Chapter 10 - The Chain of Bad Luck

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Ralph POV

The chills air through into my spinal column. Without an animal or owl's presence. Like other creature, vanish from the earth's surface. The nasty feeling kicks my heart. I run to another guardhouse, but it also empty. What exactly happens here? I wander around the suburb until I spotted one omega. I grabbed his arms; make him jump a bit, shock.

I question him with my signal hint, but he doesn't understand. I sighed low, but I knew he heard it. Don't underestimate any werewolves hearing even they are omega level. At least, they can shift not like me. That's why they never be outcast like me. Some even get to a higher position when they mated with higher up werewolves. But they are sure fast to forget their first ground when they level up. Hypocrite.

What had happened? I haven't see any guard and warriors around. – I typed in my phone to communicate with him.

"Not sure... but half of a warrior, future Alpha and Beta, and tracker teams had gone to investigate and locate Ms. Trisha. They suspected someone had kidnapped her since the last evening. She was missing." The omega answers my query.

Thanks buddy.... Can you do help me a favor?

"What?" He raises one of his brows. Cute.

He wants to ask something, but I brush him away and wave my hand. He looks dumb fold. I don't like to be questioned about a bitch that stole my mate. That makes me feel humiliated and ashamed. Let they exercised their fat-ass, running around to find that girl. Meaning, that omega maybe gets a level up if he did not screw around.

I back into my hut, my calming place, play music to be my honor companion through the lonely night. No one will hear my music or humming because I stay far away from pack house. I need to exercise my voice, scared one day I may lose it if I keep sealed my voice. I take a long bath, wash my physical and mental state. To calm my rejected heart to intact back. I don't need mates.

I love to stay alone than to be hurt again. My mate not my savior. He looks down me, never acknowledged me he souls might belong me, but his heart owned by someone else. The promises of soul would never reach us after reborn. Only to left me to be a heartbroken. I really don't want to cry over spilled milk again and again. Like a stupid dude.

I simply wanted a tiny happiness, but a virus size love still not reserved for me. I wipe my body and take dresses myself. I slump into bed, and try to fall asleep. I don't remember when I slept. I woke up drenched in sweat. That nightmare still haunted my sleep quite often lately. That hopeless voice keeps pulling me to save him. So genuine. I shook my head slowly.

I'm scared to die when I saw my hand covered with blood. I run to the bathroom and clean my hand. I frantically scrubbed my hand hard until I felt stung. I looked and saw a blistered form in my palm. Indicated I had scrubbed too hard. I lift my hand and smell it. Only smell it like a soap. I go to my bed, but never found any blood dots. Maybe I just imagined it was there. Crazy... but it looked real.

Get hold you, Ralph – I shout to myself. I look around and my little domain. Saw the wall clock shown three in the morning. My wolf still in it wet dream – I think. I smile and unintentionally let out a small gasp.

What happened to Trisha now? Have they find her yet?

I should covered her body a bit more. She must be trauma when woke up. I heard a very angry howling. Kai howls. I recognized his voice perfectly. Don't ask me how I know about it. My guts tell me so. They might have found her judging from Kai howling. An eerie howling contains a warning, sad and angry.

It's a beautiful sight, when I remembered one scene, I witnessed when Kai shift to wolf. He had beautiful silky dark black fur with big sturdy frame, alpha genes. So beautiful when it's combined with full moon illumination. His blue eyes turned pierce slanted deep silver and his fur look shining under moonlight. He can't sense me, because I conceal myself behind a waterfall stone. I was fascinated under his wolf spelled.

Maybe I have a bias view, but I bet that anyone who saw also said he was beautiful wolf, strong and menacing. When I reminiscence that scene my "little brother" will wake up abruptly to make me pant tightened.

I tried to close my eyes, but fail. My nasty feeling comes back once more. I remembered Trisha situation, the worst situation I ever saw. My eyes fresh, I climb off bed and wear my sweat pant and jacket, take a torchlight and move forward to place where Trisha laying. I take a relieved breathed when I confirm they had found Trisha. Trisha walked around to ease my heart and calm. Pray nothing bad will happen to me again.

After two hour wandered around, I went back to my hut. Weird... Why my house area looks more brightened. The sky still swamps by the dark night. It's not even five in the morning yet. Why? I took a cautious step and hide behind a big bush to analyse the surrounding.

I saw around twenty warriors, the future Alpha, Kai and future Beta, Rick. Rick knocked my door repeatedly. Of course, he's knocked to nothingness. Nobody lives there except for me. My wolf told me to run away. But for what reasoned? I never offended anybody. I stepped back to run, but my leg stepped into dead branch that alert the other party. I tried to run, but already late and my body flew backward.

My sight clears and I rubbed my eyes to clear my eyesight. I flinch when the image of a deep black silky wolf on top me. He gave me menacing stare. My body trembles and my chest had a stinging pain. I smelled a strong odor of blood. Ah... his claws pierce my chest. I tried to push his paws, but failed. I give him a beg eyes, but he ignored it. He is like a motionless beast now.

"Calm down Kai. We need him to complete the investigators. Do you want to kill him now?" Rick said with pleading voice.

He let me go after screeching his claw across my chest to my stomachs and kick my bleeding body. My shirt torn and the pain are unbearable. The wolf claws are poisonous; I curled my body until I lost my sight, fainted.

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