Chapter 55 - Proposal

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A slap on my head has woken me up from my little sleep hour. Honestly, I'm very tired, my body sore and weaken every passed days. The pregnancy news takes a lot energy from mine. The main cause is I don't have any appetite to consume food and lack of sleeping.

I'm afraid, I would lose Ralph when I'm asleep. My life just hangs by a tiny thread. He must alive because everyone member of our family needs his presence.

I rub my heavy eyes, I feel someone staring at me. I turn around and meet an amazing hazel eye. The eyes I really miss and beg to open. I stare it in disbelieved. Did my eyes play a trick on my sight? Maybe I'm still in some dream.

We stare each other for a few minutes. A weak smile blossom from Ralph pale lips wake me up from my trance. The hazel eyes give me an amused and curious look. What should I do now? What word I need to express? My mouth opens and closes without any word out. My eyes start blurring when tears make threat to fall. I blink my eyes to avoid it fall.

"Hi Ralph... Thanks, goodness... you're waking up now? This isn't dream, right?" I slap my own face to confirm this is not some shit dream. I groan when it hit harder than I expected it. A pain spread across my cheek with hot tear rolling down it.

"Yes, it... real, Kai. No more... nightmare..." Ralph stuttering replied while wiping my tears. A spark erupts from his brushing finger. I search for water when Ralph starts coughing after speak a few words. His throat must really dry after unused for almost two months. A water spilled a few drops because my shaking hand.

How should I describe this feeling? It's fantastic, amazing and happiness blend together, to wash away all my worry, my fears and all negative awful feeling I had when he in deep slumber. I was given another chance, that I never fucked it again.

"Kai... calm down..." Ralph said with a worried look.

"I'm glad you finally wake up. Everyone has lost their hope. But, me... I believe you would open back those amazing hazel eyes... because you're so strong." I said under my breath when hand the glass to him. He takes it with a thanking smile.

"Come here, mate. I want to see your baby bump." Wait, did he just call me as a mate? Maybe I just mishear it. He opens his arm for me, which I take without batting eyes. I miss him. I dream his touch and accepting. Dear Moon Goddess, please don't let this moment die. He is mine and mine alone.

"Ralph pleases... please promise me, you'll never put that dangerous stunt ever again, no matter how much you hate me. Even for the rest of my life. We all need your presence; me, our three sons and this unborn pup." I tried to avoid my choking and cry, but failed miserably. I cry all my lung in his chest. His arms wrap around me, soothing and calm me. He hums some unrecognized tune, which simply grab me into sleeping zone.

A sound of chirping birds wakes me up. They're work more effective than an alarm clock. I groan when my feet meet the floor. Don't know that pregnancies, making you want to kill someone. And that someone is the man who sleep soundly at the other side of my bed.

My feet are swollen badly; it's hard to walk around even in house perimeter. I bend my body, minding my swollen stomach to put a good morning kiss on Ralph's forehead. He wriggles a bit, but still sleep.

I go to the bathroom, finish my morning business. I undress myself to take a good bath; I want to soak in the warm-soothing bath. I hate my fat body now, feel very ugly, and even can't see my own dick.

When the water fills the tub, I close the tap and soak myself. The warm water eases my back pain.

"Hi Will, how are you today? Sorry if you can read your papa crazy thought. I didn't mean to push it to you or your dad. It's just my hormonal factor whatsoever people call it. Never ever, think us never welcoming you. You are our precious son just like your brothers. We all excite waiting for our close up meeting." A small kick answers my talk. This kid took my habit as early bird.

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