Chapter 25 - True Face

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Four months had passed since Ralph disappeared from our territories. The search party I deployed also back without any words. No clue to help us, as if Ralph never exists in the first place. His family just continues their life without any remorse when my Beta, Rick informed them about Ralph had been taken by rogue group.

Trisha throws her tantrum when she coincidentally heard my discussion with Rick about Ralph search mission. She had boycotted me almost one month with back up from my parents, her parents and two elders.

They urged me to pull out any search for that ungrateful member. Rick advised me to put all search parties on hold. At least, let all tense being loose before starting any other search party. Rick had been my great supporting while everybody else opposes my plan.

Where he is now? My heart felt really empty nowadays. I also had been a bit cold and nonchalant toward Trisha. My mum advised me to throw out any negative feeling from Trisha. She is almost to reach her due date in less one and half month.

Some members and relatives start suspicious about the father of the Trisha unborn baby. It's common for Alpha pups bear in four month pregnancy. My parent sealed their lip tightly because they knew the cause of our hurried married.

Now, my mind and heart had cleared about something. I realized I never in love with Trisha even before I knew about my mate. I mistakenly thought my feeling toward her was love at first sighted because of my inner pride and ego.

Well, many other supernatural from many ranks tries to own Trisha. Some of them unconscious had dared me to confess to Trisha. Because of my stupid Alpha pride, I take that dared seriously. Now, I had tasted my own medicine when my true mate coming. How much I had hurt him. Now he is forever missing from my sight, from my life. very funny. The one I rejected very cruelly now haunted my dream every night. Invaded my night endlessly, wake up me in nothingness. Just the lonely and regret blanket me for every time and every second of my life.

We had done what we supposed to prevent, Kai. Nothing can erase what we had inflicted to our innocence mate. You and me, we both blinded to see a truth. My wolf, Randall said in remorse voice. He never blamed me.

Yeah...he had walked out of our life forever. We will lucky if he still alive on the outside world.... However, we will doom if his life is end. Because we the one who will be his murdered. I said with regretful. My wolf whines upon heard it.

I pray him still alive. We must atone our sin if one day we found him. If he ever come here again. Randall whispers in hopeful voice. He also regrets with our decision to choose Trisha over Ralph. We should properly heard Ralph reason before jumped into conclusion.

If we have the chance to meet him once again, I will definitely do anything to beg his forgiveness. My wolf agreed with my decision.

We had been a great actor and professional lies when I decided to marry Trisha. I deceived my pack members, elder, and my own parents to approve our married. I hurt the one I supposed to protect with my life, my mate because he is male and his disability factor.

My mistakes are too big to be amend in my lifetime. During this last month, my inner self felt restless. My mind always been occupied by Ralph, seem like my primal instinct pick some hint about my ex-mate.

Last week, I felt some unbearable pained shot through my stomach and I black out in the middle of a werewolf community meeting. The pack doctor doesn't find any cause that triggers my black out. In other word, my health is top notch.

I still remember when my sight blanket by black atmosphere, I heard babies crying non-stop. It more than once baby, but I never told any soul about it. They might accuse me crazy since many un-answer thing has happened since the rejection ritual.

Now, I devoted myself to be a great husband and a great father to our unborn baby. I never repeat my mistake again and hurt anyone else. But, Trisha mood and behavior always make my resolve in waver.

Our life marry consisted more fight than living as a loving couple. She always tries to find my fault, so I'm too. Trisha had discarded her fake perfect mask now, she turn to be a worst arrogant Luna. My mum said it because the mood swing, but I never believed it.

Trisha was like a world professional actress, hiding her true nature from the other. Now, when I think back, maybe this was a reason why Rick has always opposed our relationship before. My Beta still not found his mate yet.

One day, Trisha wakes up me around four in the morning. She is groaning and screaming painfully when shook my body. I open my eyes, took a heavy slap as my great breakfast in my left cheek.

"Wake up bastard... my water is broken and this thing will go out any soon." Trisha curses and thrash on the bed sheet.

"We will go to pack doctor now." I get out of bed. Randall crawl and scratch inside me to punish Trisha rudely attitude just now. I am carrying her out of our bedroom and went to pack hospital.

I mind link with my family, my in-law family, and Rick to inform them about Trisha. In ten minutes, they had surrounded and questioning me why I doesn't accompany Trisha to the labour room.

"Alpha, Luna asks your presence now." The pack's nurse come and break the tense atmosphere

"Okay... I will go in now." I answer.

I walk into the labor room and see Trisha trash on Labor chair. The doctor tries their best to calm Trisha.

"Alpha...we must use a C-section method because Trisha can't push the child out. If we delay any longer, I afraid the child will lose her life." The doctor explained to me.

"Okay..." I give my permission. My wolf hasn't stirred around nor did he excite about our baby. Seem like Randall still sulking with Trisha attitude.

They inject the sedative on Trisha's stomach and begun the C-section operation. After 20 minutes, a cry fills the labour room. The nurse takes and cleans the baby. She wraps it in pink bundle before giving it to me.

The baby so small and nothing like Trisha or me. I watch the baby carefully and then the shock stabs me. This baby is an omega. How will I explain to my pack members? The doctor and nurse stare each other. They are also shocked by the fact that the baby is omega.

She is not ours. That explains why it is omega. Maybe one of the rapists is actually omega. Randall whispers into my mind. He sneered to the little baby.

"Julia Lillian Malcolm... that my child's name." I said disappointed.

The other nurse clean Trisha bleeding body and push the bed into normal ward. My family rush to me as I walked out from that room.

"How is the baby? Did they both safe?" My mother said an excitedly. The nurse came and save my explanation. She passes the sleeping baby to me.

"Meet my daughter...Julia Lillian Malcolm." I said in uninterested voice. My mum took it, gasp, and shock.

"Omega... how can it be? Never hear in Alpha lineage had omega pup." My mum stares me.

"What happens is happens mum... We don't have any power in that realm." My dad leans into hospital wall. I know I had disgraces all Alpha dignity because of my stupid decision.

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