Chapter 04 - Stolen Kiss

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All my class had been cancelled because teacher emergency meeting. Bored... That why I walked into the unused music room. I am really tired with upcoming birthday organized, pack duty, and school prom organizes. My wolf was restless lately.


My lips form a gentle smile when her name escapes my lips. I really love her with all my mighty. I'm sure she will be a wonderful and perfect Luna in my treasure pack. I always had dreams how perfect she conducts herself as my wife and mother to my pups in the future.

Lately, she had been moody. She was scared that she might not my mate. I rest assured her that she is the only one who can stay by my side for now and forever. I never care about anybody else and will fight with fate if she is not my destiny mate.

My heart was throbbing when I heard her shaking voice whenever we talked about an uncertain future. Her sobbed small cry makes my heart hurting.

She threatened to kill herself if I mated with someone else. She can't bear to see me embraces other body heat. I console her heart to be peace. I made an absolute resolution to reject any other girl as my mated.

I wanted her charming smile only direct to myself...


My thought disappears after heard someone open the door. In a blink of eyes, I hid my presence and self behind the curtain. Peek and saw the figure I don't want to see at all. The weak werewolf that had disgraces my pack name. I will surely kick him out from my pack when I take over the reign as Alpha later.

When I'm around him, I has a tingles throbs in my heart. My heart will jump aloud and I can't tear my eyes from his presence. Sometimes our eyes will meet each other. His just turns around expressionless. He action makes my heart hurt.

I watch him open piano lid. His slender white-pale finger starts to dance flawlessly in the black and white keys. Form a calming sensation melody. My body and soul was captivated by the beautiful rhythm. I breathe in parallel with the rhythm.

I close my eyes to concentrate the healing melodies. Strangely, I never heard the melody before. Trisha also takes a music lesson, but quit halfway. She can't comprehend the meaning in music note.

Suddenly the music stops when he receives a message from an unknown person. His lips form a beautiful curve when he read that message. I never realized that he had a pair of my dreaming lips to kiss. Without realize I lick my own lips when I saw his smile.

He has type something and put the telephone on top of piano lid. He seems lost in some inner thought. Sometimes he smiles, sometimes he is blushing, and sometimes he had mischievous expression. In the short time, I knew many of his hidden expression instead his boring and expressionless facial.

Ralph leans on the window beside him and his eyes slowly close. After a while, I heard his breaths slowly became in even wave. I encourage myself to come close to him.

He has a one set of perfect facial face. A small-long bridge nose, a small and sexy pink gloss lips. His skin was flawless. His eyelashes also long and had the pretty line.

Without realizing it, I press my lips on these seducing lips and make ways for my tongue to slide into his inner mouth. The sensation is really unbearable to describe. First time, I felt like that. I pray in silence, he never caught what I've done.

After a minute, my mind comes to realize what I had done. Why did I do it? I don't have any answer. I shook my head right and left. Try to cool my desire and calm my 'little brother'.


That is the perfect word to describe my action a later ago.


Why I kiss a boy? I'm not a gay, but homophobic. On top of it, I get boner too. Shit! God damn it! I'm straight.

I retreat from where I came. Before I step away, I heard a soft whisper...

"Kai don't reject me. I love you...." Ralph mutter in his dream. One rolls tears, stain his white porcelain cheek. It is not exactly a voice, but lips move. Surprising I can read his lip movement.

A cold chills vibrate and resound in my brain and through my bone. I step back. This is only a dream. I disgusted with his confession, even his just mutter in his dream.

I can't think even in second to embrace a guy. Not in my life, I swear. Please Moon Goddess... please never let this happen. I can't take anyone else as my Luna except Trisha. Don't separate us. I beg you.

Never think this ungrateful being had courage to love me. I will teach a lesson to him later. For him to never dream about me again and where he is standing point.

I retreat behind a curtain again. A strange feeling had been haunting me. I don't know what it is. I chant Trisha name to erase all bad sensation that crawls in my heart. I heard a movement.

I peep again. He wakes up and tidies his thing and walk out from the room.

I walked out from curtain after I heard the door closed. I think nobody will come into this abandoned music room. I walked to piano that boy left a while ago. His scent still lingers here, a calm scent. I feel the remaining heat at the chair he sat.

My wolf was purr by his scent.

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