her gift and who she is meant to become. You may join her on her last journey, however it will cost you. and it can only be you. no others."

"Fine. whatever it takes to be at her side again." Hearing those words from their executioner, the two vampire kings knew what to do.

"Felix Volturi, hereby we, the kings of the vampire world thank you for your excellent service to keep our world secret as long as needed." Aro began.

"As repayment for centuries of your dedication, we hereby declare you to forever remain part of our history and we are saddened to see you go, but now the time has come for you to leave our coven and find your own life to live as desired." Caius finished.

"Thank you masters. for allowing me to stay this long so I could find my soulmate and to set me free." He gave the Volturi crest to Demetri, to which his friend reacted with a hug. 

"Be careful wherever your journey will take you both." Demetri said.

"I will. You better behave now I can't keep you from trouble." Felix replied with a pointed look.

"Felix please look after her for us? She has been like an older protective sister to us." Alec asked.

"Hm if you teach Jane to loosen up her attitude every once in a while." A slight sting  before the blonde girl hugged him real quick. Most vampires and Jacob's pack went home but Bella lingered with Edward waiting for her.

"Why you? Why do you get to stay behind with my sister? I don't even get a chance to make my mistakes up to her. You are a monster compared to her. You don't deserve this chance. I do."

"Bella, stop it. don't be selfish. If anyone should be able to be with Leona it is Felix." Edward dragged his wife with him and now everyone was really back home.

"Humans, thank you for looking after my mate when she was sent here." Felix turned to the avengers.

"It really was no problem, she's a good person. I hope you both can finally lead a peaceful life." Natasha replied first. 

"I agree she has done a lot for us, so I like to think we are even now.

The other avengers agreed before leaving to get some rest. Now only Felix was left with Hephaistos. 

"So let's begin." He teleported Felix and himself to the basement of Leona's shed. There he bound Felix to avoid him getting out of this last minute. Then the god used his powers to strip away felix' vampirism and his memories of his life before. Having seen the strong bond between him and Leona, Hephaistos chose to put Felix somewhere easily to find for Leona. Or at least he would've, if he hadn't been interrupted.

"Hey Phaist, what are you doing?" 

"Fixing the problems Gaia caused. Dionysos." The older god answered his friend.

"Ah interesting. Oh what's this?" Dionysos poked a symbol changing it's shape accidentally

"DON'T TOUCH TH-." It was too late. Felix' entry point for his new life was made permanent. Leona's point of entry had already been decided on. They wouldn't meet for months. Having no choice now, he sent Felix on his way.

"Whoops, well I can see you're busy so bye now." And the young god was gone. With a sigh, Hephaistos created something to help the last living girl of his bloodline to stay in control of her powers and grow into them again.

Then he went to where Leona was resting, and put the enchanted bracelet on her wrist. he healed her wounds, and then she was sent too. "Good luck child."
And so this part of Leona's journey has officially ended. But her travels haven't.

Where she will go next? That is answered in the third and final part of The Alchemist series.
The story will be called The Alchemist Journey of truths.

I hope to have the first party ready to publish in about two weeks.

Let me know where you think Leona and Felix will end up now and what you thought of this story. or any questions you may have.

Have a nice week!!

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