Chapter 29 - Cousin

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Ralph POV

I reach my phone again when I feel a vibration waves. I saw the caller and a Zeus picture show on my screen.

"Hi Love, already asleep?" His husky voice greets me.

"Not yet... just finished talking to our sons." He hates it when I use phrases 'my sons'.

"How are they? I miss them too. Tomorrow I will call them." He whines.

"Nice an idea because they're also misses you. How your meeting going?"

"Great... this pack really was richer. Tonight they had a large-scale party to welcome all Alphas around this continental. The alpha who so called my cousin really generous and his Beta is same level as our Beta."

"That's a good start, right?"


"Are you free for the next day? I promised to take them out for one day."

"Let me see the schedule first.... Yes, I'm free. So, text me the place and time."

"Okay love... it's time to drift to dreamland. You don't want to late for the first meeting right."

"Yes... so good night babe..." He reluctantly says good night.

"Good night, my sweetheart." He giggles a bit before cut off our line. I think I had four sons instead three.

Recently, my feeling a bit uneasy, something keeps tugging my feeling and Kai always disturb my night. Why after ten year 'him' comes haunting me again. He should be happy with whomever he chooses. The perfect Luna his always dream. Noted that is my sarcasm.

Just forget it. I can't wait to spend my time with my naughty sons. I really miss them so much. I had been bless with very best kids and they are very understanding with my job. They also have a look that can make boys or girls drooling when they start a high school.

The one thing I will never ever share with their biological father and my children never knows their other father existence. They believe they were from my previous relationship. And I never corrected that part. Call me whatever you want; heartless or cruel, I never give a shit. It's not my fault because he the one who rejected every single part of me anyways.

The next morning, I wake up a little early to practice my meditation. I had to practices this since I lost my beloved daughter, Lucy, to keep my enraged in check.

Our mating bond had fully healed in these past ten years - Blake said with some disappointment. He a bit odd wolf, not exactly so fond about his other half. I mean Kai's wolf.

"You should know Blake, the bond never broken, just a little crack because he was marking that bitch." I remind him.

Yeah, because that stupid elder broke your mating bond without use your real name.

"Right and someone keeps me from accepting his rejection, right." I said with a bit sarcastic toward my wolf.

He will die if you accepted it.

"Not exactly my business..."

You're stubborn like our dad.

I block him; I never know where my wolf stands for and it is a bit weird when he never goes feral or consume by madness after lost his mate. Maybe our lineage also keeps him safer and stronger than other werewolves.

I start my duty as per state in schedules; attend a meeting with hunter and other supernatural creatures. Our organization consists with human and supernatural being; to keep watch and exterminate the illegal dark organization who causes a harm to our being. Like what happened to my brother and me.

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