Chapter 08 - Sweet Trap

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Trisha crying in her bedroom, she hopes and love had been shattered in one night. She is always being a perfect girl to stand equally with Kai. Why moon Goddess never chooses her as Kai mate and the next Luna? She feels betrayed by Kai promised. Never Kai left her when her feeling down. She drank in her agony.

Trisha POV...

I distant myself from everyone include parent, so-called friend, sibling and Kai. I cried and cried until I fell asleep. The same routine for past two days. I declined Kai invitation to Prom party. I'm scared... I am scared if his mate appears in the tonight Prom Party. Without realizing, I had bitten my nail, wondering whether that damn mate will appear or not. My brother never gives me any information. From the start, he never approved my relationship with Kai. We even fought each other not long ago when I announce my relation with Kai. And I swear, I could seem his brightness mood on the Kai birthday party because I'm not Kai's mate.

What the hell wrong with his damn mind? Isn't he was supposed to support me, his only little sister? Furthermore, Kai is his close friend since diaper ages. Why did he always tries to find my fault? Wasn't our family will gain more respect as family in law for Alpha? And, I will give birth to next line Alpha.



What should I do if Kai really found his mate?

How will I separate them?

I can't let Kai and that bitch perfect theirs mating ritual.

No... I'm unwilling to let it happen no matter whether she is a rightful bitch mate or not.

Kai is mine and mine only one.

Luna is my position since I was born. Nobody can replace me. I was born to be superior.

Think... think... think...

I will kill that bastard or bitch and get my place back in Kai heart. I will erase her existence from our pack and earth. How dare she came and snatched my beloved one. I was acting as a perfect girl in front our packs, school and without any flawless in Kai eyes. His wolf chooses me. I burst into eerie laughing.

"Please wait until our true mate appears Trisha, Kai is not our true mate. You and I will suffer sequence" My wolf disagreement with me.

"Shut up. He is absolutely mine. Don't you dare to interfere?" My wolf whimpers.

".... But... you will regret it when our true mate appears. He must disappoint."

"Not my business. I will reject him if he ever appears!"

"We will not happy with someone else mate. You, me, Kai and his mate will eternally suffer and never taste a true happiness."

"Can you stop your bitching?"

"Listen Trisha, Kai never ever could manifest his true Alpha power without his destiny mate. Neither can you use a Luna true power. The children that you give birth may or not inherits his father's power. Your force mating will give unbearable hurt to your own mate."

"Its doesn't matter."

I blocked my wolf. She also keeps opposing my relation with Kai. Damn. Why the world spins 360 against me? What is my fault? Is it truly, someone can turn you to be criminal? I don't get it.

I get my phone and call my beloved aunt who lives at another pack. Truthfully, I'm closer to my aunt and uncle than my parents. I never had secret with them because they really spoiled me rotten. Especially my aunt after her daughter died in rogue attack a few years ago. She loves me like her biological daughter. Always support love even world turns their back from me. I dialed her number and waiting for her to pick up the phone.

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