Chapter 01 - Lone Wolf

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This story will consist malexmale relation and some of R-Scene. Please note this is my first story so it might consist many mistake and broken grammar. Your opinion and comment will always to be welcome.

Ralph POV

My daily routines were always same, —- school, eating, reading, and sleeping. I only have two befriend at school; Leyla and Reyes who always help me whenever the bullies takes turns. Why did I'm really weak?

No... You aren't weak, but just a peace loving, foolish guy - said my inner wolf.

Yeah... You all right, I hate conflict and never-ending bullshit. They were stop once they are satisfy.

I really want to rip their flesh and broken their bone to dust.

Hahahahaha... no need. It's not worth to sully our hand with their dirty blood.

Your kindnesses never cease to amaze me even after I had granted you with great massive powers that never exist in this era... always timid.

Why did you're suddenly talkative after we moved to that place? Before, you only in deep sleep without answer my called even once.

I just fully heal and get back my power... - My wolf said sadly.

What happened in my seven years blank memories? Every time I tried to remember, my head will hurt so badly.

You will be happier without that memory. Trust me partner... you and I really special existence in one or other way. We are rare werewolf.

Sometimes, I felt that memories consisted something important, but scarier. Anyway, I'm glad with the current me as invisible guy —- who nobody care... nobody throws their unwanted attention.

You're a really gloomy guy... really pity guy... our mate will mature soon... but the final decision is within yourself. I will follow whatever you have decided. — He laughed echoed in my mind.

A happy laughter, but had blended with a sadness. I never ask why he never made me transform. I think it's around my twelve birthday when I saw my wolf. It had terrible wounded and laid alone on the cold floor at blank space.


"Sorry... I'm... sorry" the wounded wolf mutter in pain voice.

"No... Don't die. I will alone if you died. Don't leave me." I sob hardly, scared my wolf died. I hugged it in the arm and realized it had fatal wound around downside stomach. I am crying out of my lung.

"No... I will... will always stay... stay by your side. Just let me sleep to heal the wound. I promise partner. Its make me sad that your body also was affected by my current self. Just be strong until I come back, my big boy."

***End of Flashback***

That the last word I heard from my wolf. After I woke up, I had been like now. I'm was not deaf or mute. Just are slight lazy to grab any unwanted attention. I already know my transform disability from age ago. . I like to be left alone.


I don't need it.


They will never accept us...


I already know who my other soul.


Definitely, he will reject me. That was envision I have from a long time ago.

We never ever walked in the same page. The person is opposite polar from me in everything. Someone who had been destiny to be an Alpha for this amazing pack... and he already had the best gorgeous girlfriend. He the one who had banishes me into this little hut. Anyway, thank to him that my life now is quiet and peace. Never have to face any of the scoundrel and pretender again.

Wet tears roll on my porcelain white face, standing near the windowsill; stare to an endless black pitch deep forest. The sky was black pitch without presence of any star or moon. Like a mourning night.

... alp... Ralph — my wolf voice echoes in his mind.

What?  - I question him lazily. Sometimes I wonder if my wolf is really a wolf or mother hen. He was such a worrywart wolf.

You had lost in deep thought. I'm here to protect you. Don't let unnecessary thought disturb you.

Yeah... You're right. This thing never makes me anywhere.


A small laughter burst from Ralph red-pink gorgeous lip. Nobody seems to notice how attractive this lone figure.

The truth is Ralph always covered his true nature with a fake personality. Nerd, un-socialize, dumb, slowpoke, big rounded glass and a messy appearance. Despite that, he was entitle as a top honour student in his grade and school.


Hey buddy, please back to reality, somebody near here, dear!!! My wolf shouts in alert stance.

I can't smell far like another. Simplify said, I'm close to human race in all aspects. That's why my being really disgraces to our pack reputation. Mum and dad already ignore my presence since a long times ago after I passed my shifting aged.

I feel heartbreak and then I turned out to be jaded to everything. Life in fullest ignorant and avoid any human or pack relation.

Knock... knock... knock...

I open the door just to see a smirk on my brother's face. I welcome him inside.

"No need. I only came here to pass a short message." My brother said.

"What?" I write a question.

"Don't come around the pack or school when the future Alpha birthday next month. Your presence only brings misfortune and disgrace to our pack since other pack Alphas and future Alphas will attend it." He said with disgust smirks.

"Don't worry... I will never attend it even if someone forces me. I hate crowd area." I write the answer.

"Good." He turned to big grey wolf and run back follows by other wolf. I slam the door and slide down to the floor. My tears roll down my cheeks.

Sorry, my dear wolf because I can't grab your awaiting mate's attention. Sorry to has born as myself.

You love him, right?

"Umm." Just these answers escape my sobs mouth. I lay on floor until first ray of light come. I feel refreshing and have some funny looks at my face - the puffy and swollen eyes. I take a long bath and sit at the lakeside. Fortunately, today is a holiday and pack hunting day. Everybody was busy with their own excitement.

I decide to go to the town, replenish my toiletries and every day needs. I wear a hoodies sweater to cover my face. Luckily, someone gives me the lift to the town.

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