Chapter 42 - Mixed Feeling

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"You really are a one of bad-ass mate type, Ralph."

"Sorry, but I can't comprehend your words, bro."

"You know he was coming, right? Don't feint your innocence Ralph... with your beast's nose, you could sniff his scent accurately."

"So what is the problem? I didn't remember to ask you to tag along..." I mumble while munching midnight snack. Being a werewolf makes your stomach turn out to be a bottomless pit.


This evening totally wrecked when Kai spotted us in intimated position. His eyes had murderous intent, but not directly for me. Poor him for fallen into our acted. It's really hard to restrain myself from laughed. Serve him right.

Rion also tagged along with seductive gesture make Kai lose control and strike us. He tore us and almost punched Rion's face. Funny, right?

Man, how did someone with cool and composure like Kai become a feral beast in one second? Nobody dared to stop him. However, he chooses the wrong opponent. Rion isn't just a little puny vampire. Kai threw Rion worn out body to solid wall.

Yes... by wearing out body, I mean; Rion had severe blood losses. From his story, hunters had shot him. However, his eyes do not convince me at all. Therefore, he sucked my blood to replenish his losses blood. We also connected by blood and shared same parenthood.

I simply mislead Kai to believe I just made out with Rion a while ago. Honestly, his furious added more masculinity in his face. To added the greatest asset into his account as a hot Alpha. What the hell I think now?

Lucian has his mischievous blue eyes too, the eyes that make me fretful when Lucian first open his baby eyes. The eyes were always haunted me several months after I left the pack ground. I shuddered when I traced my old wounded. I steel my emotion and look him with my devilish smirked. I know my word had deeply slashed his heart...

"Please let go my precious man, Kai. Whomever I choose now isn't your business. So back off or I will get out of your ground now." I threat him.

Kai march toward my direction with an unreadable emotion swirled around. I still sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for his movement. He stopped only a few centimetres from me; chin me up. His eyes filled with a sadness and tears.

I smacked his hand from my chin. Why his is crying? Did Kai already forget that I was being his unwanted mate? Nevertheless, his eyes, making my body froze when our eyes met each other. He kneels in front me; lock his arm around my waist and slam his face on my laps.

"Please Ralph, I beg you... I beg you, don't torture me like this. I can't bear to see you so close with anyone else...I...I need you back. I'm sorry for my stupidity before. You no need to forgive me because I'm really fucking coward guy. I can't continue my life without you..." I felt a warm droplet at my thigh.

This almighty Alpha cries like a child who lost their favourite toys. Can't believe it? His body gives a bad vibe. I knew him healthy not as good as before. I knock his consciousness; he slowly limp in my arm and snore sound caught our ears.

"Rick takes your Alpha for rest." He nodded and carried Kai limped body outside the room.

***End of Flashback***

I chuckle when I recalled the scene. My heartfelt was warm with Kai sudden changes. A clear throat makes me returned to reality. My brother gives me a smug smile. I had a big urges to punch Rion face.

"Falling in love with your mate for second times?" Rion deliberately make a haughty proclamation.

"As if... let we go to our business now. You are healthy for deep discussion, right?" Rion shrug away and get his laptop. We start our little discussion with Kurt list down every important point.

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