Chapter 22 - Mood Swing

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I woke up from coma after two days and three nights with elders helping. Ralph rejected so hard for me to endure it despite the Alpha blood in my vein. Who is he truly? My body slowly and slowly back to my usual health. Thank to Joel medicine that brought me back from the brink of death.

After my health fully restored the higher up, my parents and packs member urged me to sentences Ralph. They saw him as a threat to our pack. My wolf not fully recovered yet. Trisha pregnant condition also goes wrong, mood swing and carried allergic add to be worst. She thought she would lose me.

Our wedding took over two days after I recovered and my parent had reserved our honeymoon place. They order me to take full rest before resume my Alpha jobs. Yes, Trisha and I have been officially as Luna and Alpha.

One day, I sneak out to check Ralph condition. He still unconscious by the time I went to his cell. His face was pale and his body more skinny than before. I caress his cold cheek. However, my touch doesn't have any spark anymore. Our bond had broken. Ross discloses the fact I go to prison. He the only one now what I do to Ralph in this damn prison.

The next day, I went to US Virgin Island for honeymoon with Trisha. She really excited about this honeymoon. Her baby bumps growth to be noticeable now. My paternal instincts start kicking when I learnt about Trisha whole pregnancies, but something off. Seem like my paternal instincts direct to other ways. My wolf also confused by the fact.

During our honeymoon, my thought always back to the sadly figure in prison. My dreams were filled with the nightmare. Ralph haunted into my dream cause me lack of sleep. Today my heart has nasty feeling. I decide to call Rick.

The bad news; out of nowhere the group of rouges attacks our pack. Destroy almost half of our facility and forty werewolves wounded. My dad was one of the injured parties. I cancel our honeymoon two days earlier and goes back home. Trisha upset when I decided to come home earlier than what we have planned.

Their motive was unclear because they never killed a single soul yet. Simply, only raided the pack house for pleasure purpose. My dad power had declined after I take over the Alpha title. Trisha was still sulking and never a mumble a single word since we check out from the cottage.

I don't care because the pack is my top priority. We reached at the pack house around midnight. I go to the hospital to meet my father. My mum look tired and her ages really showing on her features now. Instantly, I realized they had passed half of the century. Now, they should retire and consume their daily life as possible. However, I shamelessly, asking them to take my responsibilities when I had fun at another place, resulted the rogues attack our pack.

Trisha backs to herself after witness the pack territories dwell in horror attack. She cool down and pacify the younger pups. The attacked really messed the surrounding. Fortunately, we are not losing a single soul. Sound weird, but it's a true fact.

Rick had been a busy man since my father was admitted into hospital. Looking at his tired featured make me feel as loser and run away from my suppose responsibility. God damn it, I punch the wall to release my anger.

The pack members shock by my sudden outburst. My usually calm demeanor had crumbled by this fact. The rouges attack serial make my blood boiling higher, first Trisha rape incident and now the raided inside our territories out of nowhere.

This is a bad omen; the disaster comes after the leader changing. My star really bad, first mate issue and second rouges attack. The misfortunes really love me very well. Good job destiny!!!

I scratch my hair roughly until Rick taps my shoulder softly. He smiles tiredly; the whole incident had taken a toll on his body, even with the former Beta helper. My nightmare turns to worst, every night Ralph will come into my dream, begged me to save him while caressing his flat stomach. The whole messed had erased him from my mind. It had been two weeks after I come back. I will visit him tomorrow. The situation have calm down.

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