Chapter 30 - Beach

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Ralph POV

Today, as a promised a few days ago, I am packing the entire thing needed for the picnic. I prepare some dishes along with Rion' head chef because my sons definitely miss the foods prepare by own hand.

My sons had called me early morning to make sure I didn't forget our promised. Rion can't join us because his flight delays. After finishing prepares all dishes, the maid help me to pack all food and bring it to my black SUV car.

Meanwhile, I take a bath to refreshing my body and dress in casual relax clothes; a white loose shirt with plain blue loose jean. I didn't need to seduce anyone with my tight appearance.

After checking my appearance from hair to toes, I walk to my SUV and drive off.

My children and one little girl wait me at camp foyer. I need to fill all nasty paperwork just to take my own children to going out. Hello, I'm not psychopath to kidnap my own children. When the four children together remind me of when Lucy was with us. A water fill my eyes and I hurry wipe it from my children's sights.

Lucian run and jumps into my arms alongside his brothers. They want me to carry them. How can I carry them together? Lucian was still in my arms when Lucas and Luke get down. I closed my step to fidget little girl.

"Hi Sweetie, what is your name? I'm Ralph Quill, father of those three naughty triplets." I said softly.

"My name... Julia. Nice to meet you too, Mr. Quill." She pause before tells her name. Maybe she didn't want me knowing her full name.

"Nice to meet you too, baby."

"Dad, we should go now." Lucas reminds me.

I get them all into my SUV. Lucian takes a front passenger seat. He was a little clingy to me since he lost his twin. He takes my IPad and start plays some his favourite game.

"Dad, Where is papa? Isn't he joining us too?" Luke said while look outside.

"He will be a bit late... maybe after an hour honey. Did you miss him?"

"Yeah, we really miss him. We want to hug and tell him our experience." They said together.

"Why two fathers?" we heard a small voice coming.

"We had two fathers. So what is wrong? They love us more than normal couple." Lucian said nonchalantly.

"Ian watches your word. She never means for bad word." Lucian shrugged on his seat.

"Julia... we never shame that our dad married to our father. They have perfect to each other and we love them as they are." Lucas clears the tense air.

"Sorry mister.... I'm curious. I never mean to upset you all." She said sobbingly.

"Never mind, dear.... No wipe your tears because you make us; a man bullied you." My son laughs after hearing my sentences, making Julia blushing. She is a bit shy and cute.

"Dad, papa is calling." Lucian shoves the phone at my side.

"Hello papa... I miss you sooooo much." I bet Zeus ears must ring by Lucian screaming. Lucas and Luke chuckle on their seat.

"Hello sweetheart... where are you now?" we heard a Zeus voice after Lucian tap speaker icon.

"On the way to ours date place. Where are you?'

"Me...I'm in the wood."

"What happen, Love? Is anything fine?"

"The tracker informs us that a big rouges group going to attack us."

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