Chapter 34 - Dubious Feeling

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Ralph POV

Kurt informs me, our archenemy who in motion starts making a huge move. They are planning to annihilate our new generation at campsite. My blood boils and my body shaking with anger.

"We would alert the nearest packs to beware with this threat. Only the packs that we can trust will be inform. Understand?"

"Understand, Sir." Kurt alongside with ten more sub-leader of each clan said together.

"Sir, I had another good news." Kurt said with sheepishly smile.

"What it is, Kurt?"

"The new medicine to counter hunter and the mad scientist virus had successfully been developed without any side effect. The subject also back to themselves and now undergoing a therapist to eliminate their unaware action." Kurt proudly said.

"Well done... little vampire. That medicine will be our secret to counter them." Jeremy, the warlord appraises Kurt.

"You had discovered our new advantages Kurt. Your ten years efforts had been paid full well." I love his beaming smile. Knowing him for almost ten years, I had seen his adorable side too.

"Thank you for everyone who has supports me through my countless fail too." He humbly says when everyone shrugs their shoulders. After that, I dismissed the meeting.

I call my beloved sons to inform them about the threaten situation. They scream happily that they would be release from the camp earlier than real date. Luckily, they had been packing all their things. My sons have an OCD or freak clean habit and an organize types. Having used to have a diseased little sister makes them very aware about hygiene consciousness.

I go to pick my sons. They are running and jump into my embraces. My precious and adorable sons. Meanwhile, other pups either back to their pack or goes to organization safe house. My sons chat cheerfully, updating their activity these past a few days, their pranks, and complaint.

We arrived home around nine o'clock. I asked my sons to take a bath and dinner before goes to bed. Despite, their pranks and naughty self, they're quite an obedient child. After, finished the dinner, they head to their bed. I accompany them.

"Good night my little naughty pups." They giggle upon hearing it. I kiss Luke, Lucas and Lucian forehead.

"Good night, daddy." They said all together. Creepy, right? But I'm already used to their choir voice. In addition, their wolves wish a good night to Blake and me.

I back to my room saw my phone had a blip light signal. I check the missed called. Apparently, Zeus tries to reach me. Before I can call back, Zeus picture appear.

"Hello..." Zeus greets me.

"Hello dear, sorry I didn't hear the phone ringing."

"Hello, love, where are you? Did I interrupt your jobs?" He hesitant to asks me something.

"Nope... I just came back from pick up our sons from their camp."

"Those rascals... didn't their camp only ended the next three days."

"An emergency case; the rouges planned to attack this camp by tonight. We already send out the notice and evacuate all kids and camp's couch. The formal letter had been sent to each Alpha by yesterday."

"Holy shit. Now they were so clever to plan an attack on pups' camp."

"Seem like that... so why did you call me suddenly?"

"Apparently, we need you or anyone in your organization in this submits. We need assistance."

"Sorry Honey, I don't want to disappoint you, but our organization never trespass other territories without invitation from their Alphas or Elders."

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