'Part 18 - The Hands that He is Waiting For

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ps: hehe surprised again. happy reading. annoying smut alert.


' Part 18 - The hands that He is Waiting For

"Kiss me",

Yeosang staring at his friend, is he dumb or something, that's what he thought first before his hand found his way toward Wooyoung's cheeks.Yeosang pulling him closer and he smirked on how Wooyoung flinched, bet he also didn't mean what he said.

"If you dare complain after this...", Yeosang whispers against Wooyoung's lips before he pressed their lips together. Wooyoung's eyes widened and he just froze. Yeosang tastes vanilla but he doesn't feel anything about their kisses.

He pushed Yeosang away as he lacked air. "The fuck-", Wooyoung wipe his lips, his face redden while Yeosang just easily licked his lower lip. "Not feeling anything, right?", he asked Wooyoung. "YOU-!", Wooyoung groaned before crashing into Yeosang, burying his embarrassment on his best friend's chest. "Next time be careful when you speak, I'm not surprised if suddenly you tell me you're in someone's room...naked", Yeosang whispered as he teases Wooyoung.

"I will be glad if I am naked in Mr. Choi San's room", Wooyoung muttered. Yeosang felt something uncomfortable in his heart when Wooyoung mentioned Choi San. He just brushed his off with chuckles and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's before they fell asleep on the sofa together.


Yeosang opened his eyes and startled when he met Yunho and Mingi's eyes, with Wooyoung still asleep on him. "Bestie, why did you guys sleep without locking your house?", Yunho shook his head while Mingi put the food they brought. "Sleepyass wake up", Yunho said while pushing Wooyoung's head lightly. "Ey, why are you guys here?", Wooyoung asked while he moved from Yeosang and sat on the edge of the sofa.

Yeosang just lay still while looking at them sleepily. "I need to talk to Yeosang, something important", Mingi said as he came back and sat next to Yunho. "What happened?", Wooyoung asked cluelessly. Yeosang then tossed his body so he could face Mingi properly, he's not answering but he listens. "What is your relationship with Changbin?", Mingi asked.

Wooyoung's eyes widened and he bolted up. "Are you still meeting him?!", Wooyoung yelled. Yeosang just covered his ears and sighed. "Just been on quick dates with him, twice? Or maybe three times?", Yeosang answered. "I told you not to, aren't I?", Mingi sighed. "It's not like he will kill me", Yeosang murmured. "He will", Yunho said while putting his head on Mingi's lap. "Oh~", said Yeosang lightly. "It's not 'Oh', Kang Yeosang", Mingi said firmly.

Yeosang's eyes turned darker after Mingi was all serious about his own business. "I know you are all upset about us getting in the middle of your life", Mingi continues. Yeosang just staring at him and not even answering. "But this Changbin has been following you everywhere, and I know you are not aware of that", Mingi said. "He did what?", Wooyoung groaned. "When he already knows you work there, or maybe he does, and when you take the wrong step, he will easily get you. He has everything to take you over, Kang Yeosang", Mingi said.

"Is the story over yet?", Yeosang yawned. "Kang Yeosang", Yunho growled. Yeosang then took a seat, looking at the three of them. "Listen, I do what I want to do, I know what I do and I take all the risks on it, even if it costs a life", Yeosang said. "Stop worrying about me. Live your life as it should be guys", he continues. "We just want to help", Yunho said. "No one is really able to save me since the beginning, Jung Yunho", Yeosang said firmly. "But-", Yunho's words getting cut by Wooyoung's. "I will be fine", said Yeosang again.

"But you are not", Wooyoung said in his heart.

"If the thing Mingi was afraid of happened, what would you do?", Wooyoung asked softly. Yeosang just pressed a thin line. "Let me take care of everything myself", he said. Three of them just could sighed over their cold-hearted friend. "But please find us if you need help, do not hide it yourself", Yunho said with concern. Yeosang just remained silent since he never actually relied on Yunho, Mingi and Wooyoung. It's just them who are always there for him.

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