Chapter 21 - Betrayal

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Ralph POV

"Be strong Ralph, you can't continue dwelling in depression. Think about pups, our pups. They need you." Blake urged me to wake up.

However, my eyes still glues tightly. Now, I'm in a pitch black room without any single ray of light surrounding my body. My body doesn't follow my brain command.

"Blake, where are you?"

"I'm here. Thankfully, that our links still connected. You scared me to the death." Blake was pouting.

"Where are we?"

"In your coma state."

"Are you hurt? Sorry... it was my fault that our mate rejected us."

"It was not your fault, Ralph."

"How was pups condition?"

"They're still here, in your stomach."

"Thanks Goddess. I want to leave this pack immediately. I don't want any fucking soul here know about my babies, please Blake. Please help me." I desperately beg my wolf.

"We will think the way. By the way, please open your eyes now, the danger approaches us." Blake voice contains worried.

"But I'm really tired now. Let me rest for a while." The connection had broken.

".... Hurry up Ralph... wake up." Blake growls loudly in my mind. I force my eyes to open.

"How many days I black out? The room was totally dark. Seem like I cast back to prison.

"Almost four days. You mating bond was forcibly severed to save Kai life three days ago. During that time, I take over your body. You're mateless now. "Blake explained to me, but his version of the story seems to hide some fact.

~~~Blake Flashback~~~

I anticipated this would happen. That person never will sit and watching without interfere. This pack is foolish, discard the precious person that another person wishes to have it with or without force.

Ralph condition turns to worst after two times rejection. However, that child kindness never ceased no matter what treatment his received. However, the other person will it not slip easily. The person will not tolerate when Ralph was mistreated. Their bond was stronger than the mate bond. Unfortunately, Ralph has forgotten everything about the person.

Today had proof that my instinct was true. That person takes over Ralph after him unconscious. He had rejected Ralph mate merciless. As a consequence, Kai condition hundred folds worse than Ralph. If nobody can't find the right cure, Kai life will end within a month despite his Alpha blood. He never could endure that pain. Joel the elders show the knowing look about the situation. I swear, I had met with Joel a long time ago.

The next day, the all-powerful elders had assembled to sever Ralph and Kai mating bond. Kai falls into a coma and the situation very hectic. He heat very high, force the pack doctor used the ices to lower his heat. Many pack members curse and want the former Alpha to sentence Ralph with death.

Reality, nobody can sever their mating bond without Ralph consent. Kai, maybe the dominance, but Ralph true nature more terrified. After, the mating break done, they throw Ralph into the cell again. I really worried about our pups.

After three days, Kai back to normal after Joel feed him with something called elixir. He back to normal and now in his plane to honeymoon. Seem the highest up want to keep distance between him and Ralph. They will probably kill Ralph.

~~~End of Flashback~~~

"" I called Blake when I sense a danger approach. Around six rouges broke inside prison, release other rouges, and attack me. They swung me into their shoulder. I afraid not, because my life will end if anything happen to my unborn pups.

The rouges run into deep forest, to another no-man land or territories. I don't know where I'm or where they will head out. It's been several week we in a run. I spot someone familiar within the rouges members. Their leader is the powerful female warrior, and the current Beta's aunt. I think I know what is going on now, I guess.

Brilliant, so brilliant Kai. This is how you want to erase me completely. You use your aunt-in-law to do your dirty plan. I laughed in my inner mind. My heart chaos and hatred began to take over.

Blake has been shut down by their injection. Gladly the rouges didn't use any physical abuse that can harm the babies.

My thought shattered when the female she-wolf came and grabbed my hair. Her eyes beam with hatred and cruel thought.

"Don't blame me mute, your beloved ex-mate orders us to kill you because no other packs will accept you after several incidents before. Your presence only brought a misfortune to the pack and neighborhood pack. You abomination being must be eliminate soon." She smirks to me.

"Now go and greets the underworld god or rest beside the Moon goddess, filthy rat." She continued ranting.

The rouges burst into an edible laugh with her statement. Enjoy the moment before I finally left this world. Since Kai discovered I am his mate, the misfortune was worse than before. Whom I want to blame for? The innocent life in my stomach also has been dragged together in my messy situation.

Sorry pups...I'm the bad father and they wanted to kill us before you all can learn about the world, about a life. Sorry...I am sorry...sorry... sorry my beloved pups. - I whispered to my unborn baby. By now, I can faintly feel their kicks. Maybe this is their ways to comfort me.

That woman took out a hunting knife and in a flash, the knife sink in my chest. The rouge had restraint my hand and legs. She pulls out the knife and pours a liquid into the stabbed hole. I scream loudly. The stings unbearable and my blood flood out freely. They dump my body into river stream before I lost my conscious.

Somehow, I know Blake is taking over my body to save our life. I never thought Kai would be this cruel. Maybe I can't judge people properly.


Short Chapter...

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