Chapter 53 - Self Talk

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I break free from Rick restraint, lunge and slammed Ralph's bother into the wall. I choke his throat, my eyes flicks from blue to silver and silver to blue. Randall releases his anger, fight with me to take over.

"Where. Is. My. Mate? Where is Ralph? You're such big liar." I hiss an inch from his face.

"You could sense is my word is lying or not. He maybe you mate, but remember he also my twin. He means a world to me too." Rion peels my finger and throw me into Kurt arms.

"... Damn it." He said while tugging his hair. A tear makes its way across his cheek.

"Kurt, you know about this matter, right? Please enlighten us. Kai has his right to know what happening to his mate." Rick half pleads to his mate when there is no sign for Rion to explain it.

Kurt turn his sight to me before sit me on the chair. He let out a heavy sigh before staring on everyone face presence in this small office. Rion gives him a nod to make him speak out their little secret.

"Ralph never left you or his sons because of his own choice. He was force to make a harsh decision as one of his duties that had written before he born. We have a war over one month ago. But the word never spread to common packs because the war took place on no-man's island.

"And... And..." Kurt voice was clog when he reminiscence the event. A cold sweat soaks my body.

"It all my fault... he fallen when he defended me. I thought I had killed, the ringleader and lead to another spot, but he doesn't die yet. He aimed at me, but Ralph dash to my side, take almost three silver bullets that avoid his internal organ and one normal bullet stuck in his brain. And one of silver bullet hit his cord spinal. He limps beside me." Rion is sobbing when tell us the event detail.

I clench my fist; turn my finger in pale color, Rick tries to comfort me. Why Ralph never tells me about this matter? I can help him too. Did he undermine my strength?

"Don't think about negative word Kai, my brother not as the person as you thought. He fears that if you join the fight too what would happen to your kids when you both die. At least now, one of you could raise them to be a better person." Rion continues saying in a monotone voice.

"Lead me to him now." I stare deadly to Rion. Never gives him a room to fight back. The outcomes might different if he let me fight too. He was too full with his ability. Damn, Ralph.

"Shouldn't you give notice to someone else for your absence?" Rion question me.

"No need. I'll wait here." Rick replied before I open my mind link to my dad.

Rion takes my hand, the surrounding become spinning. Rick figure becomes blurred and slowly fade. My sight can't handle it, so I instinct close my eyes.

"We're here." Rion speaks in less than five minutes, I think.

Beeps from heart machine sting my ears. I turn around, spot a pale figure laid soulless on white bed. No... it not true, right? My sight may play prank with me.

I got close to bed, my legs suddenly lost its balance and almost land on my ass if Rion late a second to catch me. Rion leads me closer to Ralph bed. His pale skin is paler, like there is never a drop of blood running in his vein.

"He has a dead brain, and almost one month in coma. We had done whatever we can to keep his alive, but his heart beating weakest every passing day. So, we decide to stop his life support machine."

"He doesn't die yet. You can't stop his life support. His life in my hand... I'll get him back to his normal life. I need him, my kids need him. You can't be a damn selfish to decide my mate life." I remain calm and attach my lips on Ralph. A weak spark burst from his cracked lips and mine.

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