'Part 17 - Once Peaceful Day

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' Part 17 - One Peaceful Day

Yeosang arrived at Jongho's apartment as well as Choi San's, just different blocks. Jongho put on his room's lock passcode. He looked at Yeosang before he pressed the green button. "So do you gonna sleep here or there?", pointing to San's apartment. Yeosang shrugged and did not answer, which means he is going to Jongho's.

"Then make yourself at home", Jongho giggles as he opens the door. Yeosang just nods and gets inside together with Jongho. He took his shoes and cardigan off, his eyes roaming around Jongho's apartment. Spacious and modernized interior, but it looks empty. "Yeosang hyung, you can use the guest room, there is also a bathroom inside", Jongho said.

"You guys sure are so rich", Yeosang said as he took a seat on the sofa. "Well, I'm not as rich as Sanie hyung", Jongho said while ruffling his styled hair, making it messy. "I figured", Yeosang agreed. Yeosang then took his phone out. He read the messages from Wooyoung, Mr. Choi San and surprisingly, from Changbin.

"I think you should lend Sanie hyung's shirt? Since mine will be so loose on you", Jongho said while showing two oversized shirts. "Shirt is no problem, the problem's the pants", Yeosang hummed as he took one of the shirts. "Should I call him?", Jongho asked. "Well...", Yeosang just nodded.

Jongho called San and they could hear the bell and foot stomping. "Yeosang!", Mr. Choi San came running and approached Yeosang, cupping his face with both of his hands. "Are you okay?", San asked. Yeosang just blinked his eyes and pushed San's hands off his face slowly. "I am", Yeosang said.

Cough. Jongho just coughed, making San move away from Yeosang. San rolled his eyes and he leaned to give a peck on Yeosang's lips. Yeosang backed away a little and he looked at Jongho. "I do not see", Jongho said while drinking the americano he just made.

San wrapped his arms around Yeosang tightly as he glared at Jongho. "You are not going to touch him, right?", San asked his lil cousin. "I am a well mannered guy, unlike someone", Jongho said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, a lot of people already touch me", Yeosang answered coldly. Jongho just bursts into laughter while San puts his finger into Yeosang's lips. "I should punish you", San said while winking at him. "Is the contract still valid?", Yeosang asked with San's finger still on his lip. "Go get a room", Jongho groaned.

"Should we go to my house then?", San asked. Yeosang just stares at him before he looks at Jongho. "I am tired", Yeosang answered. Jongho blinks his eyes after witnessing his cousin's shocked face by the rejection he got. "Ah.. okay then", then San gave Yeosang his pants before going back to his house.

"Are you okay with staying here?", Jongho asked again while stretching his arms. "Stop asking", Yeosang just shrugged as he went to the room Jongho offered him for. The freaking big room just for guests. He then goes to clean himself and then change shirt. Yeosang goes out of his room to ask for a hair dryer. He paused because he saw Jongho were focusing on his PC. 'What a workaholic', Yeosang thought because it's freaking 2 am.

Finishing his meeting online, Jongho found Yeosang asleep on the sofa with his slightly wet hair. "Hyung", Jongho tapped on his shoulder slightly. Yeosang stirred in his sleep before he opened his eyes, Jongho was glad that Yeosang's a light sleeper. "You should dry your hair first and then go to sleep in your room", he said. Yeosang rubbed his eyes and slowly took a seat.

"What time is it?", he asked. "4 am", Jongho said. Yeosang hummed as he took the towel from Jongho's hand to dry his hair. "Do you have a hair dryer?", Yeosang asked. "Oh, it's in my room", Jongho said. "Can I borrow it?", Yeosang looked up to meet Jongho's eyes. "Wait a minute", Jongho quickly turned his face away and went to his room to grab a hair dryer.

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