Chapter 40 - Big Liar

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Trisha POV

I can't believe that piece of shit coming back again. I think it's just a rumor and nobody can verify he is the same person. My status is in danger. Kai will really throw me out for good now. For a long time, Kai only wished to get back his real mate.

"Babe... why you're so restless?" My current sex partner asks me.

"No... Just some bugs disturbed my peaceful life." We shared the lustful kiss.

"Don't think so much, Babe. I will carry you to seven heavens now." The man sucked my neck.

He put a butterflies kissing around my neck; fingers caress all nooks of my body and continue to thrust into me. Yeah... I will think about it tomorrow. Kai never can out from my grasp easily. Julia will be a good distraction for that garbage.

The next morning, I took an earlier bath with herbs to cover up last night activity. As expected, Kai was never coming back last night. His room didn't have any trace his recent scent. How dare he goes fucking that dirty faggot?

I must do something before I lost my place and 'marionette husband'. Never dreamed I will let you get back to your filthy mate. You are mine. I laugh at my thought.

After taking the bathed, I go to my family house. Dad had been a bit lazy after retired; filling his remaining time cuddling passionate with mum. Two little twerps live with them. I hate those kids who belong to my arrogant brother. Anyway, I hold the high status than that stupid brother.

"Mum, where are you?" I scream.

"Here sweetie..." I walk into my niece and nephew's room. I heard a giggles and their laughable tune. Both children had strong Beta and warrior blood. The truth is, I jealous because Rick had better luck than I did.

"Rick found his mate mum. I didn't know that he is one of those faggots too." I deliver the piece of information with fake frown.

"What? I don't understand..." Mum deadpanned.

"I mean Rick's mate is male. I saw they cuddle together yesterday." I add the fuel.

"Are you sure honey? Rick is a straight man." Mum didn't believe my word.

"Kai can give you a confirmation."

"Bullshit... Rick never will stray from the right path." Dad shouts out. I shrug my shoulder.

"Dad, Mum.... Kai might plan to divorce me because that scoundrel back now." I run into my mum embraces, fakes a little cried. Mum pats my shoulder.

"What? No honey... Kai will never divorce you. He loves you." Mum cooed me.

"No mum... I saw them together in intimidated position yesterday... Kai... Kai... he pushes me aside when I want an explanation." I sobbed loudly. Mum grabbed my body to her full hug. Dad scratches his head.

"Let go to your in-law house, we will discuss there." Dad really was easier to predict for his next move. Bingo. That's what I want...

After thirty minutes, we arrive at the former Alpha house. They greeted us like usual. Julia also there and hide behind my mother in-law figures. I didn't like that useless child at all. She runs to her room and locked it.

"How are you Trisha?" the former Luna greeted me.

"So-so mother... not very well." My mum usher me to tell our purpose for coming. I bite my lips and let out a tear. The former Luna come to my side and asks what happened.

"Umm... Kai might divorce Trisha because his scoundrel mate coming back." My mum explains it with soft growls.

"What? How dare he stepped into our territory again? Honey... why Kai gives permission for him to come back again?" Kai's mother asked his husband.

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