' Part 21 - Walked Out

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a/n: surprise! hehe! another update, idk I got motivated all of sudden. so ... happy reading and hope you guys like it!

 happy reading and hope you guys like it!

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Part 21 – Walked Out

"Hello, there my beautiful Son...",

Yeosang's body was shaking so badly, those breaths hitting his skin really disgusted him. He tried to gulp down his fear while thinking what he should do to encounter this man right here. His freaking step father and he even dared to be his customer. Yeosang immediately knows what he was thinking and the danger Yeosang is about to face.

'Think Yeosang think', Yeosang is still shaking as he tries his best to act cool.

He thought in the most childish way and taking the risks.

"Hello there Mr. Choi", Yeosang greets him in the most cold and elegant ways making him taken aback but amused, remembering how he broke this boy in front of him before.

"Okay then Mr. Choi, have fun with our Y.E. You guys can go to the room next to this lobby", the boss said. He already closed all the VIP rooms upstairs, but he somehow dumbs enough and can't even observe which customers were the best or the worst.


"What the fuck are you doing here, old man?", Yeosang snapped as they got into the room. He smirked as he caressed Yeosang's cheek, then cupped his chin. "for having fun with you?", he shamelessly said. "Are you kidding me? What are you doing to my mom now?", he asked while pushing his arms away from him. "I dumped her, of course. '' he answered so lightly. 

His arms moved into Yeosang's waist and trailed down to his ass, as he squeezed on it. Yeosang put his hands on Mr. Choi's chest as he pushed him to the wall, pressing him. "Fuck you".

"Don't you need money?", he smirked. Yeosang just chuckles slowly. "Looks at this slut", he licked his lower lips before grinding his clothed bulge with Yeosang's. "It's a bar not prostitute", Yeosang trying to pushes him, but then he got an idea as he pulled his step-father by his collar. "Only if you bring me to the hotel", he whispered seductively, making the old man's face brighten. "Oh, you want me to take you there?".

'Gotcha', Yeosang said inside his heart. "Hm, but I got a lot of customers today, maybe you should find other schedules' ', Yeosang said. "Stop with the excuses' ', he said firmly.

"I'm fully booked, old man. You are the one who made me become the number one slut", Yeosang said. "You better have fun with me here for an hour, following the rules of the payment, then go find other days to book me all day long, simple", Yeosang continues, challenging him. "Fine, then you better entertain me now", the old man said as he pulled Yeosang into a kiss.


Yeosang wobbly walked to the alley as he couldn't stop crying and he kept panting. He slouched down as he held onto his clothes. His body shakes so hard, head spinning at how the memories suddenly creep in. The bad memories of those guys harassing him as that old man watching. His panic attacks suddenly came after he finished an hour in hell. 

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