Chapter 57 - Parents

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Ralph POV

The room so quiet, every eye darts either to Kai or to me. My dad and father sit on the love seat. We're currently in our house, I mean Kai private home, in living room.

"Um, dad, I'm sorry for never contact you, or father, or Laura. The rumour about you dead hit me hard. I try to dig some info, but nothing was found."

"It's because your dad had very skilfully liar puppet." Father said, dad snort when hearing the remarks.

"How you find them, Rion?" I turn to see Rion in the single seat.

"Oh, they're definitely coming at a very convenient time. They're a couple of heartless dads, interfered when I almost devour my delicious meal." Rion said with a wicked smirk.

"Disgusting. You gonna get STD one day, if you never stop whoring around. What happened to your real mate?" I scrunch my nose when looking at him.

His face drained of all blood. What happened? Shit! I spilled out the word mate in front our strictly fathers.

"Oh, that's all, Rion? Aren't you gonna give us some explanation, my boy?" Father colds word lash into our ear.

"Shit! Mutt really had a big-fucking-mouth." Rion glare to me.

"Oops, sorry, Mister bat-black brief-man unintentional spill out about mate matter." I smirk to him.

"Stop your bickering now. For your reminder, you're both from mutt's seed and bat's egg." Father snaps, dad smack father's head.

"Enough! We'll deal with Rion later. Now, it's about Ralph's mate." Dad changes the topic. Rion let out a relieve breath.

"Dad, father as far as you know, outside of our pack, the homosexual was taboo. Moreover, when the mates from an Alpha bloodline. They need the heir to continue the legacy." I said to them.

"Yes, I'm aware about it. However, who are they to judge or said it is taboo. If The Moon Goddess mates us to the same gender, it means SHE approved it. If they disobey mean they had betrayed HER." Father's eyes watch back and forth between the former Alpha and Kai.

Dad just silence in his seat. He rarely interferes in the werewolf's affair and hate Luna/Queen title. So, he settled down with the King title. Father also never interfered in dad's vampire affair, unless dad had deadly threat and a vice-versa.

The time we ever saw they fought was the day, when father introduced, Karen as his second mate. Dad looks so broken and takes Rion and me back to his Vampire castle. The first time I ever saw dad cried and hopeless. Nothing could prevent it from happening because it was Moon Goddess will.

It takes them almost one year to patch everything back to their original life. Their health was down. Mother Karen never let father from marking her. She was a good mother and never let herself for being the third wheel in dad and father relation.

Father loves and cherishes dad above than anything else. He even sent out a resignation letter when everyone objected he was mate with the vampire king. Ours natural archenemy. Laura was child from one time dad mated with Karen. I don't know the whole story after that, granted, I just with them only for seven years.

Kai shifts uncomfortably when dad still coldly staring at him. I hold his palm and gently press to calm him.

"Sir, I'm sorry for all the sin and pain I had inflict on Ralph. After he was gone, I feel a hole in my heart. He is the only one for me. I can't lose him for the second time." Kai brave himself to look at my parents.

"Isn't that time you happily continue your life drilling into another whoring hole?" Dad interjects.

"Dad, please. Everyone makes a mistake." I beg him. Kai in brink of tears, keep biting his lips. He fights with mood swing too. The usual Kai is strong will.

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