Chapter 19 - Reject

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Ralph POV

It had been two days since I woke up from deep slumber. My body still felt a slighted sore and I didn't see Kai from the moment I open my eyes till now. Some part of me relief and some part of me wanted to take a bit glance of his sturdy figure.

I stare blankly to ceiling with hundred thousand feeling. Scared, happy and rejected. My Wolf, Blake had told me about my pregnancies. That makes me scared to death. In common sense, man whether it human being or mythical creature can't bear any child. my body can bear the pups? I'm in all meaning is the guy from the day I born till now.

My mind swirled with that fact. Blake said that my being himself is miraculous and I inherited that was counted, as miracle does happen, not one but twice. In fact, I carried more than one pup. Each passing day, my maternal instinct takes over my feeling. My baby bump should be noticeable now.

But thank to prisoner clothes, it hide my baby bump perfectly. I carry the pack next Alpha but deep in my heart, my babies will not get any love from their biological father. Sad but it's a fact. I can't let Kai get my babies. I will end my life if my unborn babies left me as well. Jessie stopped coming to my cell. The last time, she came, she had tears for unknown reason. She patted my shoulder and advised me to stay strong.

"Sorry little dude, I can't get permission from our Alpha to take you for medical check-up." Jessie said with a slighted annoyed tone. I smiled to her.

It Okays Jessie. I'm healthy now and don't be consumed by my wolf jokes, okay. - I don't want anyone to know about my babies. They are mine and mine alone.

"Are you sure? I mean you're really not pregnant?"

Yes sis... my wolf somewhat mischievous and like playing a serious prank. So, don't be fooled by him. Man can't bore baby no matter what creature they are. I'm already weak werewolf so don't let they labelled me as a freak bizarre because the pregnancy stuff - I smile to hide my lie. Sorry Jessie I can't let any soul know my babies existence. You still a part of this shitty pack.

My wolf also agrees with me. We can't allow them to take our pups and Blake already into the overprotective wolf since this pregnancy occurred.

"We must find the way to escape from this damn prison before my stomach big for other people notice."

"Don't worry dude, just follow the flow. We will be releasing soon, but maybe a bit cruel to you." Blake said with hatred tone.

"I can take it Blake. Since these babies had Alpha gene, their growth will be rapidly develop than normal wolves pregnancies. It makes me worried endless every passing day."

"Not only will the Alpha gene, but your pure old bloodline gene also triggers them too."

"Pure old bloodlines? What that?"

"Royal old bloodline... your true nature. I sealed you past memory but after you deliver the babies I will unlock all your memories and your true power."

"That really was great. After living almost 17 years old without any power and as an outcast, now I learned I had greater power." I laughter.

"Sorry" Blake apologies.

"Don't worry... sometime be a weak had advantage. We can saw thoroughly someone perfect mask." I smiled bitterly.

Suddenly I felt my stomach churning very much. My heart like be stabbed by thousand needless. My heat suddenly increases uncontrolled. What had happened? The sweats form at my temple. I curl into ball to decrease some unbearable pain. My breath hard and I pant like my lung lack of oxygen. The really pain unbearable. My wolf also howling in painful and sad.

"Ralph... this pain was caused by our mate.... He has mated with another person. Let me rest a little bit. I will come up with something next." Blake falls into deep slumber. He takes a lot pained for me.

My tears falls like raining season. Kai really betrayed me nor can I ever forgives him. Why he complete our mating ritual if he chooses someone else? My heart shattered and my soul broken.

"Sorry pups, you are will be born out of a love relationship. But believe me pups, if I can through this I will love your with all I had." I caress my bump in sobbed situation. Such a bad parent, I'm. My eyes lids closed slowly until I fall into pitch-black oblivion.

I open my eyes upon hearing the cell door open, two guards coming inside, blindfold my eyes and dragged my limping body outside. They pushed me inside some kind of small cage where I can't stand up.

I lost count how many days I had been prison, can't differentiate between night and day anymore. Kai stopped coming in and had new mate. I bet his mate with Trisha. The bandage still wrapped around my neck or rather mating mark.

I can hear a noisy voice, as if they celebrate big news. I don't really care with any celebrating. Now, I wonder why they take me out.

I heard rustling clothes be pull out and a pair of hand untie my blindfold. My eyes blink because a sunlight. This is Alpha backyard; I lift my eyes and saw the figure of my mate with his girlfriend. His hand wrapped tightens at that fragile waist. Wait a minute, did that girl had a small bump? Are you kidding me?

My mate stares straight into my eyes. Maybe he felt annoyed when I evaluated his woman. I already tired with his silly games. Just released me, I never want to compete with other people. I closed my eyes to avoid my tear from falling down.

My heart as if stabs by invisible knife and bile attempt to make it out by my mouth. I bite my inner mouth wall.

"As you all now Trisha may not my mate but right now she carried our future Alpha. Therefore, I decide to take her as my legal wife and Luna for our pack. She will make as remarkable Luna." Each Kai word contains poison to my wolf and me. I curl my knee and use it to support my body. I failed to contain my tears.

"The elder also gives their permission to let me take Trisha as my mate. Hereby, I will reject my mate in officially ritual tonight. But I want you all to be my witness at this moment as a reminder that unproductive activity strictly banned from our pack..." the voice of the crowd makes me realized that his intention to reject me in front his pack members.

"I Alpha Kai Alexander Malcolm from Midnight Silent Pack with this reject my mate, Ralph Ash Meyer from this moment. With this, Ralph also will banish from this pack within one week to search a new pack or live as mere human." Kai said with Alpha authorized.

Half my self-burst into crazy laughs and the other half had sunk into infinity sadness. My wolf howls weak inside my mind.

Did you really want to reject me? How about our pups? They need you too. I pleaded with him. My pups can't survive among human and other pack will refuse to let other Alpha lineage into their territories.

"I reject even a tiny bit of your filthy being. You crime can't easily be pardoned yet you get a light punishment thanks to Trisha noble heart."

Kai rejected our unborn pups. I don't need him anymore. He had better not know about their existence. It better that way for us to go separate ways.

I Ralph... my sentence had been cut off by my wolf warming.

"..... He will die immediately if you accept his rejection." My wolf warns.

"What Should I do now? This pained unbearable." I told my wolf before the black spot take over my vision.


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